Fathers 4 Justice Split Up
June 20, 2005
Fathers 4 Justice, famous for scaling landmarks in several countries
dressed in superhero costumes such as Batman and Robin, and Spiderman has
decided to abandon their famous publicity stunts for a more traditional
lobbying approach to advance fathers' rights. Matt O'Connor, the founder of Fathers 4 Justice, announced on Sunday that it
was time for the organization to "grow up" and embark on lobbying
efforts to convince politicians of the need for reform in family law. A
demonstration planned by the group for Father's Day in London was also
cancelled. The group itself has been going through turbulent times as high-profile
members have been expelled while reports of mismanagement, threats and sexist
behavior have surfaced. David Chick, who dressed as Spiderman in November of 2003 and caused a closing
of the roads surrounding the Tower Bridge in London, stated he believes
that O'Connor has "sold out" by negotiating with the British Children
and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS). Some of the more
militant members who have been asked to leave plan to form a new group called
"Real Fathers 4 Justice." O'Connor remains optimistic, however, and plans to relaunch F4J later this
year without the militant members. "At the start we had to adopt a high-profile strategy. But I fear I
opened a can of worms. There is a group of angry fathers that were jeopardising
everything," he said.