Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre
Ha Ha Ha,
Mr. Harper is going to talk to Ukraine about "human rights".
Perhaps he could start at home in Ottawa Canada and deal with the problem of
corruption in the judiciary of the Ontario Superior Court for example where at
161 Elgin Street, some of the worst examples of humanity get to leave never
ending trails of destruction for their own selfish political and governmental
Some like Allan Sheffield, Denis Power, Aitken and Roy hold hearings for their
friends, almost on order if you know the right lawyer who has that ability to
make the right phone call to the right person.
Quite often its extremely blatant,
Mr. Harper can start by protecting Canadian's legal rights, make it mandatory
for all judges to publish ALL DECISIONS, presently the worst of the worst hide
by failing to report decisions so the public can't see what is going on.
Mr. Harper can start by having mental health screening for all new judges and
ongoing mental health checks as part of an annual medical.
Fact is, 20% of Canadians have a mental health problem and the judiciary are no
exception, except of course the fact that the most obnoxious and challenged of
personalities seek to become judges where absolute power is abused.
No need to tell that to Mr. Harper, he has no respect what soever for the rule
of law and democratic rights.
Ukrainians should tell Mr. Harper to start practicing at home before he pretends
to be the worlds ambassador to democracy.