Canada expects Afghan family law will be changed, ministers say

Last Updated: Sunday, April 5, 2009 | 6:24 PM ET

Canada expects the Afghan government to revise a new family law that critics say legalizes marital rape, two ministers said.

"We expect the law to be changed [and] certainly not the provisions that concern us to be enacted," Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Peter Kent said in an interview with CBC News: Sunday.

Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon told CBC News that he was informed by his counterpart in Afghanistan on Sunday that the new Afghan law will be revised.

"A decision was made to halt this legislation, and at the same time send this package back to the minister of justice so that the minister of justice can put together a package that will abide, of course, by the constitution of Afghanistan and at the same time respect the rights of individuals — of course, the rights of women," Cannon said.

Kent said it's premature to talk about consequences or a stronger response to what he called an "offensive" law, other than the reaction world leaders have already delivered.

"Canada has made it clear that it expects Afghanistan to fulfill its international treaty obligations, particularly with respect to human rights and the rights of women and girls," Kent said.

"This isn't a time for Canada to threaten to pull out, and we don't believe that it necessary to pull out," he added.

At Saturday's NATO summit in Strasbourg, France, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said the equality of men and women "goes to the heart" of Canada's value system, its engagement in Afghanistan and its opposition to the Taliban.

He also indicated that NATO countries involved in Afghanistan want more than just a review of the controversial legislation, as Afghan President Hamid Karzai promised on Saturday.

"If I can be blunt here, I'm not sure if the alliance is prepared to accept simply soothing reassurances," Harper said.

It has been reported that Karzai supported the legislation to curry favour with traditional Afghans ahead of the country's Aug. 20 elections. The new law, for example, makes it illegal for women to leave their homes without the permission of their husbands.

The law also gives husbands the right to sex every fourth night unless the wife is ill. It only affects Shia Muslims, who make up about 15 per cent of Afghanistan's population.

U.S. President Barack Obama described the legislation as "abhorrent."

French President Nicolas Sarkozy said his country "will not compromise" in the fight to uphold human rights in Afghanistan.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel told the Bild am Sonntag newspaper the law "fundamentally violates the equal rights of men and women and does not reflect our ideals."






Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre

Posted 2009/04/05
at 8:04 PM ET

 Perhaps the President of Afghanistan could come to Canada and advise the Attorney General of Ontario how to reform Ontario Family law, specifically the policy of men having no legal rights in family law, of "summary judgments" , indefinite repeated incarcerations for nothing more than asking for access, the issue of restraining orders or criminal convictions of breaches of restraining orders, without trials, simply because a woman claims "she was annoyed", the same women are even more "annoyed" because their former husband remarried, or had a child, or is simply still alive.
In Ontario we have Family Court Judges who are obvious corrupt, obviously suffering from severe personality disorders and who blatantly and flagrantly abuse their power not to mention fiduciary duty and their oath of office. Check out the research by Peter Roscoe at the Ottawa Mens Centre site.




Posted 2009/04/06
at 12:20 AM ET


In Afghanistan, many generations have fought for their beliefs, beliefs that are not going to change because Canada things it can force it's own version of Family Law down the throats of the Taliban.

If and when, the Taliban get wind of this story, it will surely add to their already high level of motivation to do some more killing of foreign infidels.

Canada may not have a statute legalizing rape of men by women but something even worse is going on in Ontario Family Court.

You see, men have no legal rights, we have man hating judges with personality disorders exacting revenge and oozing hatred on any man unlikely enough to find himself in family court.

Ontario Family Law effectively allows Women to rape men when ever they want to, in or out of marriage, not only rape, its financial rape, its emotional rape, its the most horrible form of torture that can happen to any parent, being denied the right to be a parent.

These kinds of RAPE, exploitation of men by women goes no every day, it's made possible by Corrupt Judges of the Ontario Family Court such as , the Dishonourable Allan Sheffield, the Dishonourable Denis Power who have no respect for the Rule of Law and make "political decisions" rather than legal decisions.

Don't blame just Sheffield and Power, most of Ontario's judges make "political decisions" rather than legal decisions when it comes to gender.

You can also blame the Ontario Government who nudge nudge wink wink, tells judges to "get rid of cases" to the point that only around 5% of cases set down for trial actually reach trial. Judges use every trick, even very dirty tricks to make sure men don't get any justice in Family court, unless of course, you earn several hundred thousands dollars a year.



OttawaMensCentre wrote:

Posted 2009/04/06
at 12:37 AM E


In Afghanistan, many generations have fought for their beliefs, beliefs that are not going to change because Canada things it can force it's own version of Family Law down the throats of the Taliban.

If and when, the Taliban get wind of this story, it will surely add to their already high level of motivation to do some more killing of foreign infidels.

Canada may not have a statute legalizing rape of men by women but something even worse is going on in Ontario Family Court.

You see, men have no legal rights, we have man hating judges with personality disorders exacting revenge and oozing hatred on any man unlikely enough to find himself in family court.

Ontario Family Law effectively allows Women to rape men when ever they want to, in or out of marriage, not only rape, its financial rape, its emotional rape, its the most horrible form of torture that can happen to any parent, being denied the right to be a parent.

These kinds of RAPE, exploitation of men by women goes no every day, it's made possible by Corrupt Judges of the Ontario Family Court such as , the Dishonourable Allan Sheffield, the Dishonourable Denis Power who have no respect for the Rule of Law and make "political decisions" rather than legal decisions.

Don't blame just Sheffield and Power, most of Ontario's judges make "political decisions" rather than legal decisions when it comes to gender.

You can also blame the Ontario Government who nudge nudge wink wink, tells judges to "get rid of cases" to the point that only around 5% of cases set down for trial actually reach trial. Judges use every trick, even very dirty tricks to make sure men don't get any justice in Family court, unless of course, you earn several hundred thousands dollars a year.


"Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon says he was informed Sunday by his counterpart in Afghanistan that a new family law"

What does Lawrence what to do? Give the Taliban more reason to fight?

Fact is, the Taliban control most of Afghanistan and any "family law" out of Canada is likely to be laughed at or more likely, given a very long burst of heavy machine gun fire at very close range.

Thats about what happens to men who enter family court, they get mowed down without a chance in hell.

Men have no idea that one hell of an explosion is going to occur in their lives leaving them totally destroyed by a psychopath dressed up as an Ontario Family Court Judge making, well, Taliban like decisions, to well, you know, allow women anything and everything, especially sole custody of kids, and to make men permanent slaves who live in poverty never able to see their kids again.

What do you call that?

Its JUDICIAL TERRORISM, thats right, the greatest threat to Canada, is not the Taliban, is Corrupt, Man Hating, judicial vermin who have such a disturbing lack of empathy and compassion so as to make orders that deserving fathers never see their kids again.

If you doubt these words, just read the decisions that come out of family court, they are only the tip of the iceberg, the real nasty dirty corrupt judges don't publicize their decisions, they don't report them, they even make sure the transcripts don't arrive or are delayed till they think all chance of appeal is lost.

The very worst Family Court Judges are found in Ottawa , and two of the worst of the worst are the CORRUPT ALLAN SHEFFIELD and DENIS POWER, both will do "indirectly" what they cannot do directly, in blatant criminal acts of "obstruction of justice"- with impunity and impunity.



IT's another Harper ha ha stunt!
Except it ain't so funny.

Harper is Avoiding the Issue of Afghanistan by 'Diverting" the public's attention with politically correct feminist opinions.

Just who would be so stupid as to NOT disagree with rape?
Therefore, if you disagree with Rape, you support Canada in Afghanistan?


Just another spectacular, diversionary stunt by the PM's office that probably has Harper rolling in laughter at how he got every feminist in Canada on his side in one little press release.

Interestingly, we don't hear any reporters talking about any widespread problem of rape in Afghanistan marriages, the headlines appear to be accusing Afghan men of raping their wives.

What has been reported about the subject of Afghanistan is the custom of sexual abuse of boys, I notice the prime minister has not exactly rushed to instruct the foreign minister to tell his "counterpart" that Afghan men in positions of power should not put their parts in little boys, that would not score as many "brownie points" with the feminists.