Tim Hudak offers details of plan for job creation, mass layoffs

In Ottawa on Tuesday, Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak said if he wins the June 12 Ontario election his government would create 1,030,688 jobs by 2022.


Tory Leader Tim Hudak says a government run by him would lower personal income taxes, but not until its second mandate after the 2018 election.

OTTAWA — Job creation is “job one,” says Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak.

Speaking to a luncheon crowd in Ottawa, Hudak said Tuesday that if he wins the June 12 provincial election his government would create 1,030,688 jobs by 2022.

“I’m sure the other leaders wish we had more jobs. But job creation isn’t about wishes. It’s about choices,” he told 150 people at the Chateau Laurier hotel.

“I am absolutely committed to making job creation job one so our kids don't have to go to Alberta to start a career and a family.

At the same time, a Tory administration would shed 100,000 civil service jobs over four years to streamline government.

According to a technical backgrounder released by the Conservatives, baseline growth, based on the previous decade’s average, would be 523,200 jobs over eight years.

Lowering corporate taxes from 11.5 per cent to 8 per cent would generate an additional 119,808 jobs.

Ending wind and solar energy subsidies would spark another 40,364 jobs and cutting the regulatory burden of red tape would mean an extra 84,800 new private-sector positions.

Revamping Ontario’s restrictive apprenticeship programs would mean 170,240 jobs.

Hudak believes another 96,000 jobs would come from public transit expansion in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area.

In his second mandate — after the 2018 election — he would reduce personal income taxes to generate 47,080 jobs.

That tax cut is contingent on balancing the books, which Hudak promises to do by 2016-17, a year ahead of Liberal Leader Kathleen Wynne's schedule.

Further restraint in the public sector — beyond the 100,000 cuts in the first four years — ‎would create 43,184 jobs between 2018 and 2022.

Finally, developing the Ring of Fire chromite mining project in Northern Ontario would spell 4,400 new jobs and an extra 1,592 from participating in the New West Partnership Trade Agreement.

Hudak's team based their estimates on analyses from the Conference Board of Canada and Washington-based Benjamin Zycher Economics Associates.


Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre

 Tim Hudak has yet to open his mouth to start the process of Ending the Rampant Corruption in Ontario that unnecessarily costs Taxpayers Billions of Dollars in corrupt funding of Ontario's most corrupt institution, The Children's Aid Societies of Ontario who are engaged in a FASCIST Promotion of hatred towards Fathers and a blatant promotion of violence towards Fathers and children by mothers.

It has got so bad that now the most violent of female offenders simply choose to have their kids placed in Foster Care for a year which gives them around $250,000 per child and at the end of that period, the CAS will place that child not with the full time father who had care of the child but with extremely violent mothers who are guaranteed to abuse the children.

Even when the children disclose abuse, Corrupt Pathological Lying Child Protection Workers like Claudette Knuckle-Dougan of Ottawa will simply call the children liars and fail to provide disclosure of children's disclosures of violence in the home.

Tim Hudak could cut hundreds if not thousands of jobs of the Corrupt Father hating Child Protection Workers who spend most of their lives Fabricating Evidence against fathers.
