Jury trial begins for accused killer Eriklit Musollari

May 20, 2014

Eriklit Musollari, 24, has pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder in the shooting death of 31-year-old Peyman Hatami in March 2012.

Ottawa Police Service / Ottawa Citizen

At the end of his work day, drywaller Paul Sawatzky  wanted a sandwich and a $40 hit of cocaine.

Instead he found himself at the centre of an apparent turf war between rival drug dealers — a war that ended with one man lying dead on the tarmac outside a Hog’s Back-area strip mall with a single bullet to his heart.

Eriklit Musollari, 24, has pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder in the shooting death of 31-year-old Peyman Hatami in March 2012.

He is being tried by a jury.

In a summary at the start of the trial Tuesday, Crown prosecutor Julie Scott said Sawatzky had tried to contact his regular dealer, who wasn’t available but who, instead, put him in contact with Musollari.

The two arranged to meet at the Dynes Road strip mall, where a hungry Sawatzky arrived in his burgundy Buick. After buying a swich, he went back to his car waited for Musollari.

Musollari pulled alongside Sawatzky ‘s car got into the Buick’s front passenger seat. As the two were doing their drug deal, another man appeared at the Buick’s partially opened window , according to Scott, demed Musollari’s cellphones.

“I told you not to deal here,” the man allegedly told Musollari before allegedly throwing punches at him.

When Sawatzky attempted to interject in an effort to get Musollari out of his car, he was allegedly told to “shut up mind your own business.”

Then Hatami appeared on the scene , said Scott, Sawatzky heard a “deafening sound” Hatami fell. The blast shattered the car window.

“There was nothing that could be done to save (Hatami),” she said.

Musollari the man who had been deming his cellphones fled, Sawatzky eventually went to the police.

Tests on a hgun found later in the yard of a neighbouring townhouse yielded Musollari’s DNA.

Musollari turned himself in to police several days later, shortly after a Canada-wide warrant was issued for his arrest.

The trial, which continues on Wednesday, is expected to last three weeks.




Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre

The Corrupt Ottawa Police choose their gender carefully before deciding to lay or not to lay criminal charges.

The Corrupt Detective Peter Van Der Zander is what can only be called a Professional at Fabricating Evidence as part of the Ottawa Police Promotion of Violence and Hatred towards Fathers.

Across Ottawa if a male victim of domestic violence calls the Ottawa Police the most vile examples of humanity like Det. Peter Van Der Zander become involved to FABRICATE EVIDENCE
NOT TO LAY CHARGES even when a woman attempts to murder her husband all encouraged by
the Ottawa Police by their incredible claim that 90% of all victims of domestic violence are women.

When it comes to laying of charges, Scum like Van Der Zander have their counterparts, the
Professional Fabricators of Evidence Like
PHIL HILTZ-LAFORGE an effeminate cowardly professional child abuser who fabricates evidence for his Criminal Organization "The Children's Aid Society of Ottawa.

The GOD-FATHER of Ottawa who in reality has unbelievable influence over the Ottawa Police decisions and or "Gestapo" is none other than ROBERT GODMAN aka ROB GODMAN who like the other 48 members of Ontario's largest Criminal Organization funded to the tune of a Billion dollars a year,
believe they have "The Power of God"

See www.Blakout.ca

These above Criminals get away with their incredible Crimes Against Children with the blessing of our
CORRUPT JUDICIARY who "Rubber Stamp" anything the Gestapo want.

Take Former CAS lawyer Tim Minemma who used to work the Gestapo of Kingston. Like many former CAS lawyers, he was automatically anointed a judge by our corrupt Judicial Selection Panel which is controlled by "The Gestapo" to ensure that the worst least suitable professional child abusers get to become "JUDGES" of Ontario's "Secret Courts.

In this news article, you read about an accused getting a trial.

Spare a thought for the victims of Criminals like CAS Supervisor Robert Godman and CAS lawyer
Marguerite Isobel Lewis who get Corrupt Cowardly Gutless Judges like ROBERT L. MARANGER to prevent Trials and to just Rubber Stamp what ever CAS ask for while
ignoring Criminal Offenses by the lowest forms of Life in Ottawa

professional Child abusers and Fabricators of evidence like

Det. Van Der Zander and Phil Hiltz-Laforge.

check out
