Man sets
himself alight in Brisbane
Tony Keim
June 07, 2010
investigate the scene outside the Brisbane
law courts
after a man set himself alight.
Picture: Jodie Richter Source: The Courier-Mail
A MAN is believed to have set himself on fire outside of Brisbane's iconic Supreme Court complex after an unfavourable family court decision, according to witnesses at the scene.
The incident happened just after
2pm after the man, believed to be in his 40s, had been sitting in front of the
iconic marble Law Courts sign for some time.
Witness reported hearing a bang and seeing flames as would-be rescuers ran to
the man's aid. Emergency workers at the scene say the man is in a critical
condition - with burns to 90 per cent of his body.
Sources investigating the incident said the man had earlier been at the Federal
Courts for family matter and may not have received the outcome he was after. Two
witnesses, Kylie Pannel and Kylie Beard, who were both close to tears, said they
could not believe what happened just 3m from them."He said absolutely nothing,’’
Ms Pannel said. "He was so quiet it wasn’t funny."
The incident caused inner-city traffic chaos for more than 90 minutes as up to
15 emergency vehicles crowded into George St to get near the scene.
Police at the scene have declined to comment.