Western premiers unite to combat violence
B.C, Alberta and Saskatchewan leaders form joint cabinet to
assert West's clout to Ottawa
From Friday's Globe and Mail
March 13, 2009 at 3:00 AM EDT

An RCMP officer passes a bullet-riddled vehicle that
was involved in a targeted gang shooting on February 16 in Surrey, B.C.
— A new political bloc representing Canada's three westernmost provinces
will meet today to press Ottawa for help to combat escalating gang violence.
Saskatchewan will be the newest partner at a joint cabinet meeting in
Vancouver at which the common front on crime will be one half of an agenda
that also aims to reposition the West in Canada's new economic reality.
British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell said the West, with its energy
wealth and Pacific Gateway strategy, is well positioned to help Canada
recover from the recession.
But the rest of Canada must learn to heed the West, he said in an
“There is a powerful western economy. Frankly, the entire country will be
depending on it as we move into the next decade,” Mr. Campbell said.
“There's no question there is major restructuring that has to take place in
Ontario, in Quebec. What we are saying is, we're glad that we're able to
contribute to Canada. Canada should be listening to us so we can maximize the
contributions we make.”
Each of the three provinces has separately pressed for changes to the
Criminal Code that have yet to generate a response from the federal government.
They hope, Ottawa will listen to their one voice.
Gang violence in Metro Vancouver has escalated in recent weeks with a series
of homicides, and Alberta and Saskatchewan are also grappling with increased
gang activity.
“On the issue of gangs and gun violence, the real opportunity here is to get
agreement by three premiers, that we unite and push on those three Criminal Code
amendments our government is seeking,” B.C. Solicitor-General John van Dongen
said in an interview.
Going into today's meeting, the three governments have informally agreed to
unite behind demands for a package of amendments.
The first calls for the elimination of the “two-for-one” provision under
which time spent in pretrial custody is doubled and applied against an
offender's sentence.
Another seeks to update wiretap provisions, some dating back 35 years, that
don't allow police to keep on top of emerging technology.
The provinces are also expected to agree on a call to reduce paperwork that
can delay trials. They want defence lawyers to have to justify the disclosure of
material as relevant to the case at hand.
Noting that British Columbia has been asking for these changes for years. Mr.
van Dongen said he is hopeful today's meeting will prompt action in Ottawa.
“When you get a number of premiers together, the federal government really tends
to pay attention to that,” he said.
Saskatchewan Attorney-General Don Morgan said he hopes the three provinces
can develop a common database on gangs. “What we worry about is the escalating
violence and the increasing amount of drug activity,” he said in an interview.
“And as those gangs grow, we are more worried about intra-provincial threats.”
Tom Olsen, a spokesman for Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach, said gang activity is
climbing in Alberta as well. In addition to the law-and-order agenda, Mr.
Stelmach will continue to press to take down trade barriers between the
provinces and to speed up infrastructure spending. Alberta and B.C. have held
joint cabinet meetings since 2003, producing a Trade, Investment and Labour
Mobility Agreement (TILMA) that is attracting interest across Canada.
The premiers will also discuss an “open skies” scheme to allow regional
airports more access to international flights, and a voluntary pension plan
targeting small business. As well, the cabinets will discuss co-ordinating
investment in carbon-capture technology.
Mr. Campbell stressed this new alignment is not based on the kind of “let the
eastern bastards freeze in the dark” sentiment that once cropped up on Alberta
bumper stickers.
“We want to help strengthen Canada. All we are saying is, please allow us to
do that,” he said. “This is the new world we have to understand in Canada. With
32.5 million people, we don't show up on most of the international radar. So if
we can't unite around what our strengths are as we move into this new global
economy … we are going to fall behind.”
Ottawa Mens Centre.com, from Ottawa - Home of corrupt judges, Canada)
wrote: Cure the cause, Fatherless children, not the effect, escalating
delinquency. Our political leaders need to put away their pink feminist lenses
and view the problem from a objective logical or scientific approach. If you
have a fire, you don't buy smoke filters, you put out the fire. The economic and
social fire in Canada is a corrupt family court judiciary who don't hesitate to
terminate children's relationships with their father and place them with
mentally ill women with personality disorders.
These same judges, like the dishonourable Ottawa Superior Court Judges, Allan
Sheffield, Denis Power who routinely, exercise 'court rage' to destroy men, all
based on 'preformed gender conclusions' that mean the men's pleadings are not
even read, these insults to genders, commit some of the worst child abuse in
Canada, they deprive children of their loving fathers. They also engage in
'obstruction of justice', they turn a blind eye to fabrication of evidence,
perjury to the point that they openly encourage it.
That's right, you have judicial vermin destroying the rule of law and engaging
in child abuse while collecting $250,000 a year as Superior Court Judges with
total immunity from any prosecution or accountability even from their
supervisory judges who encourage their politically correct war on men.
This social, economic and legal scandal is Canada's largest problem that
threatens Canada's Rule of Law, and most importantly, the right of Canadian
Children to have a mother and a father, the right of Canadian Children to have
an equal relationship with both parents after separation.
Now, our government fails to even recognize that parents, generally fathers who
see their children every second weekend have costs that can exceed that of the
primary parent.
Child support guidelines are designed not for the best interests of children or
their relationships with their parents but for feminist goals.
Our premiers need to deal with issues in order of importance. You can't
deal with crime until you deal with the Corrupt Judges who destroy society, they
destroy the rule of law, they create social mayhem, they leave a trail of
destroyed lives that threatens Canada's future more than any terrorist
Corrupt judges are "black robed terrorists" who operate by terrorizing their
victims and engaging in the worst torture you can do to a human being, deprive a
parent of a right to have even a relationship with a child, simply because a
Judge like the Dishonourable Allan Sheffield and Denis Power make decisions to
terminate a child's relationship with their father justified in their
pathologically disordered minds that anything a feminist lawyer says must be
true and anything a man or father says is false, without any regard to the
evidence or even reading the pleadings.
Canada first needs a legal presumption of equal parenting after separation and a
real police for the judiciary not to mention a psychological screening and
evaluation process to minimize the risk to society of having
the wrong sort of people getting to have absolute power that is then flagrantly
- Posted 13/03/09 at 1:13 PM EDT
Take Allan Sheffield, he makes "summary judgment" orders , that is not even a
trial, to terminate a child's right to a relationship with her father even when
4 other judges ordered a trial.
The mother's pleadings are filed in court with "little yellow stickies"
"Attention Justice Sheffield", thats right, somehow a feminist lawyer had a
direct line to Chambers and got Allan Sheffield to agree to hold a hearing with
a series of other judges refused to do so.
Don't blame these judges with their personality disorders and corrupt decisions,
blame the supervisory judges who encourage it, Blame the Attorney General of
Ontario and the entire legal profession who know they are corrupt and are too
gutless to do anything about it, instead, they would rather shoot the messenger.
A civil society requires the Rule of Law, our courts require respect, but at the
same time, its judicial vermin who bring the administration of justice into
You can thank our politicians for failing to ensure we have police for our
judiciary and for failing to carry out "psychological screening" to ensure that
we don't end up with the wrong people as judges.
www.OttawaMensCentre.com (see Peter Roscoe's blog)
Our premiers should spare a thought for the cause of this wave of
violence, one thing stands out, most of these delinquents are fatherless
children and the prime cause of fatherless children is parliament's failure to
legislate a legal presumption of equal parenting.