NOTE: This article below varies quite considerably from the article published in the Lawyer's Weekly. Now it becomes apparent that Bala has enlisted the names of Brunning, Fidler, Groves, Landau, Leonoff, lawyers, Martha McCarthy and Jane Murray.
This article talks about "personality disorders" when perhaps Nicholas Bala shows some of those symptoms himself. There is no name more reviled in Ontario Family Law than Nicholas Bala. What he is attempting to do is to make the Family Law process more corrupt than it allready is.
The names of these authors have a vested self interest in giving themselves Judicial Power with impunity and impunity from any complaint. Their proposals would make complaints illegal. It is dangerous in that it alludes to the judiciary that they are all right and all the complainants have personality disorders and are obviously just disgruntled litigants.
The article does not address the central issue, why are there so many complaints? why are their so many disgruntled litigants? Can every male litigant fall into that category? Notice that they leave the gender word out of it.
If you want to vomit, keep reading.
Protecting Custody Assessors from Vexatious Complaints
to Regulatory Colleges By Disgruntled Litigants
November, 2009
Nicholas Bala, L.S.M., B.A., Fay Brunning, B.A., LLB, Barbara Jo Fidler, Ph.D.,C.Psych.,
AccFM, Robert Groves, Ph.D., C. Psych., Barbara Landau, Ph.D., LL.M., Cert.F.M.,
Arthur Leonoff, Ph.D., C. Psych., FIPA,David McLean, MD FRCP[C],
Martha McCarthy, LLB, and Jane Murray, B.Sc., LLB
Executive Summary
The courts in Canada and the United States have evolved to rely, in part, on
assessments by mental health professionals serving as experts to bring some
objectivity to the determination of the best interests of the child (Bala, 2004).
Custody and access and child protection assessments (parenting capacity
assessments) are conducted by psychologists, social workers and psychiatrists
with broad child and family experience. Complaints to regulatory bodies by
disgruntled litigants against practitioners who conduct custody/access and child
protection assessments are frequent and on the rise. Next to complaints relating
to sexual misconduct, College complaints against assessors addressing family
law disputes occur more frequently than any other type of complaint (CPO
Bulletin, 2007; Kirkland & Kirkland, 2001). As a result, those who are willing and
able to conduct these assessments are dwindling. This exodus of available and
qualified assessors is a significant problem facing family law lawyers and the
courts in Ontario, and most importantly, children and their families who are left at
The family court oversees matters relating to family law disputes and ultimate
determinations of parenting arrangements believed to be in a child’s best
interests. We and the supporters of this proposal maintain, that under the
provisions of the
RHPA Procedural Code or in the case of the Ontario College ofSocial Workers and Social Service Providers (OSCWSSW) and the relevant
legislation, Colleges need to have clear legal criteria to apply before they launch
any investigation into a complaint filed by a disgruntled litigant against an
assessor, and before the assessor has to expend energy, resources and time to
respond to such a complaint. This test is essential to minimize the commonly
occurring vexatious complaints. The family law justice system is seriously
undermined every time a complaint is made by a disgruntled party to the College
against an assessor without any gatekeeping by the court or Colleges. Equally
important, the health discipline complaint process is undermined and loses
legitimacy. This is a major legal problem that needs to be remedied. Three
options for resolution of this problem are provided for consideration.
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A. Underlying Issue
Divorce can have many negative
1 consequences including intense legal disputesover the care and custody of children. Families of divorce face multiple stresses;
adjustment can be seriously delayed, if not stymied, by prolonged litigation over
child care and control that can drag on for years. The implications for children are
immediate but also long term. Studies confirm long term impact such as adults
raised in divorced families tend to marry less and divorce more (Wallerstein &
Lewis, 2005). Parental divorce is also a key variable in predicting referrals of
school age children for mental health treatment (Felner, Stolberg & Cowen,
1975). It is estimated that 20-25 percent of children raised in divorced families
suffer emotional disturbance as adults as compared to the rate of 10 percent for
children raised in intact families (Hetherington & Kelly, 2002).
B. Custody and Access and Child Protection Assessments
2Assessments are principally ordered when clinical issues predominate and/or are
used by parents and legal counsel to resolve disputes before they actually go to
court. It has been estimated that assessors testify in less than 5 percent of cases
that are assessed (Austin & Jaffe, 1990). In reality, these assessments represent
an important tool for dispute resolution of custody and access conflicts between
the litigating parents.
Although there is controversy between the art and science of conducting family
assessments, pitting empiricism against clinical judgment, the courts in
determining the best interest of the child, have benefited from the consultation
with skilled, neutral assessors, who are knowledgeable in family law principles,
child development, adult assessment and family systems theory. Many
assessors work alone, bringing their professional training guidelines and
experience to address the questions posed by the family and the court. Other
assessors work in teams or family court clinics that harness the talents and skills
of different and multiple mental health professionals to assess complex family
problems referred by the court.
Austin, G. W., & Jaffe, P. G. (1990). Follow-up study of parents in custody and access disputes.Canadian Psychology
, 31, 72-79.2
We refer to custody and access assessments throughout this proposal as custodyassessments. These may be ordered by the court pursuant to s. 30 of the Children’s Law Reform
Act, RSO 1990, c. C.12 as amended or; s.54 of the Child and Family Services Act, RSO 1990, c.
C.11 as amended. The court orders may be made on consent of the parties or following a
contested motion. Assessments may also be done outside the court process, voluntarily and
typically once the parties have obtained independent legal advice, clarifying process and other
terms using an assessment retainer contract. However many assessors require a court order
before proceeding, even when the assessment is on consent, in the mistaken belief that this will
offer the process some protection.
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Assessors quickly learn that the parents referred for custody assessments are
not regular patients. They are litigants whose principal aim is to win a legal
dispute. Thus, the usual therapeutic paradigm does not apply and the
relationship between assessor and parent is specific to the time-limited
assessment process. There is no patient-doctor/health professional relationship
and no presumed right of complete confidentiality. By way of the order or the
consent formalized into a consent agreement, the assessor’s report and
recommendations become part of the open court record and are accessible to an
inquiring public if they so choose. The assessor serves as a consultant to a
judge. The assessor is not retained by one parent, but rather by both parents.
Ultimately, the client is actually the court, which oversees the process aimed at
determining the best interests of children, when the parents are separated and in
dispute. In this regard, the court is the ultimate defender of the public good and
the assessor is a health or social service professional who agrees to serve as the
court’s expert.
In the court process, the assessor’s findings, expertise and testimony may be
vigorously tested through cross-examination before the judge prior to final
determination of the issue. In the end, the court’s use of the assessor’s report
and evidence is discretionary.
In other words, any health professional willing to serve in this capacity must be
prepared to contend with the rigors of litigation. Lawyers and judges accept the
importance of this evidence but they also expect the assessor to ultimately be
able to defend their findings and recommendations in court. No one knows at the
time of appointment if there will be settlement or if the case will proceed to trial.
Lawyers for both sides can cross-examine the assessor at trial. Moreover, in
some cases the litigants will seek second opinions, critiques from other
evaluators, and/or assistance from their own privately retained experts in
preparing for cross-examination. Hence, the custody assessor already assumes
a willingness to undergo professional scrutiny when appointed, to ensure the
reliability that the court might place on the report and the evidence of an
assessor. A well prepared experienced and expert assessor accepts that
possible scrutiny. The custody assessor serves as expert to the court in respect
to both parties and their children. It is vital work which has proven its value
across North America.
C. Complaints to Regulatory Colleges
There is a serious potential jeopardy that the custody assessor faces outside the
courtroom in the absence of the protection of the court. No amount of skill,
training or preparation can prevent or avoid this jeopardy. If it arrives, it feels like
a professional sucker punch and has no correlation to the skill, experience and
savvy of the custody assessor. This jeopardy arises from disgruntled litigants
making complaints to the regulatory bodies that govern the health professionals.
If a parent has been described in an assessment report in a way that the parent
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considers unfavourable and wants to discredit or even harass the assessor, that
parent is able to exploit the health discipline complaint process; psychologists
and psychiatrists, under the
Regulations Health Professions Act 1991, SO 1991C.18 and social workers under different legislation. Such a complaint may be
made after the assessment report is prepared and before a trial occurs, or after a
trial in which the parent receives an unfavourable result. Rather than (or in
addition to) challenging the report in the usual family litigation process (or
appealing a court decision), a disgruntled parent may file a complaint to the
assessor’s College.
This is a process that is cost-free to the complainant who will be treated the
same as any other client or patient. Disgruntled litigants are given full rights to
pursue the assessor through the College, without any recognition or protection
arising from the fact the assessor was either appointed by the court or consented
to by both parties, and open to full scrutiny under that process.
In the case of the College of Psychology of Ontario (CPO), approximately onethird
of all annual complaints arise out of custody and access assessments (CPO
Bulletin, 2007). Complaining to a regulatory body is an increasingly common
tactic for disgruntled custody litigants. A survey of 61 state and provincial
licensing boards over a 10-year period reported that only 1 percent of complaints
resulted in findings of “formal fault” against the assessor (Kirkland & Kirkland,
Of course, there may be circumstances where assessors might be unprepared
and inexperienced and both litigants in the dispute file a complaint. It might be,
for example, a report unfinished after a lengthy period, an assessor who fails to
see all parties or who clearly lacks competence or essential knowledge, or a
practitioner assuming a dual role. In most cases, however, these complaints are
filed as part of a litigation strategy and/or to transfer the litigation activity to
attacking the assessor. Given that personality disorders or characteristics of
these disorders occur in about 60% of the high conflict separating or divorcing
parents (Johnston & Campbell, 1988), the disgruntled litigant may have a
personality disorder, and have perhaps been so identified by the assessor.
The Colleges take the position they must investigate all complaints, and treat all
complainants equally. Colleges may take the greater part of a year to gather the
information, schedule a meeting of the ICRC (Complaints Committee), evaluate
the grievance (which has likely blossomed into several letters and responses),
and prepare a decision for the member and the complainant. The complaints
exact a serious toll on the professional who may be functioning as a solo
practitioner, carrying the emotional and professional burden alone. There may be
appeals, and the process can drag on for years. Major college resources are also
consumed by these complaints.
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Who finances the cost of an assessor who is the subject of a college complaint?
Not the family justice system or the parties to the litigation. It must be financed
by the health professional or their insurer. Physicians have access to lawyers
through the Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA). Most
psychologists and social workers have the equivalent in legal services available
through group liability insurance, after a deductible is paid. There is no
information available as to the percentage of custody evaluators who retain legal
counsel to assist them through the complaint investigation. It is generally
acknowledged, however, that any complaint can have serious professional and
personal consequences, which include loss of reputation, a tarnished record and
personal humiliation even if the complaint is not referred for further investigation
and the professional is vindicated. Any future dealings with the College will lead
to repeat airing of past complaints to the complaint panels even if the earlier
complaints were never referred to discipline for adjudication. As a result, many
assessors retain counsel, often at their own expense, to provide representation
and assistance during the complaint process.
Many assessors refuse to act as assessors after they have been subjected to the
demeaning and expensive process of dealing with vexatious complaints. The
most concerning reality is that the family justice system has to contend with a
depleted pool of qualified assessors willing to do this important and valued work.
Professional license in our society is a privilege that is accorded to a specific
group in return for regulation in the public interest under defined ethical and
professional responsibilities. The Colleges have the clear mandate to protect the
public from their members who may be unscrupulous, incompetent, unethical or
irresponsible in carrying out their functions. In this drag net of regulation, the fact
that the complaint pertains to a health professional who conducted custody
assessments in a polarized legal context has been treated as irrelevant or
extraneous by the Colleges under their legal mandate. The hegemony of
regulation does not allow for any differentiation between complaints from
members of the public who were provided health or equivalent services as clients
or patients, from disgruntled litigants struggling with their ex-partners over the
custody or access of their children.
Furthermore, the current College procedure forces the custody assessor to
respond to the complainant, even though this may have a direct impact on an
ongoing legal custody process. The complainant may benefit from having such a
response from the assessor, to which the other parent has no concurrent access.
If one disgruntled parent makes a complaint to the College, the other parent has
no standing in the complaint process. If the custody or access issue is still before
the family courts when the complaint is received, the College proceeding can
interfere with the court’s ability to determine custody and/or another assessor
must be involved.
MacIntosh v. MacIntosh, (November 21, 2007), Ottawa, Court File No.: 54979/97A (Ont. S.C.),LaLonde, J.
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There is a contradiction between the court and regulatory body where both attest
to represent the public good. The assessor is caught between discordant worlds.
The family court may be fully satisfied with the contribution of the assessor while
the College is looking for possible misconduct at the behest of a retaliatory
litigant. It is a formula for dysfunction and distorts the important role intended to
be played by health discipline regulatory bodies.
No wonder qualified health professionals are increasingly reluctant to do this very
important work, highly valued by the courts and family lawyers. They are pushed
out of the field by disgruntled parents and zealous regulators who believe they
must demonstrate that they are carefully scrutinizing the work of assessors under
their broad powers as “protectors of the public.” From the custody assessor’s
perspective, the professional, financial and personal costs are simply too great.
Consequently, fewer qualified assessors are available, the delay to find an
assessor is lengthened and the costs increase, including the resulting human
cost to the children and parents of the continuing dispute.
When a regulatory College ignores the context in which these complaints arise,
this has impact on the administration of family justice, and ultimately on the
welfare of children. Custody assessments are complex and multidimensional;
they arise in a particular context and serve a specific legal function. What the
colleges and/or the RHPA ignore and what is essential, in our view, is an
understanding that the court itself is the foremost legal forum in which the
public’s welfare is being served in custody disputes. In this regard, the family
court process already provides very significant scrutiny and oversight. The court
can disqualify an assessor, and the lawyers or parties themselves can assess
the work and cross-examine to require the assessor to defend their evidence and
recommendations if the need arises. Absent a consensus of both parties that the
assessor was unprofessional or incompetent (for example due to delay or other
incompetence), or a complaint from the judge or court, the College should not be
involved, in complaints brought by family law litigants. The college system does
not have any of the legal checks and balances or accountability that the litigant
faces in the family court system.
D. Possible Legal Reforms
We believe that there needs to be recognition in the legislation that complaints
against assessors about custody/access and child protection assessments
should be handled differently than complaints arising out of direct therapeutic or
other services provided by a health professional to a patient.
Other jurisdictions in North America have recognized the seriousness of this
problem through statutory change. Colorado appears to be the only state or
province where such complaints against mental health professionals in court
ordered assessments are actually prohibited from being the subject of discipline.
The Colorado Mental Health Practice Act
(1998) states:DISCUSSION PAPER - Protecting Custody Assessors
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“The provisions of this article shall not apply to mental health professionals
acting within the scope of a court appointment to undertake custodial
evaluations in domestic relations cases in the courts of this state or to
mental health professionals acting within the scope of a court appointment
to undertake domestic and child abuse evaluations for purposes of legal
proceedings in the courts of this state (2-43-222, section 7).”
This approach is clearly intended to promote the concerns of the family justice
system. However, we believe that the Colorado model does not strike the right
balance between the needs for protection of all concerned.
We have identified three possible remedies, and perhaps some combination
thereof, for consideration with the hope of protecting children and families and
stemming the exodus of health professionals from performing family court
assessments. These possible remedies are as follows:
1. Written Consent of Custodial Parent(s) to the College
Ontario could change the RHPA to require the signed consent of both parents as
a precondition to the College proceeding with a complaint. Ontario could adopt
the model of the California Board of Psychology which states:
“Complaints concerning
child custody issues against a psychologistmust include, not only a release/consent signed by the complaining party,
but a release/consent for each child involved signed by the adult with legal
If the parent who is complaining is the parent who does not have legal custody,
the College must obtain the prior written consent of the custodial parent as well
to proceed with a complaint. In the case where both parents share legal custody
or where custody has yet to be determined, the complaint would still need to be
supported by both parents as there is a presumption of shared care and control.
This model recognizes that it is usually (although not always) a disgruntled
parent who does not have custody (or who loses custody after the assessment)
who makes a complaint to the college. This approach should also address the
fact that in the present complaint system, the custodial parent never receives
communications from the College, may not be made aware of the complaint, has
no standing with the College, and has no right to prohibit the personal health
information of the child/children from being given to the non-custodial parent
through the complaint system. Furthermore, if the custody order of the court is
under appeal, the custodial parent should be able to prevent this collateral attack
and/or to seek a role in the process.
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2. Gatekeeping Test and Right of Appeal
In the case of child custody or access and child protection matters, the College
should be required to assess the complaint against a clear legal test defining
what is vexatious, frivolous or an abuse of the family court process. Perhaps
there should be a presumption of abuse of process when a litigant files a
complaint against an assessor. Sometimes these complaints arise during the
assessment process, before the trial is even conducted. The onus should be
placed on the complainant to prove the complaint is not a litigation tactic or
otherwise vexatious. This gatekeeping function should occur prior to investigation
of the complaint itself by the ICRC, meaning before the member has been forced
to file his/her response.
In the case where the College considers the complaint not to be vexatious then
the practitioner should have the right of appeal on the preliminary issue of
jurisdiction to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, being a court that also
administers the custody laws of the province. Likewise, if the College declines to
process the complaint, the complainant should have a right of appeal to the same
court. The College should be the respondent on the appeal in either case. The
possibility of costs being awarded should be determined in advance.
The advantage of these remedies is to preserve the role of the Colleges in their
regulatory function over provisions of health services to the public, but gives the
Colleges the necessary legal authority to apply clear tests in custody and access
and child protection assessments. It protects the assessor by assuming that
vexatious complaints will be identified and not processed by the College, with
supervision by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.
3. Judicial Gatekeeping Responsibility
Arizona is one jurisdiction that has recently recognized that complaints to
professional colleges will not be allowed, regardless of the objectivity, balance or
accuracy of the assessments. Indeed, as has been outlined above, complaints
arise from the litigious, emotion-laden context of court-related assessments
occur. The rationale for judicial screening as a remedy is that the custody
assessment is essentially an extension of the court process. In this regard, the
court has assumed the obligation to protect the integrity of its procedures and to
safeguard the mental health professional who has agreed to serve in this
exacting role from vexatious complaints which are usually aimed at subverting
the legal process.
Arizona’s Revised Statute (32-2081) states:
“The board shall not consider a complaint against a judicially appointed
psychologist arising out of a court ordered evaluation, treatment or
psychoeducation of a person to present a charge of unprofessional
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conduct unless the court ordering the evaluation, treatment or
psychoeducation has found a substantial basis to refer the complaint for
consideration by the board.”
This solution places the gatekeeper function with the family court in respect to
the initial determination of whether there is to be any complaint. One major
advantage of this approach is that judges are already apprised of both parties
and their arguments/positions, as well as the context and likely motivation for
making a complaint. The judge is charged with an appreciation of the best
interests of the child, whereas a regulatory College has no prior or
comprehensive knowledge or special insight into these complex family law
matters. It also ensures that complaints that are forwarded to the Colleges are
actually worthy of regulatory intervention and are aimed at ensuring protection of
professional standards and conduct. A possible disadvantage is that it may be
perceived as limiting College jurisdiction with regard to the professional activities
of its members.
E. Conclusion
Mental health professionals, judges and family law lawyers all agree that
containing and hopefully resolving family law conflicts is essential if we really
seek to minimize risk and protect children in high conflict family disputes.
Providing due process with one hand (the court) and allowing unchecked abuse
of process with the other hand (unfettered complaints to the regulatory body) is
poor social policy. It exacts a huge individual and societal cost.
Qualified assessors are increasingly unwilling to serve as assessors due to the
high risk of a College complaint. The family courts have come a long way from
the rip and tear litigation of the past. Custody assessments expose the strengths
and weaknesses of the family system, the specific needs and adjustment of the
children, and propose a model for parenting arrangements (custody and access)
aimed to promote healthy long-term adjustment and well-being. Assessments
provide an objectivity that is otherwise missing when the litigation process occurs
solely between the two litigating parents, each trying to win in court. If qualified
assessors are not available, children are likely to suffer.
In the end, we all aim to serve and protect the public: custody assessors, judges,
lawyers and the Colleges. Our attempted solutions often become the problem.
We need to find a way to prevent working at cross-purposes, to identify and stop
the vexatious complaints, and to ensure that children and their families are the
true beneficiaries of our combined talents and expertise.
F. Your Assistance is Needed
We need to confirm the existence of the problem and its impact. We would also
like you to consider the possible solutions listed above or to propose others. We
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need the stakeholders to participate. To provide your feedback, including to
confirm/question the existence of the problem and your reasoned assessment of
the possible range of solutions, please email your name, occupation/profession
and comments to the following email address designated for this purpose: Your name and all the information that
you provide will be stored, collected and used by members of the committee
(authors of this discussion paper) to facilitate possible legal reform as
contemplated in the discussion paper. You may be contacted in the future by the
committee via the email address information that you provide. This committee
may use and disclose comments provided by email without disclosing the author.
However, if we would like to identify you to the Colleges and/or Ministers of the
Provincial Government, you will be contacted to obtain your permission to
disclose that you are the author. Please do not communicate any personal health
information nor identity of complainants to this committee, unless you have prior
written consent to do so.
Thank you for your assistance.
Bala, N. (2004). Assessments for postseparation parenting disputes in Canada.
Family Court Review
, 42 (3), 485-510.Felner, R. D., Stolberg, A. L., & Cowen, E. L. (1975). Crisis events and school
mental health referral patterns of young children
. Journal of Consulting andClinical Psychology
, 43, 305-310.Hetherington, E. M., & Kelly, J. (2002
). For better or for worse: Divorcereconsidered
. New York: Norton.Johnston, J.R. & Campbell, L.E. (1988).
Impasses of divorce: The dynamics andresolution of family conflict
. New York: The Free Press.Kirkland, K., & Kirkland, K.L. (2001) Frequency of child custody evaluation
complaints and related disciplinary action: A survey of the State and Provincial
Psychology Boards.
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 32, 171-174.
Wallerstein, J.S. & Lewis, M. (2004). The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce: Report
of a 25-Year Study.
Psychoanalytic Psychology, 21:353-370.