Father ordered to pay $20,000 punishment

Child-support challenger a nuisance, judge says


JUSTICE REPORTER — From Monday's Globe and Mail

An Ontario Superior Court judge has ordered a crusading fathers'-rights activist to pay $20,000 to the federal government as punishment for mounting an ill-founded challenge to federal child-support payment guidelines.

Mr. Justice Alan C.R. Whitten ruled that Lucien Khodeir's negligence lawsuit amounted to a delaying tactic designed to forestall him having to pay support orders of $1,230 - including arrears - for Mr. Khodeir's 12- and 14-year-old children.

Several weeks ago, Judge Whitten dismissed the lawsuit after a brief hearing.

"Access to justice does not mean an absence of consequences or responsibilities," he said in the costs ruling. "It is trite to say that no one wishes to discourage meritorious claims, but it would be naive to think that all claims are per se meritorious."

Judge Whitten said that Mr. Khodeir is not a hero, but a public nuisance. He likened Mr. Khodeir to a citizen who phones the fire department to report an emergency: "Having so accessed this service, we should be prepared to face the consequences - costs or otherwise - if we phone in a false alarm or something we can readily extinguish ourselves."

However, Mr. Khodeir said in an interview that the cost ruling is another example of judges shutting the courtroom doors to self-represented litigants who display the audacity to attack a sacred legal shibboleth such as the child-support guidelines.

Mr. Khodeir said that he is in debt "up to my eyeballs," but he will not be deterred from his campaign to overturn guidelines that he regards as unfair, arbitrary and discriminatory toward men.

"I'm not going to give up until I'm either dead or something else stops me from proceeding," Mr. Khodeir said. "They are trying to say that I'm just bitching about my child support, but that is not what I'm doing at all."

Mr. Khodeir - a self-employed Hamilton tax auditor - accused Judge Whitten of making up his mind before ever hearing any arguments in the case.

"Every time I opened my mouth, he would shut me up," Mr. Khodeir said. He added that, out of a total of approximately 50 court appearances he has made, only on one occasion was he treated fairly by a judge.

"I don't expect to win every argument, but I'm fairly intelligent and educated, so I should be able to win one or two arguments along the way," he said. "Generally, judges don't like to hear from self-represented litigants because they consider them a waste of time."

In addition to his failed lawsuit, Mr. Khodeir has been pursuing a separate case in family court that also alleges that the child-support guidelines are an unconstitutional add-on to the Divorce Act.

He claimed that the guidelines were improperly drafted by a group of bureaucrats and family-law experts, and that they fail to take into consideration an individual's ability to pay.

The presiding judge in the family-court motion has reserved his ruling.

In his ruling on the costs award, Judge Whitten conceded that Mr. Khodeir is an intelligent man who is adept at citing past judgments and precedents.

However, Judge Whitten said that he was not impressed by the purported novelty of Mr. Khodeir's submissions, nor by his elaborate attempt to present himself as being "the model of reasonableness."




7/6/2009 10:04:23 AM

Lucien Khodeir law suit was doomed to fail, not because it did not have merit but because the judges of the Ontario Superior Court of Ontario are CORRUPT and MAN HATERS.

Their hatred and propensity to engage in pure fabrication of evidence, and fabricate an entire fictional story that has no relation to the evidence before them is legendary.

Its widespread, and they take their anger out on any Self Represented Litigant by Draconian Orders for costs that they know cannot be paid.

The Judiciary are playing a game, its Kill off the Father's Right's messages because they have a message that Judges Don't like hearing.

The fact that the messages are true has nothing to do with it.

Lets say it again. Ontario Superior Court Judges are the worst criminals in society, they are a collection of professional child abusers who should have been drowned at birth and the milk given to the pigs.




Lucien Khodeir law suit was doomed to fail, not because it did not have merit but because the judges of the Ontario Superior Court of Ontario are CORRUPT and MAN HATERS.

Their hatred and propensity to engage in pure fabrication of evidence, and fabricate an entire fictional story that has no relation to the evidence before them is legendary.

Its widespread, and they take their anger out on any Self Represented Litigant by Draconian Orders for costs that they know cannot be paid.

The Judiciary are playing a game, its Kill off the Father's Right's messages because they have a message that Judges Don't like hearing.

The fact that the messages are true has nothing to do with it.

Lets say it again. Ontario Superior Court Judges are the worst criminals in society, they are a collection of professional child abusers who should have been drowned at birth and the milk given to the pigs.



Mr. Justice Alan C.R. Whitten has written yet another work of fiction that is typical of the Family Court Judiciary of Ontario who are engaged in a war on men, its a form of Male Gender Apartheid, its a flagrant abuse of judicial power.

A family court judge can be provided with "absolute proof" that would more than satisfy a jury, only one problem, family court matters don't have a common sense jury, they have a politically appointed lawyer who most likely has a long reputation for doing indirectly what cannot be done directly, and for making white sound black in any gender issue.

Its a systematic destruction of the Rule of Law, to the point that when you read family court judgements, they frequently bear NO relation to reality.


Mr. Khodeir has had the courage as an individual to bring a law suit on behalf of every payor of child support. He tried to show that the child support guidelines are unconstitutional.  The fact is, Ontario's child support guidelines would are draconian and feminist when compared to other jurisdictions in the US or Australia or Quebec.


You can see more about Lucien Khodeir at his web site  http://www.childrenwith2homes.ca/



7/6/2009 2:11:09 PM
Mr. Justice Alan C.R. Whitten has written yet another work of fiction that is typical of the Family Court Judiciary of Ontario who are engaged in a war on men, its a form of Male Gender Apartheid, its a flagrant abuse of judicial power.
A family court judge can be provided with "absolute proof" that would more than satisfy a jury, only one problem, family court matters don't have a common sense jury, they have a politically appointed lawyer who most likely has a long reputation for doing indirectly what cannot be done directly, and for making white sound black in any gender issue.
Its a systematic destruction of the Rule of Law, to the point that when you read family court judgements, they frequently bear NO relation to reality.

Mr. Khodeir has had the courage as an individual to bring a law suit on behalf of every payor of child support. He tried to show that the child support guidelines are unconstitutional. The fact is, Ontario's child support guidelines would are draconian and feminist when compared to other jurisdictions in the US or Australia or Quebec.

You can see more about Lucien Khodeir at his web site http://www.childrenwith2homes.ca/



7/6/2009 2:21:17 PM

This is one of those posts that probably has every Judges and Feminist Egroup buzzing with emails all urging where to click.

The fact is, Our Ontario Family Courts are not real courts, they are "Kangaroo courts" designed by feminists for feminists.

They operated in blatant corrupt ways that sound straight out of a feminist manual.

One classic method is claiming disclosure was never provided so, grant summary judgment, strike pleadings and set a date for an "uncontested trial".

That is, Ontario Judges don't even bother with having a trial, the feminist lawyer may have been provided with all disclosure requested, except of course for a copy of the napkin used at a restaurant four years ago.

Judges support lawyers who charge the most, the richest most expensive lawyers gain judicial support one way or another in a corrupt relationship that happens almost every day in every court.

It is almost unheard of in Ontario for a decision to go against a woman, and when it does, look at the money trail, who was the lawyer, the father must have had a very high income, in the right social circles with a lawyer who had the right contacts.

Mr. Khodier has been brave enough to take an issue to court that concerned every child support payor in Ontario , it was an important issue for society, yet, he was "blown away" by a Judge hell bent on exacting revenge and punishment.

This is typical of how judges treat men in court and they top it off with horrible allegations, such as in Khodeir was using the litigation as a delaying tactic.

That's hardly the case if you look at his documents.

Judges pull this stunt all the time, they delay any case that might cause prejudice to the father by the delay and use every trick in the book to cause prejudice to fathers.

Everyone in Ontario needs to know that Ontario Family Court Judges are on a war against men, its caused by the judicial appointment of those who demonstrate the greatest "bias".



7/6/2009 2:28:14 PM

Mr. Justice Alan C.R. Whitten should have been worked for the Gobbels in his propaganda department where the mantra was "the bigger the lie the easier it is to believe"

His $20,000 cost penalty is the start of a One Two punch, the second punch will be an order for security for costs followed by a vexatious litigant order, all obtained by fraud.

These sorts of orders are now being issued like confetti and have about as much genuine validity as old newspaper squares hanging on a nail in a scenic location.

Mr. Khodier now has Zero chance of having an impartial hearing by an impartial tribunal, he is guaranteed to be screwed over by every judge who has him in his court room, not because of any issue in the case but because the judges of Ontario operate with a "code of silence" that is similar to that of any heavy duty criminal organization, each brother judge has a duty to wipe him out just to sanitize the record.

YOU could be next.

Now is the time to expose the Ontario Judiciary for what it is, a Cartel of Criminals on a war of Hatred towards men.




Justice Whitten mentioned "Access to Justice"

Here are Ontario's Simplified Rules of Procedure for every Father.

1. You must be female

2. If you are ma/e, there is a reverse onus that you are a crimina/, and you will never disprove that alleg-ation, if found innocent, the alleg-ations will be used against you F O R E V E R.

3. Ma-les are considered a sub-hu.man spe.cies,  incapable of  being a fath.er, you need a men-tal health asse-ssment , a parenting course, an an.ger man.agement course just to have a right to ask for access.

4. Child-ren have no rights, they will live with their m@#ther regardless of how much crack she smokes or the severity of heer men-tal ill-ness.

5. Mentioning or suggesting that the m@#her is vio/lent or men-ta//y ill automatically guarantees you will have your pleadings struck.

6. If you fail to dot any i or cross any T, you will not be allowed to participate in the court process.

7. If you suggest that the other lawyer made a fraudulent claim, you will be guilty of harass-ment.

8. If you provide evidence that a previous order was obtained by fraud you will be declared a vex/atious liti-gant.

9. If you are unable to pay co.urt cos.ts or chil.d supp.ort you will never see your child again and any order she asks for will be granted.

10. If you ever make a py-blic commendt about a jud.ge, every ju.dge in Ontario will see it as their duty to do their best to des.troy you by the most des.tructive means available to them.


Now, when the going gets tough , the tough get going,

The biggest bu.llies become cow.ards rather quickly and thats what you need to remember when you are dealing with the low-est forms of life.

Those with the most power will ab-use that pow-er, and

Those in soc-iety tru-sted the most are the most likely to ab-use that tr/ust.







Mr. Justice Alan C.R. Whitten ruled that Lucien Khodeir's negligence lawsuit amounted to a delaying tactic designed to forestall him having to pay support orders of $1,230 - including arrears - for Mr. Khodeir's 12- and 14-year-old children.

Several weeks ago, Judge Whitten dismissed the lawsuit after a brief hearing.

"Access to justice does not mean an absence of consequences or responsibilities," he said in the costs ruling. "It is trite to say that no one wishes to discourage meritorious claims, but it would be naive to think that all claims are per se meritorious."



7/6/2009 2:51:54 PM

"Access to Justice"

There is none in Ontario.

Firstly, its like the Ritz Hotel, anyone with money hires a lawfirm who specialize in accounts with bottomless wallets who are good for 100K plus fees in as little as three months.

These are referred to as "files", A high price gun will have at least one of those "files" come on the books each month.

Feminist lawyers don't litigate issues, they CREATE issues for the purpose of gaining costs orders that help their clients fund their lawyer's account so he or she can bill even more.

They win by blatant and obvious fraud, the bigger the lie the easy it is and the more outragious an allegation will be considered by anyone objecting to fraud in the court room.

Judges turn a blind eye to obvious fraud, they encourage fraud, and are part of that fraud.

The worst criminals in Ontario are not in jail, they are the Feminist Judiciary of Ontario who are engaged in a war against men.

Its time for change, we need a Real Judicial Authority than the very sick joke called the Judicial Council.

Prospective judges need psychological screening and a background check. Many of todays judges have dirty little secrets that are known by many, and its kept hush hush.

The worst judges are destined to become judges of the Court of Appeal and if you demonstrate enough bias, like the madam of the Court of appeal , Katherine Feldman, you have a fast track to the Supreme Court of Canada just like her predecessors.

Check out Peter Roscoe's research on Judicial Bias, amazing stuff.

www.OttawaMensCentre.com / rosoce

The Proof of Bias by Ontario Judges

Virtually NO MEN receive spousal support from women, its a fact, and evidence of the blatant bias of Ontario Judges.

Ontario Judges refer to themselves as "having traditional values"

READ, most never had an involved father in their lives, most can afford for a female sitter to do that job, and therefore, just like the male judiciary, men have no ability to parent and are automatically incompetent and children must reside with the mother.

Ontario Judges use that mantra and apply it by "the end justifies the means"

That is, a judge can do anything, say anything false, fabricate anything do justify giving a mother custody and
CREAMING any and all fathers by ANY means possible

That generally means COSTS COSTS COSTS, Retroactive Support, imputed incomes, "fines" payable to the mother personally" and

Orders striking pleadings, vexatious litigant orders,

All are weapons , illegal weapons, improper flagrant abuses of judicial Power that is used habitually every day by the lowest forms of life imaginable who are "entrusted" as "officers of the court".





Lrover16, You deserve a med.al, now, where is the fat-her?

Most sensible stable reas-onable par.ents do NOT need a court to make a decision for them.

The care first about their children's best interests and they, the parents generally agree most of the time for the children to live with either parent on alter/nate weeks, the work collab-oratively with each other for the children's best.

The Fa-mily co.urts end up with the 10% of society who cannot settle amoungst themselves. Judges have nothing but contempt for those litigants and
feel sorry for Females and walk into any court room with pre-formed conclusions based on Gender, and what is worse, preformed solutions that Don't work.

The single biggest problem in Fam.ily Co.urt is unresolved or undiagnosed pers-onality diso-rders and mental health problems amoungst the litig-ants.

Me.n have men-tal health prob-lems and person-ality dis-orders as well as wo-men but wo-men outnumber them 10:1 such is a factor of gen-der and child.birth.




The courts are abused by Feminists who use men as sperm donors and then checkbooks.

The Courts see all that fraud and do what they can to promote that practice.

Now to pay a tribute to Sta.cy R.o.b of Toronto.

For every de.ad be/at da.d, you can thank a de.ad b/eat ju.dge.

Real Crime Starts in Family Court.

Spare a thought for An.dy Ren.ouf and all the fathers who ki-lled  them.selves because they could not pay impossible orders for supp.ort.

www.Ottawa Mens Centre.com


7/6/2009 4:20:55 PM
The Ontario Judiciary is engaged in what can only be described as legal genocide.

Ontario Judges are now increasingly making orders for support on incomes that obviously never existed.

Judges like the dis-honourable Allan Sheffield of Ottawa does not even need evidence of income or even an allgation of underemployment to make an order for an alto-stratus level of child support that cannot be paid and its a life time jail sentence, ordered very conveniently to "terminate access".

The Underbellies of the Judiciary simply make blanket statements to sanitize their own records, its like death camp guards saying "what , what deaths".

Ontario Judges habitually make impossible orders, its judges like Madam Justice DeSousa who have the highest record for biased judgements, it causes fathers to kill themselves.

These decisions of pure hatred by man hating judges are filling Ontario Jails and robbing half the children in our schools today, of a father.

Real Crime Starts in Family Court

For every child that's banned from their father, you can thank a dead beat judge.




Lrover16, Men Cry, Father's Cry, they cry to judges like Robin Wiliams did in Mrs. Doubtfire,

Devoted loving fathers, cry by the hundreds of thousands in Ontario.

Fathers cry in Jail, not for any criminal act, but because a low life judge knowingly made an order for support that could not be paid, for the express purpose of ending his children's relationship with him.

Men cry when a judge says "I don't have time to listen to you"

Men Cry when a judge cowardly "reserves a ruling" thats the ruling they make when they don't want to hear the court errupt into protest and verbal abuse.

Men Cry when they are forced into homlessness, as a result of a judges orders that were specifically designed to cause that.

Men Cry because they love their children and the family courts encourage women to tell their children, "a judge said that you cannot have contact with your daddy".

Men Cry because their mother's tell them, "your daddy is in jail" or "your daddy spent time in jail" and that's why you can't see him. Without telling him that they and their lawyer personally fabricated evidence to the court.

Men Cry when they show fabricated evidence to a court that the wife's lawyer personally fabricated evidence because the mother did not have any and wasn't willing to do that illegal act.

You won't see any judge of the Ontario Family Court crying when they terminate a father's relationship with their child or order support based on a fictitious amount of income that never existed.

They shared something in common with psychopaths, its one of the prerequisite for the job of the underbelly of the judiciary.

There are judges who do cry, they are the saints of the judiciary, they are politically incorrect and despised by the rest of Cartel.



7/6/2009 4:42:11 PM
Canadians need to understand the "root cause".

Family Court Judges are generally, but not allways, simply brothers in a criminal Cartel, its used to promote their own criminal organization.

It promotes "extortion" by making orders for the payment of money to those they like against those they don't.

Its like dealing with the Mafia, or the Hells Angles but real criminals despise child abusers and for that reason, Family Court Judges are a "different breed of criminal" its about the lowest form of life one can find in society.

The very worst, can be found in Ottawa.

"the worst judge ever", aka "the worst of the worst", "the judge who never smiles" is none other than the Dis-Honourable Allan Sheffield who holds some kind of record in making draconian decisions that have all the hallmarks of corruption. Their "corrupt decisions" frequently terminate children's relationships with their father for no valid reason and that makes them Canada's most shocking child abusers.



7/7/2009 1:38:56 AM

Highway, thanks for your post. Well said.

"The reason Judges are so arrogant and treat people before them with contempt is that they are placed on the bench for life. They like all other occupations need to be assessed on a regular basis."

Not all judges 'are arrogant'.
I've met some who are saints to the judiciary, the legal profession and society. Virtually no sane person ever offers a complaint.

I've also met some who were the vilest examples of corruption and abuse imaginable.

While society pretends that judges are god like, we will suffer the same disfunctional society that the Mulahs of Iran inflict on their population.

Mulahs of Iran and Judges of Ontario have one thing in common, they simply restate history, if its a fact or evidence they don't like, they simply say it did not happen.

If you are scheduled to be in two courts at one time, a judge will say "Its your fault".

If you are unemployed as a result of fabricated allegations from your ex wife, a judge will say, "I'm not going to hear that", next case please.

If you seek leave to appeal, and leave is denied, there is no appeal or review of that denial. If you get one of the underbellys of the judiciary, you could end up with a decision that might be endless destruction.

Its those orders that are effectively, deportation orders from Ontario or Canada. Thats something even the British stopped 150 years ago.


7/7/2009 10:04:54 AM
Kirk Makin has again provided readers with an inside story to the Dysfunctional corrupt Ontario Justice system.

Justice Whitten ordered $20,000 in costs. Its an obvious fine, its a penalty and there is a lot more behind this story that Kirk Makin or anyone else could write a book on.

Lets look at the absurdity of Whitten's decision to penalize Khodeir with a $20,000 "cost" "penalty".

Justice Whitten's judgment is a convenient white wash, he wipes Khodeir away as " a public nuisance".

IF Khodeir's application was entirely without merit, why is it that the Government had to spend $20,000 to "defend" it? Why did the government need to even turn up? They had Justice Whitten hearing it, and the decision was no suprise.

Justice Whitten talks with a forked tongue, its obvious double talk. If you read the posters words, read Justice Whitten's words, they reveal a lot about the personality and the aberrant facets to those personalities.

Mr. Khodeir's application basically contained what is the LAW in other jurisdictions including Quebec , various states in the U.S.A. and Australia.

If the law has changed in those jurisdictions, from Ontario's Male Sharia law to something more equitable, then how can Justice Whitten claim Khodeir's application was "entirely without merit?

Very obviously, Khodeir's application had merit, and almost every single father who has been though Ontario Family court would congratulate Mr. Khodeir for having the personal courage, the determination to attempt, single handedly bring about change because no one else has to date done that.

Our politicians lack the courage, they appear to be all hen pecked by extreme feminists and brainwashed with bias against fathers just the same way that society treated women before the turn of the century.



7/7/2009 10:20:54 AM

If medical experts or airline pilots operated like Ontario Judges, the incompetence and sheer corruption would be a little easier to see.

Society has rules, courts have rules, judges break those rules from the get go, they are encouraged to whitewash any other judges improper act, as though it never happened.

It starts early. Father's get served with an exparte hearing, or served at the court house door, it generally contains pure fabrications that vilify a father before the court.

The judges are preprogramed to make decisions against me, and in their minds, the end justifies the means. That poor women, standing before her, has all the equipment for breast feeding, and in his mind, he has never seen a bull suckle a calf so therefore, its a fact of life. He knows the law does not allow him to make the decision so he does illegally, what he cannot do directly legally. He breaks all the rules.

The rest of the litigation follows a familiar pattern.

Fabricated evidence is put before the court when it cannot be responded to, sometimes AFTER the hearing or AFTER the trial. Pure hearsay, often quadruple hearsay is suddenly a fact in a judges decision.

Ontario Judges generally, don't practice law, they orders do not comply with the statues, they comply with "judge made law", its "do in Rome as Romans do"

If judges use their kit of dirty tricks to "get rid of a case" it suddenly becomes standard procedure.

Take Ottawa, In February over 70 cases were on the Trial List. Only 3 cases made it to trial.

4 cases were "disposed of" by way of "summary judgment" supposedly allowed for by the rules when there is "no genuine issue for trial".

One problem, these orders are only directed against those who are self represented who could not afford a lawyer.

A large percentage of Judges operate as front line weapons for the Legal Cartel, its a way of punishing anyone who does not fund the legal profession,.






7/7/2009 10:22:21 AM

Sorry Typo

Should have read
"The judges are preprogramed to make decisions against MEN"..




7/7/2009 10:29:07 AM

The Ontario Court Rules allow litigants to represent themselves.

Many judges represent the Cartel, by penalizing and making decisions against those who represent themselves.

It's extortion, it results in massive injustice and destruction, endless litigation, and its all legal, the judges say so.

The price is paid for by society in billions of dollars in many ways that are not directly obvious.

It could all be solved with several changes.

Firstly a legal presumption of equal parenting.

Reform of the child support guidlines

A real judicial authority to not only psychologically screen judges prior to appointment but to look at each and every complaint.

The present judicial council is exactly the same as asking criminals for help in the fight against crime.

They deserve the greatest exposure possible. They are a danger to society.
