Police shouldn't be investigating themselves: Ontario ombudsman


The Canadian Press

January 14, 2009 at 12:24 PM EST

WINNIPEG — No province should allow police to investigate themselves.

That's according to Ontario ombudsman Andre Marin, who just completed an investigation into that province's special investigations unit.

He suggests police show favouritism and bias when they investigate one of their own.

Mr. Marin says it doesn't take a genius or a police officer to investigate alleged wrongdoing by police.

Manitoba is poised to become the second province to create a civilian body to investigate the police.

Mr. Marin says all provinces should follow that example or police won't be held to account.



Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre in the Globe and Mail

January 14, 2008


Ottawa Mens Centre.com, from Ottawa Capital of Male Gener Aparthied, Canada wrote: Andre Marin is to be commended. Don't expect the Ontario Government to do anything except ignore it and make it go away. It's doomed for a silent death, just like the recommendations by the joint committee on access and custody.
The Ontario Government is intimidated and strongly influenced by those in power and it looks like corruption and sounds like corruption.

Police Forces are laws unto themselves. You only have to go to any regional area of Ontario to see examples of how a local police force can rule by terror of laying charges to at the beck and call of the those with influence power and authority.
Those in authority go with the flow and facilitate fabricated criminal charges, running the politically correct out of town and destroying lives.
There is no legal recourse in dealing with those who flagrantly abuse their power.
Local police generally follow local instructions, local judges make decisions to keep them happy , political decisions rather than legal decisions, and our jails keep getting fuller.

Local police can engage in all sorts of businesses. Take Timmins, the number of police officers in Timmins with "businesses" is astronomical. The Timmins Police Association is tantamount to a Business Association with extraordinary power and influence.

Presently, police complaints are next to useless, as are complaints about Judges or lawyers, who investigate themselves, if anyone is brave enough to lodge a complaint.

Ontario Justice will continue to have a third world reputation until there is a fundamental change in direction and that will start with independent authorities to investigate complaints against those with absolute power, and we all know that absolute power corrupts absolutely. www.OttawaMensCentre.com

Posted 14/01/09 at 1:12 PM EST


Our police are saints, right? "front line workers", and none of them ever suffer any personality disorders, mental health problems, never abuse their spouse, never abuse anyone, they never commit criminal offences, they never abuse their powers, they have no motivation to maintain their image, they have no ego's to improperly influence their reasoning, they are impartial, objective and of course can be entrusted to investigate themselves. With the greatest respect to those to whom the above does not apply, that's the gospel or horse piddle depending on your view point. I chose the later. www.OttawaMensCentre.com

Ottawa Mens Centre.com, from Ottawa Capital of Male Gener Aparthied, Canada wrote: Presently, we have a "police state" run by the likes of Fantino who is more politician than someone who could or should be entrusted to 'investigate police". Absolute power corrupts and thats why we used to have juries to prevent a corrupt judge making a corrupt decision. These days, jury trials are rare, family court judges rule by fear, intimidation, outright obstruction of justice by knowingly allowing lawyers like Lesley C. Kendal of Kingston to personally fabricate evidence and knowingly present false evidence to the court while expecting their criminal behaviour will be rewarded with a judicial appointment.
Be warned, while lawyers with such gutter ethics become judges our society is absent the rule of law which is costing Canadian society billions of dollars. Canadian children grow up without fathers and one prime reason is one minority group, extreme feminists are allowed to gain tantamount to absolute power and use Canada's police forces who make political arrests. Every day, men are arrested on nothing more than the fingers of a vindictive mother dancing 911.
Judges and police are only too willing to send men to jail on trumped charges and each time its a chain of corrupt officials who are entrusted with tantamount to absolute power to 'be honest, impartial and objective. While we have the present system, it breeds corruption and makes the name Canada synonymous with the worst third world justice systems. Many of our police, lawyers and judges are virtual dictators on a power trip, willing to destroy lives for no other reason than a personal hatred towards men. They are also consummate actors and unfortunately too many judges and police regard the standard of an actor's performance as credibility while blinded by political correctness. Our present system is nothing short of an encouragement for the criminally corrupt. www.OttawaMensCentre.com