Justice Minister Peter MacKay arrives with his wife Nazanin Afshin-Jam and son Kian on Thursday at Fairview Junior High School in Halifax, where MacKay announced a national campaign to stop cyberbullying.
Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre
Peter McKay is a Father, and perhaps he needs to have some empathy for the
children in Ontario who are systematically removed from the care of fathers and
placed with the most violent of mothers by Ontario's Criminal Cartel of
Children's Aid Societies.
Peter McKay needs to sit down, shut his eyes, and imagine having a Rotten Cop
like Detective Peter Van Der Zander Fabricate Evidence to take his son out of
his care or contact with him permanently.
Peter McKay needs to consider how he would feel if a Rotten Corrupt Judge like
Timothy Minemma personally Fabricated Evidence to take his son away from him and
put him the care of the Children's Aid Society of Ottawa.
Peter McKay is the Minister of a Justice Department that does not give a dam
about Justice.
Our Judicial Council is a mockery of justice. It supports and promotes Criminal
Offences by the Judiciary like Tim Minemma, a former member of the Na.zi
sympathizing Dutch Reform Church and even worse, a former lawyer for the
Children's Aid Society, the Kingston branch of the Ontario Criminal Cartel.
Ontario spends Billions of Dollars promoting Domestic Violence thru its Gender
Superiority Campaign.
Of Course nothing like that could ever happen to Peter McKay now, could it.
When is Peter McKay going to Act to deal with Ontario's Billions of Dollars
spent on it's Criminals who habitually fabricate evidence and Rubber Stamp
"judicial decisions" without hearings, without notice, Exparte and of course,
devoid of any due process.
Welcome to Peter McKay's Kor.rupt Lawless Canada.
Ottawa Mens Centre