ROBERT GODMAN  aka Rob Godman 



613) 747 7800 Ext. 3202 Email

He is known as having worked for CASO for over 10 years and is apparently bi-lingual.

Like most CAS workers he has kept a remarkably low profile and is not mentioned in any know case law.

He is one of the "faceless people" at the CAS who makes most of the decisions by the Child Protection Workers under him

however, when it comes to responsibility, they become increasingly invisable.



Ottawa  Child Protection Workers who have fabricated evidence include

Karyn Wyatt  Phil Hiltz-Laforge and Liam Bowman


If you have any information regarding any Child Protection Worker, Supervisor, Lawyer

or any employee or "contractor" who engages in improper conduct

please email .


The Ottawa Children's Aid Society is one the most notorious  52 private corporations that operate devoid of oversight in the province of Ontario

and who operate like a secret police force. The reality is, these secret society employees operate more like a cult than a government department

which they are not.  Don't bother our new feminist premier, her partner is part of the CAS machine.


More about ROBERT GODMAN aka Rob Godman.

He  frequently works with Children's Aid Society Lawyer, Marguerite Isobel Lewis and is seen several times a week walking around

in close company with Marguerite Isobel Lewis, a long time lawyer for the Children's Aid Society who fabricates evidence personally.


Marguerite Isobel Lewis recently fabricated evidence in order to protect a Phil Hiltz-Laforge a Child Protection  Worker who also fabricates evidence.

Her email is and she can be contacted at (613) 747-7800 Ext. 3241



If you have any information or concerns regarding any Lawyer, Child Protection Worker, Supervisor etc

of the Children's Aid Society Email  or call 613 797-3237