Court case seeks to strip sperm donors’ anonymity


VANCOUVER— From Monday's Globe and Mail

October 25, 2010


Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre


Its not just the Olivia Pratten's of the world, the children of "official C-perm donors, (Globe Sensors can C/ensor out the S out of s.perm but the computer just fails to register all the incredible combinations of sound alikes)

Canadians fail Children's rights, every child should have a birth certificate that provides proof of a DNA match to the mother and father.
IF the father is unknown, the child should have access to the DNA information that identifies the father which will narrow the trail down and greatly assist in locating that UNOFFICIAL s.per.m donor.

its a modern trend, lesbians look for a male donor who will provide unwittingly, his s.per.m and or, actually have the donor's name on the birth certificate for "child support purposes" without allowing the child or children ANY contact what soever with the father.

This system is promoted by Ontario Superior Court Judges like Allan Sheffield, Denis Power, Catherin Aitkin who are willing to terminate a child's right to access to a father at the drop of a hat by a mentally ill violent mother.

That's Kanada, with Male Sharia Law and effectively a war on the male gender, a criminalization of men for having been born with testicles.

Makes you wonder about "Abigayl"s ability to reason and their own ideology that apparently does not include men.

More probably, the donor has been tortured since donating , not knowing the child he has created.

Olivia Pratten is to be congratulated on having the courage to bring this issue to the public and hopefully her book will be successful and changes will occur in Canada in the future.

One real change needed is DNA confirmation of the father on any birth certificate.

Any C.perm Donor must and should accept responsibility and allow a child created by that donation a chance to know who he was. Anything else is obscene.

The donor may also have been tortured since donating , not knowing the child he has created.

Olivia Pratten is to be congratulated on having the courage to bring this issue to the public and hopefully her book will be successful and changes will occur in Canada in the future.

One real change needed is DNA confirmation of the father on any birth certificate.

Any C.perm Donor must and should accept responsibility and allow a child created by that donation a chance to know who he was. Anything else is obscene.

Olivia Pratten and others like her, until changes are made in legislation
do have ways and means of finding their donor Father.

First, a comprehensive DNA test with could well hit the jackpot and locate the father quickly.

That DNA information will most probably provide a lot of clues as to the background of the father, his family history and what he may look like.

Sooner or later, that father donor may also come to the same conclusion, purchase a DNA test, make his results public and wait for the email.

ANYONE with doubts about their father should invest in a DNA test and start putting the pieces of the puzzle together.

Quite often, the Donor information while appearing insignificant, often has critical information that narrows the donors down to a very small group of easily traceable men.

Often 20 years ago or more, donor's were medical students, and attended a near by university. In fact, University Grad pictures of certain years often contain a list of c.perm donors.

This system has enabled many children to locate and contact their father who in most cases also wanted to meet their child and have a relationship with them but not always. In some cases, its the donor's female partner who objects and throws a spanner in the works but not always, sometimes she can be the one who makes the decision.

Good Luck Olivia Pratten.

Readers should note that this article is attracting the extreme Feminist lobby group who apparently are clicking like crazy thumbs down on any article that disagrees with lesbians right to gain Cperm donations and for the child never to know the father.

They don't care that two children who marry could actually be brother and sister, they don't care that the DNA information could save lives in a medical emergency.

they don't care that the father and the child may forever want to see each other.

They don't care that the child may never forgive them for preventing them from knowing who their father is.

They don't care that children deserve legal rights to know their father and their mother and or, don't care about children's rights to have equal parenting by both parents.

What they do care about is a pathological hated of men and to remove them as much as possible from being regarded as human beings with equal legal rights or value in society.

Around 20% of all birth certificates either do NOT have a father named or the father named is NOT the father.

That means, EVERY child's birth certificate should be confirmed by DNA testing of the assumed father and if NO father, that the government should use the test to track him down and let him know. Odds are he was just an unwitting S.perm donor