Published on the Department of Justice Web Site

OTTAWA, February 23, 2010 -

The Honourable Rob Nicholson, P.C., Q.C., M.P. for Niagara Falls, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, today welcomed the coming into force of Bill C-25, legislation that strictly limits the amount of credit granted for time served in custody prior to conviction and sentencing.

"Our Government is committed to ensuring that criminals serve a sentence that reflects the severity of their crimes," said Minister Nicholson. "Bill C-25 marks a significant achievement in implementing our tough-on-crime agenda."

This legislation provides the courts with clear guidance and limits for granting credit for pre-sentencing custody. Bill C-25:

"Canadian people are dismayed when they see criminal sentences reduced because of pre-trial remand credit," Saskatchewan Minister of Justice Don Morgan said. "This legislation will help restore public confidence in the judicial system."

"Alberta has been in full support of this reform and it was an honour to appear before the Senate to speak to its merits," said Alison Redford, Alberta Minister of Justice and Attorney General. "Sentences must reflect the seriousness of the crime, and the damage inflicted upon victims and communities."

Bill C-25 received support from provincial and territorial governments, victims' associations and police forces from across the country during the legislative process.

An on-line version of the legislation can be found on the Parliament of Canada official Web Site.

Backgrounder: Credit for Time Served in Pre-sentencing Custody






Notice the language? "Alberta has been in full support" read, this idea has come from conservatives in Alberta who are "tough on crime". then there is ""This legislation will help restore public confidence in the judicial system."

Just when did the public lose confidence in the judicial system and why?

This legislation appeals to the red necked uneducated ignorant majority who know next to nothing about

the justice system. For those who have any contact with the justice system, there is a total lack of confidence

in the judicial system but not for the reasons given by the Conservatives in their Bill C-25.

Most people arrested and remanded in jail are innocent. Police in Canada can at the drop of a hat, arrest anyone who is

politically incorrect and keep them in jail for extended periods of time, obtain extremely prejudicial bail conditions that are specifically constructed to be next to impossible to comply with and then later "drop or stay the charges".

A very large number of men are arrested on nothing more than a crazy woman's fingers dialing 911, she can punch him the face, have blood pouring out his nose all over his shirt and HE will be arrested while her injuries consist of bruised knuckles

that she incurred in "self defence" .

Crazy cases like this go to four day criminal trials, if the father mentions any of her violence in family court

he will be criticized that he "denigrated the mother" to quote Justice Aitken of Ottawa and that the pleadings had nothing to do with

the best interests of the children.


Bill C-25 is  nothing more than conservative "smoke and mirrors" designed to fill jails

so that the private companies who run jails will make more profit as will everyone else in the criminal justice system

from prosecutors, victim witness, police, correctional staff, etc.

The conservatives fail to acknowledge that our jails are inhumane storage containers for humanity that will only create

social problems and not reduce them in total. Our jails are now destined to have their populations increased dramatically

in the future while removing from the judiciary the ability to use judicial discretion.


The conservatives, while destroying judicial discretion where it is needed to nothing about the real abuses

of judicial discretion that occur in family court on a routine basis. Judges like Hackland, Jennifer McKinnon, Denis Power,

Madam Justice Aitken, ( a very bitter man hater) and the worst of the worst, probably the most corrupt judge in Ontario,

Justice Allan Sheffield.


These judges are famous for abusing their judicial fiduciary obligations, they leave a trail of destroyed lives all in the aid

of giving mentally ill violent women custody and making orders that are destined to put in jail any father who

dares to ask the court to respect a child's right to have a relationship with their father.

Mr. Harper should take a walk over to 161 Elgin street and take a look at the worst child abusers in Canada,'

the most file examples of humanity, the underbelly of the judiciary, who masquerade as Family Court Judges, bring the administration of justice into ill repute and, undermine the public's confidence in the Judicial System .