Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:51 PM
Gloria Galloway
"I am relieved with the outcome, as I knew that I had done nothing wrong. I continue to work hard for those who have elected me as their representative in Ottawa.
I will continue to work with the Ethics Commission who is in the midst of their own enquiry, and I am looking forward to a resolution on that end as well.
I think it is time for a face to face meeting between the PM and I. He can raise his concerns, whatever they are, and I can answer. I have never been afforded this opportunity."
Ms. Guergis resigned as minister of state for the status of women this year after a private investigator passed on allegations involving her husband, former Conservative MP Rahim Jaffer, and his business partners to Conservative lawyer Arthur Hamilton, who informed the PMO. She was then kicked out of the Tory caucus.
The Prime Minister’s Office said Wednesday that, despite the fact the RCMP has closed its books on the case, it will still continue to exclude Ms. Guergis by from caucus, saying “several factors” were behind her ouster. Ms. Guergis faced a number of controversies before and after she quit cabinet, including an outburst at a PEI airport and an investigation by the Ethics Commissioner into a letter that she wrote last year to promote a company that was in discussions with Mr. Jaffer’s business.
Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre
Helena Guergis wants us to view her as a victim and one of the three monkeys
that see and hear no evil.
The activities of her husband were criminal, he was caught with a bag of
cocaine, drunk and speeding. His connections got him off.
That's corruption pure and simple not to mention obstruction of justice.
Jaffer is NOT guilty criminally but sure as hell he is not innocent.
What is also sure , on the balance of probabilities is, that Helena knew or
ought to have known about a small fraction of his activities that meant he and
his wife were playing Russian Roulette with their reputations and careers.
Helena unfortunately, stuck by her husband, and pretended all was well, that he
did not have a problem, she lived and continue to live in a delusional world
were she has her entitlements.
Mr. Harper fired Helena for the wrong reasons, the reasons he gave were wrong
under the circumstances and for that Harper will most probably apologize but her
days as a member of parliament are numbered and any damage to her career has
been contributed to her by her "standing by her man" even though, she knew he is
cokehead, a drunk, a speeder, an obstructor of justice not to mention an illegal
lobbyist and a fraud.
It boggles the brain how she could stay with him when she learned of his coke
habit, and not only that, go to bat so publicly for him.
Her continued publicity will not win any points from Mr. Harper and that will
seal her fate.
Guergis might as well, "reach out" and wave to the stars and tell the big
dipper that she is a victim.
Her astronomical rise in infamy is due to her denial of what she saw around her
with her husband and her silence and inaction.
Jaffer was and most likely is a coke-head, a drug addict, a drunk who cares so
little about others that he will jump in a car, with a baggie of cocaine, drunk,
drive at a dangerous speed, and then use his connections to make the criminal
charges go away.
Its THAT silence, its her support of "her man" and her very obvious knowledge of
his illegal lobbying not to mention fraudulent financial schemes that is the
real reason why she has destroyed her reputation, her career and why, Mr. Harper
will reach out his hand with his index finger pointing up.