Barbara Kay, Nunavut Minister is Stripped by Big Sister of his Cabinet Post for Telling the Truth

Posted: January 29, 2009, 9:24 AM by Jonathan Kay

Barbara Kay

Louis Tapardjuk, until a few days ago Justice minister of Nunavut, has just been relocated to a very high-end dog house. His new kennelmates are all male public figures, such as Larry Summers, former president of Harvard University, who dared to utter certain statements that, although true and, to any objective observer, in no way hurtful to anyone, set the tumbrils in motion that would soon carry them off to the political guillotine.

What did Mr Tapardjuk say that cost him his portfolio? Why, Mr Tapardchuk had the temerity to suggest that domestic violence is sometimes initiated by women. He casually remarked in an e-mail - not even meant for anyone's eyes but his senior staff - that women who start domestic disputes should share the blame where violence is involved: "Often the man is charged [with domestic violence] even though the conflict may have been initiated by the female partner."

Aiiiieeee! Heresy! Poor Mr Tapardchuk apparently forgot or may even be ignorant of the fact that no public figure is allowed to suggest that women are ever, ever the initiators of domestic violence. Women are always, always the victims. Of course this credo, that domestic violence is a one-way-street wherein all violence against women is unprovoked, and all violence against men self-defensive, is a complete myth, a myth that has been busted over and over again, most credibly - one would imagine - by our own Statistics Canada, whose findings in their official reports on domestic violence dovetail with all other peer-reviewed studies: Domestic violence is about one-quarter male-initiated, one quarter female-initiated and half reciprocal.

But what has truth got to do with it, when ideology rules the roost, a roost where even the lonely crowing cock of Fact is lost in the angry cackling of a battery of rooster-bashing hens? Mr Tapardchuk fell victim to the cackling hen who runs the Nunavut roost, Premier Eva Aariak, who announced in a news release January 24 that "the comments [Mr Tapardchuk] made about violence or the cause of violence was offensive." She added, rather ominously, "I believe he has learned from his mistake."

You'll note that she didn't say the "mistake" had anything to do with the truth of his remark, only that actually saying it is offensive. Like poor old beleaguered Larry Summers, who was mobbed by Harvard's formidable feminist Furies, and who apologized more abjectly than any Soviet-era show trial victim for suggesting - truthfully - that women's abilities at the high end of maths and sciences are statistically lesser than men's, Mr Tapardchuk's apology wasn't enough. He had to be purged as a warning to other politicians who will now think more than twice about voicing the proven fact that women are as capable of irrational and unprovoked anger as men.

Mr Tapardchuk has accepted his fate stoically and says he will concentrate on other ministerial portfolios. To ensure that such rogue departures from the party line do not happen in future, Ms Aariak announced, "I will be assuming the portfolio of Justice immediately." The portfolio of Injustice is more like it. If feminists want women to be taken seriously in politics, they should be in the front lines in denouncing Ms Aariak's arrogant, baseless ill-treatment of her Justice minister. She may not have struck Mr Tapardchuk physically, but this is certainly one of the most blatant "battered politician" cases I have ever seen.




Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre


Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre

by OttawaMensCentredotcom
Feb 01 2009
4:00 AM

Snooze Mode? The A.L. v K.D case is about as rare as a comet hitting the space station, most of our family court judges have their profession brought into ill-repute by the extreme underbelly who ethics way down beneath the lowest notch visible and that's the problem. They refuse to allow recordings, they delay and change transcripts, and take phone orders for motions to issue draconian orders permanently depriving a  parent of the right to even respond to a motion terminating a child's relationship with their parent. They are called "Sheffield Orders" or "Power orders" and as one menace describes it, "enough is enough", they issue draconian orders devoid of empathy or compassion terminating a child's relationship with a parent for nothing less than corrupt reasons. Its male gender apartheid, its what the legal profession refer to as a flagrant abuse of judicial discretion and if you are a careful dedicated observer, you can see it any day down at 161 Elgin Street Ottawa.  


Eva Aariak is a female politician and female politicians dare not cross the feminists, especially the extreme feminists, Louis Tapardjuk was probably about to question funding to the "One Stop Divorce Shop" lobby group, aka women's shelters.

What we are seeing is a "political war", and a feminist premier attempting to destroy a man, Louis Tapardjuk because he had the courage to talk about the realities of domestic violence. he was being very polite, he understated the problem, he was respectful of the feminist extremists and obviously did not want to cross them, perhaps he sensed the dangerous area he was stepping into.

Bottom line is, Louis Tapardjuk has become an instant hero, anyone would think he had just flown a airbus on an all engines out glide approach and landing in an Airbus 310.

Louis Tapardjuk has proven in more ways than one that he has the balls to say what is needed to be said and is not going to be easily intimidated.

I'd like to nominate Mr. Louis Tapardjuk for the Order of Canada not to mention the respect of every father in Canada who has had their lives and their children's lives destroyed by the extreme feminist lobby group. Check out the research on judicial bias in Ontario by Peter Roscoe at




Barbara Kay has once again said what needed to be said, be it very reservedly and diplomatically.
Our judiciary are so used to having their enormous egos massaged in and out of court. The fact is, many simply cannot resist the temptation to flagrantly abuse their power. They also use any means at their disposal of a criminal nature to silence any opposition. If you are looking to see a criminal in an Otttawa Superior Court Family Division, start looking in the direction of the bench first. It takes a dead beat judge to create a dead beat dead who simply wanted access before a family court judge decided to terminate a child's relationship with their father.