Prince Charles compares Vladimir Putin with Adolf Hitler during stop in Halifax: report
Source Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre Prince Charles is invited to come to 1602 Telesat court Ottawa, the headquarters for what lawyers commonly refer to as "The Gestapo", aka one of the 48 Private Corporations that make up the Billion Dollar Criminal Cartel called the Children's Aid Societies of Ontario. At 1602 Telesat Court, Prince Charles can come face to face with the Fuhrer of the CAS Ottawa, Supervisor ROBERT GODMAN who supervises what can only be described as a Fascist "Gender Superiority Program" that encourages and promotes violence by women towards men. The Gestapo of Ottawa encourage mothers to be violent to fathers and if a father calls Police they are likely to get the likes of a typical Corrupt Cop like Detective Peter Van Der Zander who Fabricates Evidence NOT to charge violent women. When the Gestapo are called by the Corrupt Ottawa Police, Goons like Phil Hiltz-Laforge turn up and fabricate evidence to abuse children and to ensure children are removed from their full time fathers and placed with violent women. When children tell Gestapo employees like Claudette Knuckle-Dougan that they are being abused in the home, Claudette Knuckle-Dougan calls them liars. The Fascist corrupt Gender Superiority Program run by the Ottawa Gestapo aka the Children's Aid Society of Ottawa is so blatant that even their own man hating lawyers like Marguerite Isobel Lewis fabricates evidence personally to prevent children being returned to fathers. When the matter is heard in the Ontario Gestapo's Secret Courts, Gestapo Judges, former CAS lawyers like Timothy Minnema personally fabricate evidence to assist the Gestapo lawyer like Marguerite Isobel Lewis. When Gender Superiority lawyers like Marguerite Isobel Lewis Flagrantly Personally Fabricate evidence in the court room Corrupt Judges like Timothy Minnema and Robert Maranger turn deliberate blind eyes. If you complain to the Ottawa Police they treat the Gestapo as a "higher authority". Prince Charles is asked to have a look at the evidence of just how Corrupt Ottawa is and how Ontario funds a Child Abusing, Terrorist Organization that costs Ontario Taxpayers Billions of Dollars that would otherwise turn Ontario into a prosperous province. Prince Charles is asked to come to Ottawa and visit the Judges Chambers of 161 Elgin Street Ottawa, the real Gestapo Headquarters of Fascist Judges who believe in Gender Superiority to such an extent that children are placed with mothers 99% of the time even when the lawyers say she just happens to be the most violent mother they have ever encountered in 30 years of law. Prince Charles needs to have a chat with Former Governor General of Canada Michaëlle Jean, a former Women's Shelter employee and now patron of Ottawa's Gestapo who promote violence and hatred towards fathers. Michaëlle Jean supports the Corrupt Child Abusing Criminals of the Children's Aid Society of Ottawa who operate their Jails for Children by removing Children from Male Victims of Domestic violence. Michaëlle Jean supports Terrorism, supports child Abuse by the most disgusting vile examples of humanity called "Child Protection Workers like PHIL HILT-LAFORGE and CLAUDETTE KNUNCKLE-DOUGAN another former employee of a "Women's Shelter" where promotion of hatred towards fathers is rampant. These Professional Child Abusers are supervised by "The Godfather" aka ROBERT GODMAN who terrorizes children and fathers by deliberately placing children with violent mothers and ignoring children's disclosures of violence in the home of a mother. This lowest form of life even cancels father's access with their children if a father expresses any concern about a child's disclosures of violence in the home of a mother. Michaëlle Jean supports the mad Child Abusing Dr. David Alexander McLean who personally fabricates evidence and ignores evidence if it happens to show that a mother is one of the most violent he has ever come across. Michaëlle Jean is an insult to justice and a promoter of Fascist ideals of Gender Superiority. Prince Charles, should demand that Michaëlle Jean remove her patronage for the Gestapo of Ottawa. |