Women join fathers' fight

The arrival in Australia of Fathers for Justice (F4J) from the UK to raise awareness of the plight of some fathers and children in the Family Court is well overdue, and we are very grateful to the POST for reporting our protest ("Dads in lofty campaign for Family Law changes", POST 5/6).

Every father who is separated legally from his children has a mother who never sees her grandchildren.

The F4J membership is also made up of grandmothers and second wives who have been disadvantaged by Family Law decisions and others based on domestic violence issues.

The latest flurry of domestic violence advertising continues to promote the debunked stereotypes of male abusers and female victims when this is based on distorted misinformation and half-truths.

Spouse and child abuse are gender neutral, yet there is no women's domestic violence helpline or shelter for male victims.

Fathers for Justice will continue to grow in number and protest more vigorously.

We will not rest until this truth is acknowledged and measures are put in place to correct this injustice.

Children need both parents.

Lionel A. Richards
state coordinator, F4J
PO Box 1081, Fremantle