Jane Armstrong
Vancouver — From Wednesday's Globe and Mail Published on Tuesday, May. 11, 2010 9:29PM EDT Last updated on Tuesday, May. 11, 2010 9:40PM EDT
But the newborn screening procedures, which exist across North America and most of the developed world, have run afoul of privacy advocates because the genetic material collected from infants when blood is drawn is routinely used for other purposes, chiefly medical research.
Millions of infants’ blood samples – along with their names and birthdates – are stored on information cards in laboratories across Canada. What has riled civil libertarians and privacy advocates is that parents aren’t told that their babies’ genetic blueprint will be stored indefinitely, and perhaps used for research purposes.
Instead, parents are told the blood samples are crucial to test for disorders such as hypothyroidism, and more recently, cystic fibrosis.
In British Columbia, the B.C. Civil Liberties Association has helped launch a complaint with the province’s privacy commission on behalf of a Vancouver parent who said the practice is a breach of privacy, and wants all blood cards destroyed if the parents didn’t give consent for their storage.
J. Scott Applewhite/The Associated Press
A doctor at a hospital in Washington, D.C., pricks the heel of a newborn to perform a PKU test.
British Columbia stores the genetic information of about 800,000 infants.
David Eby, executive director of the B.C. Civil Liberties Association, said the province doesn’t have the right to keep this personal biological data indefinitely. Mr. Eby said health authorities have a duty to inform parents that the so-called blood spot cards are used for purposes apart from testing for illness.
“We think that patients – when they’re dealing with their medical practitioner, when they’re dealing with doctors – have a right to know how their biological samples are being used and have a right to control the use of those biological samples,” he said.
“One of the issues we’re concerned about it the building of a national DNA database and how such a database would be used by government or by private interests to discriminate against people based on genetic pre-dispositions.”
Mr. Eby said the complaint is the first of its kind in British Columbia. In the United States, parents in Texas and Minnesota have filed lawsuits against health authorities, sparking accusations that health authorities were secretly warehousing DNA. In Texas, a judge has ordered a health authority to destroy about five million infants’ blood samples.
Hillary Vallance, the director of the newborn screening program of B.C. and Yukon, conceded that policy guidelines governing the use and storage of the cards need to be updated.
When asked why parents aren’t informed about how their babies blood samples will be used, Dr. Vallance replied: “That’s a very good question.
“It’s one of these things we honestly didn’t realize that there was public interest in the primary purposes for storing the cards,” Dr. Vallance said, adding: “We are responding to that.”
An advisory committee, made up of scientists, lab professionals and an ethicist, will update the policy and make the information known to parents, likely on the program’s website, she added.
Dr. Vallance said blood spot cards are stored in bulk because a large sample is needed to refine the tests that are run on newborns. And they’re stored indefinitely for quality control purposes. Some disorders, such as hypothyroidism, for example, can be present at birth or acquired later in life, she said. If a 5-year-old child shows symptoms of this kind of disorder, doctors can return to the original blood sample to see if it was missed.
The blood spot cards have been used for two other medical research studies in B.C., Dr. Vallance said, but those studies had to be approved by a University of British Columbia ethics board and samples weren’t identified by name.
The parent who made the privacy complaint did not want to be identified. He also demanded that his children’s blood spot cards be returned to him.
Burnaby parent Rhian Walker said she was shocked to learn her nine-month-old daughter’s blood can be used for other purposes than testing for medical disorders.
“This was never, ever explained anywhere to me,” Ms. Walker said. “I think this would change a lot of parents’ perception of that test. You’re trying to do what’s best for your baby, so I’m a bit taken aback to learn that now that information is being stored and utilized in a way that I haven’t given consent for.”
There is a need to sample every child at birth for DNA, to verify who the
father is just for starters.
The dna should be able to be used for research, WITH THE CONSENT of the parties.
There should be very strict limitations, to prevent specifically, the DNA
information from being used for any purpose that could be used to discriminate
against the person or parents of the person who provided the sample.
The rights of children need to be protected, which unfortunately, requires DNA
testing at birth of the child and the parents.
Children also need legal rights after separation of the parents, specifically, a
right to equal parenting and there is not one party in Canada who have announced
that they are prepared to back this proposed legislation.
They all pander the the extreme feminists, those who believe in the unwitting
theft of cperm and for children to never know who their father is let alone have
any contact with him.
When you think of all the fatherless children in Canada, remember that thousands
of fathers each day are deprived of all their legal rights to litigate the best
interests of their children.
The "worst of the worst" the most vile creators of these "Power orders" and
"Sheffield" orders are named after the worst child abusers in Ontario.
The only solution is for all children to be sampled at birth. Increasingly,
women single married or otherwise, seek out cperm donors, who are never told
what their purpose is. The children are born, often the wrong father is left
paying the child support simply because he had the high income but the wrong
Children need rights, the right to know who their father and their mother really
Fathers also have a right to know from birth, that they are in fact the
biological father or to discover that a fraud has been made.
When there is mandatory dna testing at birth, for the purpose of verifying birth
parents, women will be less tempted to raise children and fail to tell them who
their real father is.
That DNA information should be for the parents and child only.
Men should also be able to run a search, to see if their DNA has resulted in a
If both are unknown to each other both should have the right to know the full
details of who the father and or who the child is.
There is nothing more degrading than having your cperm stolen and a child raised
by a mentally ill violent woman.
In excess of 25% of all birth certificates have a father named on the birth
certificate who is not the father or no father is named.
Children, have need legal rights, the right to know exactly who their father is
and due to the incredible number of false entries or no entries for fathers,
every child should have their DNA sampled as well as the named father and mother
to ensure that they are in fact the parents.
What happens when there is artificial insemination, envitro