Ontario election called for
June 12 as Kathleen Wynne’s Liberals lose support of NDP
Josh Visser
May 2, 2014 | Last Updated:
May 2 3:56 PM ET
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Visser |

Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne announces
a provincial election at Toronto's Queen's Park, Friday May 1, 2014.
Kathleen Wynne met with the Ontario Lieutenant Governor Friday and
was granted a June 12 election after NDP Leader Andrea Horwath said she
can no longer support the Liberals’ minority government.
“Andrea Horwath and Tim Hudak made the decision to go into an
election,” Wynne said in a Friday afternoon news conference. “The people
of Ontario…have a choice between safe hands and risky tactics.”
Wynne hinted at the Liberals campaign message and she said her party
had guided Ontario through the tough times of the recession, although
Ontario is not expected to balance the budget until 2018.
“Our recovery is taking hold and it is taking hold persistently,” she
said. “Companies are hiring again. We are on our way back. We cannot put
that at risk.”
Earlier Friday, Horwath came out strongly against supporting the
Liberals any longer.
“This budget is not a solid plan for the future, it’s a mad dash to
escape the scandals by promising the moon and the stars,” Horwath said
at a news conference Friday morning. “I have lost confidence in Kathleen
Wynne and her ability to deliver.
“Let me be clear, we will be voting against this budget. It is time
to go to the people and have them make a decision.”
Horwath cited the gas plant scandal as evidence that she can’t
support a government that the public doesn’t trust.
Hudak’s Progressive Conservatives had long said they would vote
against the budget to force an election.
Hudak touted his “million jobs plan” Friday and said he was “laser
focused” on getting more Ontarians work.
“If you are looking for someone who is running a popularity contest
by promising funding on all kinds of projects but they don’t the cheques
to cash in, then vote for the NDP or Liberal leader,” Hudak said Friday.
“But if you want someone with a turnaround plan to get Ontario working
again, look at me, look at my team.”
Premier Wynne delivered a budget Thursday that included
$130.4-billion in spending for a deficit of $12.5 billion. The budget
promised $29 billion over 10 years for public transit and infrastructure
and a new Ontario Retirement Pension Plan for people without a workplace
The budget included higher taxes on cigarettes and on those making
more than $150,000 a year.
Wynne told CP24 Friday she was “proud to take this budget to the
“I’m disappointed that [Horwath] wouldn’t have a meeting with me. I
think there’s a lot in this budget that needs to be implemented in this
province,” she told Belleville radio station CJBQ.
“But I’ve said all along … if we didn’t have a partner in the
legislature, then we would take this budget to the people of the
province, and we will do that.”
Horwath said she was tired of Wynne’s broken promises.
“How can Kathleen Wynne promise to build a ship when she hasn’t even
built a raft?” Horwath said. “We don’t have any confidence whatsoever in
their ability to come through on those promises.”
Wynne does not need to wait for her budget to be defeated, as she can
ask Ontario Lieutenant Governor David Onley to dissolve the legislature
and call an election.
The NDP have propped up the minority Liberals over the last two
Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre
Andrea Horwath and Tim Hudak, have failed as yet, to address the need
to scrap the corrupt cartel of 54 private corporations that lawyers in
Ontario openly refer to as
"The Gestapo".
The recent Costs Order of 1.4 Million dollars against the CAS by the
very honourable Justice John Henry is just the tip of the iceberg. One
person behind the "BAD FAITH" was a Supervisor who acted in "Bad Faith"
who thought he had the "Power of GOD".
CAS supervisors are the effective heads of Ontario's largest criminal
cartel after the Judiciary who "rubber stamp" virtually and and all
requests for summary Judgement.
Take the following CORRUPT JUDGES that infest the cess pool of child
abusers who operate a Third Reich style of Gender Superiority Program at
161 Elgin Street Ottawa.
Justice MONIQUE MÉTIVIER. the former Regional Senior Justice for the
East Region. On April 26, 2013 gave the Children's Aid Society an
exparte encamera order for custody in favour of one of Ontario's most
violent perpetrators of unprovoked violence towards children and
partners contrary to the Child and Family Services Act that prevents the
CAS from "making custody decisions" by using subterfuges of "extended
On July 1, 2012 the FORMER CAS lawyer, Timothy Minnema, personally
fabricated evidence to remove a child from a full time father's care
because he dared to state that he was a victim of female domestic
violence. Timothy Minnema also personally fabricated evidence by the
usual CAS stunt of "fabricating admissions". That too is an old Third
Reich or KGB or secret police stunt of claiming admissions. Timothy
Minnema is known to have been a member of a group called the Dutch
Reform Church that was famous for their sympathies for third Reich views
of racial superiority.
The Corrupt Timothy Minnema turns a blind eye to blatant fabrications of
evidence. On September 27, 2012, the corrupt pathological liar,
Marguerite Isobel Lewis fabricated admissions claiming a father's
affidavit read "I admit the allegations" when it actually read "I deny
all the allegations". Marguerite Isobel made around half a dozen
complete fabrications that Justice Minnema was later provided with the
evidence and did nothing.
ON March 6, 2014 The Dishonourable LAZY, COWARDLY AND CORRUPT ,
ROBERT L. MARANGER observed what he called "Judicial Misconduct" and
then gave a motion of Summary Judgement to the Children's Aid Society
when the evidence was a plethora of evidence that CAS and Police had
fabricated evidence and that the CAS supervised by ROBERT GODMAN, had
carried out Child Abuse, terror, intimidation and abuse.
"The Gestapo" of Ontario do this habitually. The Law Society of Upper
Canada REFUSES to investigate, the Judges turn deliberate blind eyes and
the Ottawa Police place criminal charges against those who criticize the
Children's Aid Society on the direct or indirect instructions of "The
Every Ontario Parent, needs to be aware that Ontario has the most ville
corrupt Child Abusing Criminals in the form of CAS lawyers, CAS Workers
and worst of all, the hidden Supervisors like Robert GODman of Ottawa
who is representative of their Criminal Mentality that they have the
Power of GOD.
In Ottawa GOD aka Robert GODMAN, Supervisors "Child Protection Workers
like Claudette Knuckle-Dougan who like the bad faith 1.4 million Dollar
costs order, fails to disclose children's disclosures of violence by the
FEMALE perpetrators of extreme unprovoked violence by Females.
Our Ontario Politicians of all parties need a wake up call.
Ontario is a Corrupt province thats t spends many billions of dollars
supporting Criminals like Robert GODMAN who spend their lives abusing
children in programs of "Gender Superiority" and who have the "Power of
God" to order the Equally Corrupt Ottawa Police to lay charges and to
NOT lay charges, that is, use Police as their enforcers.
Ontario will remain one of the most corrupt and most dangerous places to
raise children until voters get politicians who are willing to stand up
to Ontario's Government paid Criminals.
view the movie "powerful as god" at blakout.ca
Check out the wanted pages at ottawa mens centre
If you have information regarding the above or similar criminals,
call 613 797 3237