Tasha Kheiriddin: There’s nothing ‘conservative’ about overstuffed classrooms


Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Cente

Ontario is a dangerous place to have children with over a Billion Dollars beings given to the Unaccountable Corrupt 48 Private Corporations who Ontario allows to be a Secret Police called "The Children's Aid Societies of Ontario".

This cartel of Criminal Organizations, has limitles s funds to use against the most vulnerable in the community who are increasingly denied even legal aid.

When the matters come to court, the ONLY final person who can administer any accountability is a CAS Judge, most probably a Former CAS lawyer who spent their CAS career Fabricating Evidence.

Ottawa is full of Corrupt Former CAS Lawyers who became Judges like Father Hating
Jennifer Belishen and Timothy Minnema, a former lawyer for the Kingston CAS.

Ontario has a corrupt Judicial Selection process that ichooses the least suitable to be judges and then has a system that corrupts even the most suitable.

Judges like Robert L. Maranger "Rubber Stamp" decisions for the CAS to hide and or sweep under the legal carpet, Criminal offenses by those who are paid to serve and protect Ontario Children.

Ontario is a dangerous place with Professional Child Abusers like
Det. Peter Van Der Zander who fabricates evidence to Protect Child Abusers and to NOT charge FEMALE perpertrators of violence towards children and partners.

Ontario is a Dangerous place when Child Protection Lawyers like
Personally Fabricates evidence to NOT return Children.

Ontario is a Dangerous Place when Judges like
Monique Metevier grants orders without any hearing.

