"I see Serena and Sophia in my mind every day and I [will] carry them in my heart until we reunite again," Campione said in a victim impact statement read by a Crown attorney on his behalf.
"Serena and Sophia were my life."
On Monday, 35-year-old Elaine Campione was convicted of drowning Sophia, who was 19 months old at the time, and her three-year-old sister Serena.
Their mother killed the girls in October 2006, just a few days before a family court hearing, which might have given custody to their father.
In court Wednesday, Elaine Campione sat quietly while the statements were read out.
She had a solemn expression on her face — a marked difference to Monday, when she broke down in tears after being convicted on two counts of first-degree murder.
"We miss their laughter, their smiles and their love for life," said an impact statement from the family also read out in court. "Their mere presence lit up a room.
"The emptiness of losing Sophia and Serena is something we live with everyday, however the joy and memories we shared with them will live on in our memories forever."
The seven-week trial heard that Elaine Campione spent time in psychiatric wards, attempted suicide, had delusions that people were trying to kill her and steal the girls, and exhibited bizarre behaviour, including not letting one of her daughters touch anything red, and claiming she saw aliens.
Minutes after Campione calmly called police on Oct. 4, 2006, saying her children were dead, officers found the girls in their mother's bed, dressed in their pyjamas, holding hands and lying with a photo album and a rosary.
A videotape was found in the room on which Campione addressed the camera, speaking as if she and her daughters were dead. "Leo, there, are you happy?" she asks.
"Everything's gone. … The idea that you could actually have my children — God believes me and God's taking care of them now." She goes on to spew vitriol about her ex-husband, calling him a "hideous monster" and "the devil."
"I want you to know how much I hate you."
She says Leo Campione beat her while she was pregnant with both children.
"You wanted to win and you won. ... Are you happy? … You beat your wife to death and your children and don't you ever, ever, ever forget it."
At the end of Monday's proceedings, Justice Alfred Stong said he hopes the healing process can now begin.
Campione will serve a minimum of 25 years in prison before being eligible for parole.
commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre
each year, there are literally thousands of mentally ill women like
Elaine Campione who go before judges like Allan Sheffield of Ottawa and
'get what they ask for", simply because the Judiciary fails to have any
mental health screening for the judiciary.
Psychopathic personalities, borderline personalities, personalities with
pathological hatred and next to no empathy, are the very personalities
who seek to become 'all powerfull" to gain "absolute power".
In Ottawa, ONE judge is known as "the worst of the worst", he is known
to make corrupt decisions for his friends. He is also known to go on a
rampage of destruction when anyone suggests that a woman is mentally
Sheffield is the judge lawyers in Ottawa turn to when they need an order
overturned by an other judge, or to get rid of a judge who is seized of
a matter.
It is only a matter of time before Sheffield makes another fatal mistake
of terminating a child's relationship with their father simply because
Sheffield hates men and in particular, sees self represented litigants
as "easy pickings" for costs orders in favour of the "legal cartel".
Sheffield by the same token does not make costs orders in favour of self
represented litigants who have almost NO chance of any success with him
as the judge.
Some psychopaths like Bernado, Williams and Elaine Campione end up in
jail. some become Judges like the corrupt, Allan D. Sheffield of Ottawa.