Australia's government says the country will give consular help to WikiLeaks' founder if he is arrested abroad.
However, the administration again condemned WikiLeaks' publication of secret U.S. diplomatic documents, saying doing so threatens the security of the United States and its allies.
Attorney General Robert McClelland told reporters Monday that WikiLeaks was grossly irresponsible for publishing the documents because they could identify informants.
Still, he says WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is entitled to return to his home country and to receive consular help from Australian officials if he is arrested overseas.
Mr. Assange, who is in Britain, is wanted for questioning in Sweden over allegations including rape and sexual molestation.
Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre
Julia Gillard walked into a press release and spun the world a story about
"the foundation stone" that she repeated like a broken record to explain the
'criminal offenses" that Julia Assange has supposedly committed, wait for it, in
the United States of America.
Julia Gillard raved on how Australian Federal police were supposedly "looking"
but admitted she had NO contact from them.
Then she decided to stick the knife into Julian Assange by referring to
"Potential matters arising from Sweden". Well we all know what rose and the only
issue is Sweden's definition of rape being what rose not being covered with
latex for at least part of the time that two adults engaged in consensual sex.
Julia Gillard makes it very clear that she understands that the Swedish charges
are bogus and that once he is arrested, he will shipped off to the USA to be
incarcerated for life on the pretext of bogus trumped up charges very obviously
made under pressure from the United States.
Julia Gillard is an international embarrassment and its time for her to go.
What hypocrisy! While Julia Gillard goes all the way with the USA , she makes
it quite clear that "her government", that she holds by a slender vote of 3
independent MPs, will look for a criminal offense he may have committed, as an
Australian citizen etc.
That means, Julia Gillard, and her "Attorney General Robert McClelland will ship
the United States most wanted man off to the USA when its blatantly obvious that
the only offense that Julian Assange has committed is to be a "whistle blower"
on international war crimes.
Take that spectacular video of US Helicopter blowing away innocent civilians and
children and the psychopathic lack of empathy for their obvious murder of
unarmed civilians.
Just when is the USA going to charge them?
Australian or Canadian Citizenship has next to no value and infers zero rights
when you are politically incorrect and on the wrong side of the Government's
Thats a very sad fact about Australia when it was founded on the injustice of
the British Justice practice of Transportation.
Australian citizenship, like Canadian citizenship, has no value if you are
politically incorrect. Canada and Australia do "indirectly" that their laws
prohibit "directly" so that those who rock the political boat are literally
deported from their own countries or placed under so much "legal, but Illegal
harassment they leave Canada or Australia for ever.
The Australian bucket mouth politically correct prime minister is holding power
by a very small thread. The only reason she remains in power is not due to her
leadership ability, not due to her passion or suitability for the job but
because of her skill in coming up with generic politically correct statements.
Australian PM, Julia Gillard has "gone all the way with the USA" and is just
another Australian or Canadian PM who is a literal poodle for the USA.
Back in the days of the VietNam war, Australia's then PM, used it as a slogan,
"All the way with L.B.J".
Going all the way is a form of prostitution, so is being a bully, abusing
absolute power and allowing others to abuse power against those who are
defenseless and in need of protection of their rights of Citizenship.
We live in increasingly dangerous times where legal rights are in a spiral dive.
We need to remember that Julian Assange is a classic if not heroic "whistle
blower" and if it happens to him, it can and will happen to increasingly less
political annoyances to those in power be it anywhere.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely and we need to understand that one the only
way of defending against the Big Brother and its abuse of absolute power is to
support "whistle blowers" and in particular, Julian Assange who it appears the
United States has paid Sweden to issue the first warrant and thereby incarcerate
him for life in the United States for the crime of exposing war criminals and
holding them accountable.