Letter published in the Globe and Mail

Friday, June 15, 2007


Ottawa Mens Centre.com, from Ottawa Capital of Male Apartheid, Canada) wrote:

Today is a sad day for the hundreds of thousands of Canadian children who are prevented from having any relationship whatsoever with their fathers for no other reason than a judge made a feminist political decision rather than a legal decision. Judges in Ontario are issuing restraining orders like confetti for no other purpose than to do indirectly what they cannot do directly in law. In some cases family court judges simply issue unnecessary and illegal restraining orders to keep children away from perfectly normal loving fathers. The same children frequently reside with a mother with all the obvious symptoms of a serious mental health problem and a record for violence. If you attend family court its a never ending tale of injustice that is enough to make your blood boil. Take Judge Denis Power of the Ontario Superior Court in Ottawa. In September of 2001 Justice W.G. Beatty of the Ontario Court of Justice issued an order for an expedited trial of custody and access after he was presented evidence that the original order was obtained by the fraud of the mother's lawyer. Another Ontario provincial judge at the same time issued 5 criminal charges against the mother. The mother moved from Timmins Ontario to Kingston and to stop the trial asked for a restraining order, not for any stalking or threats but because "the litigation was harassment". Justice Denis Power in his decision said "I can't do anything about the decision of Justice Beatty but I can issue a restraining order". Justice Denis Power then issued a restraining order banishing the father from the City of Kingston, AND, hit the father with an order for costs for $6,000 which PERMANENTLY bars the father from seeking a change to that order and means that the restraining order remains in effect PERMANENTLY even though the mother moved out of Kingston and now resides a few kilometres away from the father with the daughter who has never seen her father since birth. www.OttawaMensCenre.com

