Woman charged in Quebec newborn abduction
![]() TROIS-RIVIERES, Que. — A woman is facing charges of kidnapping and abduction in connection with the case of a day-old newborn who was snatched from a Quebec maternity ward. One of the charges filed Wednesday against Valerie Poulin Collins, 21, carries a maximum sentence of life behind bars. The Crown charged Poulin Collins in Trois-Rivieres, Que., even though she was unable to appear in court. Earlier in the day, prosecutor Marie-Eve Paquet told reporters the suspect had been admitted to hospital, where she remained unconscious and intubated. Poulin Collins is believed to have overdosed on drugs, media reports said. Once the charges were laid, the Crown indicated she would appear before a judge as soon as possible. “The appearance in court will occur when the medical situation will be better for Ms. Poulin Collins,” Crown spokesman Jean-Pascal Boucher said. Police arrested Poulin Collins at her home on Monday, three hours after a woman posing as a nurse snatched a 16-hour-old infant from a local hospital. The missing baby girl was returned to her parents safe and sound. Officers tracked down Poulin Collins with the help of locals who recognized the woman from a photo sent out with an Amber Alert. The young woman, who celebrated her 21st birthday on Saturday, is now facing serious criminal charges. “Two accusations were laid against Ms. Poulin Collins … One for kidnapping and the other one (for) abduction of a person under 14 years old,” Boucher said. If convicted, the abduction offence carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison. If she’s found guilty of the kidnapping count, the sentence ranges from a minimum punishment of five years in jail to imprisonment for life. Source Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre Any parent in Ontario, is at risk of a Child Abduction with over a Billion Dollars of year of the abductor's litigation paid for by the Government of Ontario. These lowest forms of life are called Child Protection Workers and hospital birthing units in Ottawa generally have one person on duty whose sole reason for being there is to look for excuses to abduct infants at birth. That makes Ontario, a dangerous place to give birth if you happen to have a doctor or a nurse screw up the medication and suffer side effects. The Ottawa Civic Hospital has on duty a person who looks like a nurse but is not, she is that snoop for the Children's Aid Society of Ottawa looking to find an infant for one of "the supporters" of the CAS , that is, generally, the least suitable people in the community who tag along to all the CAS required meetings to be an adoptive parent or foster parent. This Cult like Criminal Organization employs Supervisors like ROB GODMAN who believes he has the Power of God, and even Judges and Police in Ottawa fall over backwards doing what ever the GODFATHER of Ottawa wants. If you want to meet an effeminate criminally corrupt professional child abuser, drop in at 1602 Telesat Crt Ottawa and ask for Phil Hiltz-Laforge or Claudette Knuckle-Dougan who calls children liars when they disclose abuse. This Cult of Criminals includes the likes of Marguerite Isobel Lewis a CAS lawyer whose other name in Ottawa is "The Baby-Snatcher" , who personally fabricates evidence in court and knows she can get away with it because more judges than not in Ottawa are "Rubber Stamps". Ontario needs to SCRAP what local lawyers call "The Gestapo", Ontario's secret police of professional child abusers called "The Children's Aid Societies of Ontario". Check out the wanted pages at ottawa Mens Centre.com/wanted.htm Readers should spare a thought for the worst sort of abductions that occur as a result of "The Baby Snatchers" of the Ottawa Children's Aid Society. Child Protection Worker Phil Hiltz-Laforge is an expert at fabricating evidence to take children from parents and to place them with strangers who get paid as part of the Criminal Organization called the Children's Aid Society of Ottawa. Child Protection Worker Claudette Knuckle-Dougan calls children liars when they disclose abuse by a violent parent. Her Supervisor the GOD-FATHER of Ottawa, Rob Godman (Real name Robert Godman) uses police contacts to lay charges and or have charges stayed all to cover up Child Abuse and Fabrication of Evidence by the very worst vile scumbags of humanity, the Children's Aid Society of Ottawa. These Child Abusers have NO accountability, they are protected in Court by Cowardly gutless Corrupt Judges like Robert L. Maranger who Rubber Stamps criminal offenses even by lawyers like Marguerite Isobel Lewis. That makes Robert L. Maranger yet another cowardly judicial child abuser. Ottawa CAS are protected in Court by Former CAS lawyers who become Judges like Timothy Minnema, a former lawyer for the Kingston Children's Aid Society. Justice Timothy Minnema actually personally fabricates evidence for the CAS. www.OttawaMensCentre.com/wanted.htm Ontario could and should stop spending a Billion dollars a year on the Criminal Cartel of 48 unaccountable Children's Aid Societies of Ontario. That savings would be the tip of the iceberg of follow on savings in lost productivity, the clogged up legal system primarily driven by publicly funded criminal corporations like the Children's Aid Society of Ottawa. If you want to meet professional child abusers who fabricate evidence to abuse children drop in at 1602 Telesat Court Ottawa. Psychopaths or those with a propensity for absolute terror and cruelty to children are always needed as Child Protection Workers. www.OttawaMensCentre.com |