B.C. orders investigation of polygamous sect
Globe and Mail Update
June 2, 2008 at 3:44 PM EDT
— British Columbia's Attorney-General Wally Oppal has appointed a special
prosecutor to weigh charges against people involved in alleged misconduct in
the polygamous community of Bountiful, B.C.
Vancouver lawyer Terrence
Robertson will conduct a charge assessment regarding allegations of
misconduct in the community, the criminal justice branch of the
Attorney-General's office said today.
The appointment is the latest development in a long-running controversy
over polygamy in Bountiful, a community in southeastern British Columbia
that has been the focus of calls for prosecution for more than 20 years.
Pressure to crack down on polygamy in Bountiful ran into worries that
charges would not stand up against a constitutional challenge.
Two outside legal opinions sought by the province concluded the quickest way
to resolve the matter would be refer it directly to courts to determine the
constitutional status of polygamy.
The special prosecutor is to conduct an independent charge assessment review
based on results of an RCMP investigation and other materials.
The outcry over Bountiful has increased since an April raid on a polygamist
community in Texas.
Residents in both communities are members of the Fundamentalist Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, a polygamous religious sect.
The Wally Oppal Crusade against polygamy is a pitiful example of a gross
abuse of power, political power instructing their legal assassins with pens to
go make an example of the illegal immoral polygamists.
Wally Oppal would be better off investigating BC's Women's shelters that act as
"one stop divorce shops" and the thousands of feminist lawyers who fabricate
evidence and encourage their clients to make sure children never see their
father again.
Our commentary in the Globe and Mail
Ottawa Mens Centre.com, from Ottawa, Canada wrote:
The Wally Oppal Crusade against polygamy is a pitiful example of a
gross abuse of power, political power instructing their legal assassins with
pens to go make an example of the illegal immoral polygamists.
Wally Oppal would be better off investigating BC's Women's shelters that act
as "one stop divorce shops" and the thousands of feminist lawyers who
fabricate evidence and encourage their clients to make sure children never
see their father again.
Wally Oppal should look at making sure BC Children have a right to be
parented by a mother and a father Equally. We have gender neutral law but in
reality we have MALE GENDER APARTHEID that is contrary to the Charter of
Rights and Freedoms but political puppets like Wally Oppal would rather go
chasing polygamists who actually provide children with a mother and a
Perhaps Wally Oppal should send his "special investigator" to infiltrate the
lesbian sects that carefully plan for men to become unwilling unsuspecting
sperm donors and then ensure that he pays support and never sees his child
We live in a very sick world that thinks its perfectly ok for a Child to be
denied the right to have a father replaced by a person with female sex
organs but dresses like a man and who in many cases simply decided to come
out of the closet after getting rid of the father with false allegations.
Perhaps Wally Oppal should send his special investigator to Family Court and
do something about the epidemic examples of perjury in Family Court. You
see, most family court judges condone perjury, They do nothing about it,
even when it is blatantly obvious.
I recall one judge catching a gray haired local feminitizi lawyer telling
very obviously false statements to the court. No prosecution, nothing more
than a 3 minute lecture on how wrong it was and improper. No prosecution and
she did it again next day. Ottawa Mens Centre dot com
- Posted 02/06/08 at 5:04 PM EDT
Wally Oppal has got his wires crossed. Polygamy is not necessarily child
abuse. Everyone knows that yes, the FLDS Texas ranch has ONE person
convicted, is that evidence that all children there are being abused? NO.
is Polygamy evidence of child abuse in BC? NO, Wally Oppal has got the
issues all wrong.
Child Abuse is child abuse, psychological child abuse is very politically
incorrect to even mention, its just so much easy to stick to broken bones
and blood.
Yes, there is evidence, very large numbers of abused boys, who grow up
without a family, expelled to allow a few dirty old men to have young brides
that is very close to breaking the law but they know the law and probably
skirt around very carefully. That's is apparently the legal opinion that
Wally Oppel has been told.
Again, its called spot the issue, the issue is "are children in danger and
in need of protection" NOT are they men who broke ancient law that men
should not have more than one LEGAL wife? Give me a break, Has Wally OPPAL
never had an affair why he was married? Surely if he did it would be NONE OF
OUR BUSINESS, and would that make his children in danger and in need of
The fact that one man has several wives may actually provide a far better
quality of parenting that the classic two women who decided to end their
marriages to men and become lesbian duel mothers while making sure the
children never saw dad again.
Whats more harmful to children? Again, thats a diversionary question, its
totally irrelevant, the relevant issue is "Are children in danger of harm
and in need of protection", The harm is generally psychological, not
physical or sexual.
There are a host of other legislative tools that need to be employed to deal
with SECTS of any denomination who brain wash children from birth. That
needs strict legislation as regards "HOME SCHOOLING" which is how SECTS
BRAINWASH children into being abusers and victims from birth to perpetuate
the problem. Ottawa Mens Centre dot com
Wally, show some balls, go to talk the the "male victims", show some
gender neutral objective "legal reasoning". Show some prosecutional skills
that reflect positively upon the administration of justice.
Wally, your legal advice has already told you that if you want a polygamy
conviction you might as well seek a conviction for consenting anal sex
between two adult males. Would you like to get a special prosecutor for that
Wally, you are drawing attention to the fact that consenting adults can
chose to have multiple partners, and its only a matter of time before they
have legal marriage certificates to protect their legal rights. Why should
they have to "remain in the closet" legally and lose protection of charter
rights because the state chooses to ride a dead horse, a very old very dead
horse no matter how much you decide to dig in those legal spurs, your
polygamy horse is not going anywhere.
Now, when are you going to do something about women who habitually break
court orders for access, When are you going to put up a 'dead beat mother"
web site for all the mother's that fail to provide access as court ordered?
Your courts treat such contempt as a joke. If you don't forget the polygamy
and deal with real live issues you are just likely to become a "Gilbert and
Sullivan" "a former Attorney General".
What a pity 22 minutes is off the air till September!
Just imagine, Wally Oppal and the Polygamy Crusade should get quite a high
laugh index. The idea of prosecuting who? Is he going to prosecute several
women for being married to a man? Just how is he going to do that if none of
them have a marriage certificate between that man and them?
Just how is he going to prosecute any woman for being in a relationship with
a man if she is married to another woman? Which just happens to be the
obstacle that the clown prince of BC Justice faces when he decides to
prosecute two women married to each other for living with a man at the same
Can Wally Opal do that? Sure, if he wants to become the clown of Canadian
Lets see, what could be the most stupid thing Wally Opall could do in law?
How about go on a prosecution for an offense that results in legal rights
for men and women in plural marriages?
How about raise publicity for the religious sects and the polygamous life
style of plural marriages?
The porn channels are watched by men and women who like to see multiple sex
partners, just how is that illegal between consenting adults?
Is he going to make it illegal for women to watch each other having sex with
the same man in the same bed?
Whats next in the stupidity list, I know, make it illegal to write fiction
about or produce videos about the subject of polygamy and multiple sex
Dear Wally, once upon a time, Mr. Trudeau declared for ever more that the
government has no place in the bedrooms of the nation. The fact that it
stated a graveyard spiral of the institution of marriage between a man and a
woman, is irrelevant, so is the fact that we live in a society that
encourages the destruction of marriage and encourages mothers to terminate
children's relationships with their father.
Canadian children who deserve a legal presumption of equal parenting after
Seriously, its politically incorrect to show male victims of
abuse. The BC cult is famous for expelling boys, to make room for older men
to have multiple wives. Thats child abuse, pure and simple, there are
hundreds of boys who have been turfed out of their families to live in slave
labour sheds to exploit them as cheap labour.
That is abuse, the problem is the CULT has yet to be told to cease and
desist, which is the first step. They are following a tradition, who are you
going to punish, a very dead very criminal former sect leader Joseph Smith
who set in motion a cult to perpetuate child abuse as a religion?
The fact is, they know its wrong, and the first responsibility of Wally
Oppal is to END the abuse, SECTS of any religion pose serious risks of
psychological child abuse that hides behind Religious Freedom.
The state has a responsibility to enact "home schooling legislation" that
addresses the problems of Cult education that creates multiple generations
of psychological child abuse.
- Posted 02/06/08 at 6:23 PM EDT
BaB OmimO accurately stated the issue, There is no probable cause, not
for a prosecution of a polygamous marriage.
I doubt that there is not a judge in Canada who does not find the idea of
such a trial to be humorous. The accused will come out of it as national
heroes who fought for the legal rights of polygamous marriage, just as
spectacularly as the same sex marriage.
The reality is, just as Judaism has a lot in common with Christianity,
Heterosexuals probably have more in common with polygamous marriage than
same sex marriage.
Lets face it, most heterosexual don't watch gay porn but probably consist of
those who watch group sex between members of the opposite sex.
Wife swapping is rampant in many western communities, there are entire
internet sites that specifically cater to those who want multiple
relationships and no one claims that these are harmful to children or cause
harm to society. We may regard them as unstable and loonie but most of us
are just not interested unless of course it creates a risk of harm, probable
harm that crosses the line to probable cause on the balance of probabilities
that enables child protection workers to become involved.
Child Protection workers need legislation framed to deal with the problem of
CULTS, call it Anti-Cult legislation or what ever but it should apply to any
form of cult that brainwashes children from birth and poses a long term
danger of repeated generations of childhood PSYCHOLOGICAL ABUSE.
The Texas CP Workers do not look like fools. Read that
judgment, only a small number of mothers who signed agreements got their
kids back. They still have the power to ensure those agreements are in place
to give them more power should those agreements be broken.
Now, everyone deserves the presumption of innocence.
The publicity machine of the BC government and Wally Oppal is attempting to
have a political trial, that must be creating incredible damages to the men
of Bountiful who are presumed to be innocent.
The government has what is called "DIRTY HANDS", it stinks, its using the
press to vilify those who may never even be charged with any offense or if
charged convicted?
Just how can those men get a FAIR TRIAL?
What act by an Attorney General can be more stupid than to deny the right of
an accused to a fair trial?
So much for the integrity and independence of the office of the Attorney
General of British Columbia.
Just watch the rats jump off the sinking ship when the BC government
realizes their incredible embarrassment.
Will Wally jump with the rats or will he be throw overboard to the sharks?
This has got go down as one of those classic examples of Canadian Legal &
Political Stupidity.
- Posted 02/06/08 at 6:50 PM EDT
Conservative Lisa MacLeod should stay out of attempting to influence the
court. Obviously the female "victim" of plural marriage has had her
opportunity to slam her husband with her version in the national press.
No one knows if her information is in fact true.
I don't doubt that it is true, it all had a ring of truth to it but the
reality is that this matter will before family court shortly if it has not
already arrived there and Ontario Law will decide the issue.
Any more attention to Plural marriages will only cause an increase in the
number of converts that they obtain.
The talk from Ontario does not sound good.
Perhaps the Ontario AG should be setting up a special investigation into
corruption in the Ontario Judiciary, except who would oversea such an
Some Ontario judges have reputations for leaving behind trails of
destruction. Some are man hating creeps from hell who have no empathy
compassion or passion, in sum, many are exactly the wrong sort of
personalities to be in a courtroom.
It is in the chronic area of Family Law that the Ontario AG needs to deal
with first, but odds are, they will just keep pandering to Ontario's extreme
feminists with their pathological hatred towards men.