None of us are even married under … the law'
Facing possible legal action, B.C. polygamous sect's
deposed bishop denies having 26 wives and says he hopes for judicial
From Wednesday's Globe and Mail
May 28, 2008 at 2:25 AM EDT

Winston Blackmore, a former leader of a B.C.
polygamist sect, shares a laugh with six of his daughters and some of
his grandchildren last month. (Jonathan Hayward/The
Canadian Press)
Winston Blackmore, a former leader of a B.C. polygamist sect, says he is
strongly opposed to new teachings in the religion that dictate how
members dress and wear their hair, keep them away from computers and out
of postsecondary schools, and isolate them from outsiders.
“It makes
me sick,” he said, to think about the “new training” followed by members
of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in
Canada and at a Texas compound recently raided by authorities.
Distancing himself from the FLDS and the teachings of its prophet
Warren Jeffs, Mr. Blackmore said in an exclusive interview with The
Globe and Mail that the so-called revelations of Mr. Jeffs were
inconsistent with the scriptures and “neither Christian, Mormon or
In a series of e-mail exchanges with The Globe and Mail over the past
three weeks, Mr. Blackmore said he expects to be treated fairly by B.C.
Attorney-General Wally Oppal, who is reviewing advice on legal action
against the polygamist community of Bountiful in the southeast corner of
the province. “I hear that [Mr. Oppal] was a fair judge. For the sake of
his career, I hope that it can be said of him that he was a fair
politician,” Mr. Blackmore said.
You (Ottawa Mens, from Ottawa, Canada) wrote: President John Kennedy was well known for his many relationships, as have
been many other very famous world leaders. Our family courts are full of
women obtaining child support for series of children all with different
fathers who are frequently excluded from parenting. Surely the denial of a
child's right to a father is of more serious a concern than any "right" to
have multiple partners in an established recognized relationship. If two men
or two women can obtain a marriage certificate with a child or children
deprived of a mother or a father, is that not more of a concern regarding
the violation of a child's right to a mother and a father? The FLDS's
obvious psychological harm to children is real but very different to those
who simply chose to live with several spouses of the opposite gender.
Any legal inquiry into "polygamy" outside the normal child protection
concerns is nothing less than a diversion from the very serious issue of
Canada's failure to legislate a child's right to equal parenting after
separation by both parents. Currently we have "Male gender apartheid" that
systematically criminalizes men for simply being devoted fathers protecting
their child's right to have a relationship with their father. Courts
increasingly make orders for support on incomes that do not exist, not for
any legal reasons but for reasons to economically destroy fathers and to
prevent them from litigating the best interests of children.
Increasingly, family court judges engage in bizarre reasoning that is called
"the process of justification", that is they take any bizarre far fetched
allegation of a woman, and write a legal decision to sanitize the evidence
and permanently deprive children of their right to have a relationship with
their father and end up with a biological mother and another woman who
dresses like a dad. Ottawa Men's Centre dot com
But Mr. Blackmore, a bishop in the religion from 1984 until he was
shunned in 2002, is also counting on the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to
protect him.
“I hope our government has enough respect for the freedoms of its
citizens to not allow a Texas-style religious persecution to happen under
the skinny pretext that some polygamy law meant anything to anyone. Hell,
none of us are even married under definition of the law, and most don't fit
the definition of a common-law relationship either,” he said.
“If there was not tens of thousands of people in B.C. that were involved
in more than one ongoing relationship, then perhaps we wouldn't feel like we
are being religiously persecuted and discriminated against.”
News media reports stating that he has 26 wives and 116 children are
wrong, he added. “[The] fact is that I do not have 26 wives, never have had,
never plan on it. And I do not have 116 kids,” he said.
Pressed to specify how many wives and children he does have, Mr.
Blackmore said: “I have no legal wives and lots of family members.”
Last month, Texas child protection officials took into custody more than
450 children and youngsters under the age of 18, including at least one
Canadian, after finding evidence of what they described as sexual abuse and
a pervasive pattern of grooming children for underage sex.
Last week, a Texas court ruled that the evidence was not sufficient to
justify the apprehension of all the children, and that the children should
be returned to their families within 10 days.
Child-protection authorities, who are waiting for DNA results to confirm
the identity of the mother and father of each child, appealed the court
order. The Texas Child Protective Services told the court that child
protection workers could not conclusively establish which children belonged
to which parents. The court has not yet ruled on the appeal.
Mr. Jeffs, who has been the leader of the sect since his father, Rulon
Jeffs, died in 2002, micromanaged the private lives of couples, breaking up
hundreds of families for reasons that the prophet said were not yet
revealed, according to Mr. Blackmore. Family units were “rearranged,”
children renamed and identities changed, he said.
Mr. Jeffs required his followers to cut all ties with outsiders,
including Mr. Blackmore. The new teachings split the religious community,
the insular neighbourhoods, even families. Mr. Blackmore said his brother
Brandon, who supports Mr. Jeffs, has not gone to see their mother in six
years, although she lives five blocks from him.
Mr. Blackmore said he was neither a member of a FLDS congregation nor a
leader of any other religious community. “I keep busy and basically mind my
own business,” he said, adding that he acts in his capacity as a religious
minister when called upon by others. Occasionally, he added, he meets with
others who do not follow Mr. Jeffs.
Mr. Blackmore declined to give the name of his faith group. In 1990, he
told a reporter that his sect, which he called the United Order Effort, was
the true Mormon church.
Elder W. T. David Murray of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints said a polygamist could not be a member of the Mormon church.
“[Polygamy] is not part of our belief. We do not have anything to do with
it,” he said in a phone interview from Toronto. Although polygamy was part
of a fundamental belief of the church in the 19th century, the religion
renounced it in 1890. Those who practice polygamy automatically lose church
The FLDS broke from the mainstream Mormon Church (or was excommunicated
from it, depending on which account you read) in the 1930s over the issue of
Mr. Murray said he views polygamy as illegal behaviour. “I don't agree
with it. I don't think it is right. It is against the laws of the land, and
I believe it should be stopped,” he said.
Mr. Blackmore said he has a book offer from a publisher, but he had not
yet decided whether to publish his memoirs.
“It may be something that I write and then leave in my safe for a few
years,” he said. “I already have more attention than anyone can stand and
don't want any more.”
Our commentary in the Globe and Mail
Ottawa Mens, from
Ottawa, Canada wrote: President John Kennedy was well known for his
many relationships, as have been many other very famous world leaders. Our
family courts are full of women obtaining child support for series of children
all with different fathers who are frequently excluded from parenting. Surely
the denial of a child's right to a father is of more serious a concern than any
'right' to have multiple partners in an established recognized relationship. If
two men or two women can obtain a marriage certificate with a child or children
deprived of a mother or a father, is that not more of a concern regarding the
violation of a child's right to a mother and a father? The FLDS's obvious
psychological harm to children is real but very different to those who simply
chose to live with several spouses of the opposite gender.
Any legal inquiry into 'polygamy' outside the normal child protection concerns
is nothing less than a diversion from the very serious issue of Canada's failure
to legislate a child's right to equal parenting after separation by both
parents. Currently we have 'Male gender apartheid' that systematically
criminalizes men for simply being devoted fathers protecting their child's right
to have a relationship with their father. Courts increasingly make orders for
support on incomes that do not exist, not for any legal reasons but for reasons
to economically destroy fathers and to prevent them from litigating the best
interests of children.
Increasingly, family court judges engage in bizarre reasoning that is called
'the process of justification', that is they take any bizarre far fetched
allegation of a woman, and write a legal decision to sanitize the evidence and
permanently deprive children of their right to have a relationship with their
father and end up with a biological mother and another woman who dresses like a
dad. Ottawa Men's Centre dot com
Posted 28/05/08 at 12:48 PM EDT
Ottawa Mens, from Ottawa, Canada wrote:
Blackmore is smiling for good reason, our Canadian judicial system is a very
sick joke based on political correctness rather than legal correctness. Militant
feminists have gained control of our judicial system and imposed male gender
apartheid all for the substantive purpose of enforcing official acceptance of
lesbian relationships where men are regarded as next to vermin and suitable for
the sole purpose of providing sperm. The attitudes are frequently developed from
a dysfunctional childhood where sexual abuse was often a common denominator in
dormant mental health problems and personality disorders that result in a long
term pathological hatred of men. Children suffer emotional harm growing up in a
culture of hatred towards men yet, this is all fine and dandy in todays post
Trudeau culture where our legislation encourages the destruction of heterosexual
No one can accuse the Blackmore clan of not having a father, at least his
children have a father and they know who their biological father is.
Birth certificates assume the mother is the prime parent, there is no real
obligation on a mother to even mention a fathers name on a birth certificate.
This needs drastic change. Every child has a right to know his or her father and
if the mother fails to provide this information then a DNA test should be
completed and the paternity markers entered in place of the "unknown father".
Most of the time such blank spaces do not reflect the reality that most of the
time such declarations of "unknown father" hide the fact that the father was an
unwitting sperm donor who would never had been a donor if they knew of the
mother's real probability of conceiving. Canada needs a legal presumption of
equal parenting after divorce and legislation requiring dna tests for every
child born where a father is not a signatory to the birth certificate.
Just watch, soon our lesbian feminists will want two mothers on birth
certificates. Ottawa Mens Centre dot com
Posted 28/05/08 at 4:17 PM EDT
Wally Oppal sought and obtained expert advise that told him there is not
enough evidence to charge "someone" with the offense of Plural marriage. The
issue is not "adults", its children, not the children that the Winston Blackmore
turns out in normal looking clothing in a spectacular exercise of publicity.
Wally Oppal can't win that competition. The game Wally Oppal can win is by
parading a very large number of former members, generally boys, who lived
lifetimes of abuse, abuse that needs to end. These boys deserve a real father in
their lives and Wally Oppal needs to ensure that these former members get the
support they need.
That raises another question, who is going to pay for their educations that
their cult so conveniently prevented from happening while using them as child
The issue is child abuse. Ottawa Mens Centre dot com
- Posted 28/05/08 at 10:35 PM EDT
BC A/G Wally Oppal should get his priorities in order. Every day,
mother's decide to obtain unwitting sperm donors, frequently for a lesbian
relationship where the goal is to prevent the child from ever knowing even WHO
the father is. Every day, mothers register births without naming the father for
their own selfish reasons that include denying the child any right to have a
relationship with a loving father willing to be a parent. Every day, mother's
use and abuse the court system to inflict serious emotional and psychological
harm that exceeds that of physical sex abuse yet, Wally wants to become crusader
and charge "some man" with plural marriage as a test case?
My god, when is going to get real, and deal with the "reality of family law".
Just what kind of grass was Wally smoking when he dreamed up this idea.
I've got a better idea, legislate that all birth certificates must contain the
father's signature and identification or DNA testing of the child and that the
DNA marker information will be recorded on the birth certificate and on a
national data bank that any man can request a check to see if he has any
children that he does not know about, or be notified if such a child "arrives".
Children deserve both parents and a right to know who their real biological
parents are. Canada needs a legal presumption of equal parenting after
separation and to beef up or reframe the definitions of psychological harm
threshold that places a child or children in need of protection. Ottawa Mens
Centre dot com
- Posted 29/05/08 at 1:21 AM EDT
Intelligent women decide to live with each other and
that's now a norm of Canadian society. It's obviously a hell of a lot more
normal and better for children if there is a father in the lives of their
children. So, lets assume we have a pair of lesbians, married, to each other but
each wish to have a baby, and that this pair of lesbians are not of the vicious
man hating breed, assume they like some good healthy hetro sex, and like to
watch each other having sex ,not only by themselves or with each other but
actually, god forbid it, the terrible sin of actually having sex with a man, and
with a terrible goal of actually having a father involved in the day to day
parenting of their children?
Now, what's worse, two lesbians one child and no father or two mothers and one
father all devoted parents?
Just why does a plural marriage create such a stink when we live in a society
that thinks nothing and does absolutely nothing about Canada's official policy
of Male Gender Apartheid designed to destroy hetrosexual marriages and make it a
political offense for any man to seek equal parenting after separation.
The sad reality is, many women very carefully plan to find a genetically
suitable unwitting sperm donor and either just use him as a cash cow with the
absolute minium of involvement in the children's lives or, fire silver bullets
of false allegations to get rid of him permanently while collecting child
The only way children will know who their father is if there is mandatory
legislation requiring children without a father on their birth certificate to
have their dna markers recorded to enable any concerned father to have his dna
checked against the database.
Dna is what is providing the evidence in Texas and will identify the fathers and
provide the state of Texas the evidence it needs to ensure that the state of
Texas is not left holding the support baby.
Ottawa Men's Centre dot com
- Posted 29/05/08 at 1:37 AM EDT
Perhaps this is a "wakeup call" for BC A/G Wally Oppal. One of the biggest
problems of those with absolute power is that they at extreme risk of making
personal emotional decisions and disguising them as legal decisions. Our
Canadian Family courts do the same every day. Men get the shaft, more akin to
being burned at the stake in a Salem Court where an assumption is made that men
are witches and like the Salem witches trials, men have an eternal reverse onus
to prove they are not abusers or not such a risk to interfere with a mentally
ill violent lesbian mother hell bent on making sure the kids never get to meet
their father.
If Wally Oppal behaves like George Bush or any of our numerous insults to
justice who comprise of the underbelly of the Canadian Judicary, he will place
all the Bountiful children at risk just as the State of Texas has done.
What a tragedy, read the judgment, FLDS right say, "two rights do not make a
right", The state of Texas says,
"Rather than meaningfully address the three statutory criteria, the Department
(of Family and Protective Services) offers diversionary reasons as to why it
would be impractical, or 'wrong,' to return the children to their parents"
In simple language it means, the Texas DFPS engaged in what Canadian Family
Court judges do all the time, its called "THE PROCESS OF JUSTIFICATION", The
people who do this are society's worst child abusers, not the plural marriage
cult, but family court judges.
Not all judge and not all Child Protection Workers fall into that category, many
are next to saints, probably most are, but the problem is that the bad eggs
bring the Administration of Canadian Justice into ill repute.
The very worst abusers of society are not the judges who make the crazy "worst
judge in town" decisions" but the judges who choose to blatantly ignore those
Frequently courageous judges make politically incorrect decisions that are
legally correct. cont- see post 2 Ottawa Mens Centre dot com
2 - Cont - Wally Oppal needs to keep an open mind, and have a political blind
focus on charging "someone with a plural marriage" simply to "win". Thats not
his job. He is supposedly where the puck stops when it comes to the
administration of justice and he has a role to demonstrate by example on how
justice should be administered. He needs to seek out those objective legal
minds and be mindful of his own bias which seems to have coloured his judgment.
So far. Wally Oppal has dropped the ball, and gone looking for a rock that
will sink his credibility. High Court decision, that too focused on the deep
south Baptist idea that plural marriage is a sin against god. That's a load of
Wally Oppal should take note of the "outrage in Texas" and remember that his
political future could suffer a setback if he does not start using legal
reasoning instead of political reasoning to make a legal decision.
Its very obvious that Wally Oppal has had some excellent legal advice and has
chosen to ignore it. Dam it, this is not about religious freedom or the right to
practice a religion, its about protecting children from harm, specifically
"emotional harm' and many of the FLDS don't seem to understand that have a
culture of incredible "psychological child abuse".
Society is already outraged at the "ill advised' politically motivated raid
on the FLDS compound aka concentration camp for the purpose of "psychologically
damaging children".
Our society does not want to say there is abuse unless they see broken bones
or blood. Emotional abuse, psychological abuse is placed in the "taboo" area, as
is mental health and personality disorders.
Wally Oppal needs to take a close look at the definition of "psychological
harm" and perhaps change his legislation so that it properly provides an
appropriate legal remedy to the ongoing problem of the psychological abuse of
children. Ottawa Mens Centre com
Commentary in the Globe and Mail
1- Perhaps this is a "wakeup call" for BC A/G Wally Oppal. One of the biggest
problems of those with absolute power is that they at extreme risk of making
personal emotional decisions and disguising them as legal decisions. Our
Canadian Family courts do the same every day. Men get the shaft, more akin to
being burned at the stake in a Salem Court where an assumption is made that men
are witches and like the Salem witches trials, men have an eternal reverse onus
to prove they are not abusers or not such a risk to interfere with a mentally
ill violent lesbian mother hell bent on making sure the kids never get to meet
their father.
If Wally Oppal behaves like George Bush or any of our numerous insults to
justice who comprise of the underbelly of the Canadian Judicary, he will place
all the Bountiful children at risk just as the State of Texas has done.
What a tragedy, read the judgment, FLDS right say, "two rights do not make a
right", The state of Texas says,
"Rather than meaningfully address the three statutory criteria, the Department
(of Family and Protective Services) offers diversionary reasons as to why it
would be impractical, or 'wrong,' to return the children to their parents"
In simple language it means, the Texas DFPS engaged in what Canadian Family
Court judges do all the time, its called "THE PROCESS OF JUSTIFICATION", The
people who do this are society's worst child abusers, not the plural marriage
cult, but family court judges.
Not all judge and not all Child Protection Workers fall into that category, many
are next to saints, probably most are, but the problem is that the bad eggs
bring the Administration of Canadian Justice into ill repute.
The very worst abusers of society are not the judges who make the crazy "worst
judge in town" decisions" but the judges who choose to blatantly ignore those
Frequently courageous judges make politically incorrect decisions that are
legally correct. cont- see post 2 Ottawa Mens Centre dot com
You Ottawa Mens, from Ottawa, Canada wrote: 2 - Cont
- Wally Oppal needs to keep an open mind, and have a political blind focus on
charging "someone with a plural marriage" simply to "win". Thats not his job. He
is supposedly where the puck stops when it comes to the administration of
justice and he has a role to demonstrate by example on how justice should be
administered. He needs to seek out those objective legal minds and be mindful of
his own bias which seems to have coloured his judgment.
So far. Wally Oppal has dropped the ball, and gone looking for a rock that will
sink his credibility. High Court decision, that too focused on the deep south
Baptist idea that plural marriage is a sin against god. That's a load of
Wally Oppal should take note of the "outrage in Texas" and remember that his
political future could suffer a setback if he does not start using legal
reasoning instead of political reasoning to make a legal decision.
Its very obvious that Wally Oppal has had some excellent legal advice and has
chosen to ignore it. Dam it, this is not about religious freedom or the right to
practice a religion, its about protecting children from harm, specifically
"emotional harm' and many of the FLDS don't seem to understand that have a
culture of incredible "psychological child abuse".
Society is already outraged at the "ill advised' politically motivated raid on
the FLDS compound aka concentration camp for the purpose of "psychologically
damaging children".
Our society does not want to say there is abuse unless they see broken bones or
blood. Emotional abuse, psychological abuse is placed in the "taboo" area, as is
mental health and personality disorders.
Wally Oppal needs to take a close look at the definition of "psychological harm"
and perhaps change his legislation so that it properly provides an appropriate
legal remedy to the ongoing problem of the psychological abuse of children.
Ottawa Mens Centre com
- Posted 29/05/08 at 6:23 PM EDT