Toula Drimonis: Speech should be
free — even for this creep
Toula Drimonis, Special to National Post
November 14, 2014 7:00 AM ET

I may be a staunch feminist. But I simply don’t
believe in censorship as a solution.
Education, not censorship, is the answer to men like Julien Blanc.
By now, many readers probably have heard of the professional U.S. pick-up
artist and self-proclaimed “PhD in female attraction.” He’s created quite a
commotion on Twitter, raising the ire of thousands around the world with his
sleazy seminars on how to seduce women.
Billed as a “dating coach” by his U.S. employer, Real Social Dynamics, Blanc
travels the world giving pick-up artistry seminars on how to lie, manipulate and
con your way into a woman’s heart and bed.
Blanc also has posted videos of him promoting sexual harassment and forced
sexual aggression on women (e.g., pushing them towards his crotch),
choke-holding them and using the hashtag “#ChokingGirlsAroundTheWorld.”
As a result, he was recently kicked out of Australia after the immigration
minister cancelled his visa. Japan currently has an online petition to prevent
him from re-entering the country, and a few similar petitions are picking up
steam here in Canada. A Twitter hashtag, #TakeDownJulienBlanc, has been shared
widely since it was launched by Washington, D.C.-based activist Jenn Li.
Canadian Immigration Minister Chris Alexander has acknowledged the petition
on Twitter and called Blanc’s seminars “completely counter to Canadian values
and common decency,” indicating that the government may indeed take measures to
prevent him from giving his seminars in Canada.
A number of opinion pieces have been written, urging the Canadian government
to ban a blatantly misogynistic man who’s attempting to normalize sexual
violence against women. And I can understand the desire to censor what Blanc has
to say by turning him back at the border. There is nothing I support about his
message. Except his right to share it.
Here’s the deal: You can’t support free speech selectively. The purpose of
this right is not to protect popular speech (which doesn’t need protecting
anyway) but to protect speech that is unpopular, perceived as “wrong,” possibly
offensive or even hurtful.
My right to express myself entails my right to offend you. Even as a staunch
feminist, I simply don’t believe in censorship as a solution.
If we are to make any headway in the fight for equality, we instead need to
look at the root causes of such phenomena, and chip away at everything that
allows men like Julien Blanc to find a market for their “expertise.”
What should most worry us here is not one professional creep giving the
seminars, but the many men so misguided, so incapable of seeing women as
deserving-of-respect human beings, and so terribly misinformed about basic human
relationships, that they are willing to spend upwards of $3,000 to listen to the
drivel of a guy who teaches us that shoving your crotch in a woman’s face is
going to make her fall madly in love with you.
It’s not by banning this sort of expression that we eradicate the underlying
attitude. Such material deserves the full, unflinching glare of sunlight,
whereby it can be methodically refuted and destroyed.
Men such as Julien Blanc exist because they cater to a real market: men who
still believe that degrading and manipulating a woman will get them what they
want. Perhaps these men represent the last, dying embers of a pathetic breed.
But they exist, and they’re around us, whispering the sweetest of feminist words
as a cover for their predations. The Jian Ghomeshi revelations are instructive
here. These men hide in plain sight, and they treat women as trophies.
Preventing Julien Blanc from entering the country and speaking his mind won’t
prevent the sexism and misogyny that women experience on a daily basis. The
trick is to let them speak and show their colours, to let the misguided ones
spend their money on dubious tricks of seduction. And then to humiliate them and
discredit them. Publicly and mercilessly.
It is now unclear as to whether Blanc will actually follow through with his
scheduled speaking gigs in Canada. Personally, I would welcome the opportunity
to be there to loudly and vocally denounce him for the offensive buffoon that he
National Post
Toula Drimonis is a Montreal-based writer and editor.
Gender Based Violence is a symptom of underlying personality disorders and or
mental health problems that are exacerbated by those with low personal esteem
and who generally grew up in a home deprived of love and affection.
Children who grow up with an appropriate role model for parents of both gender
grow up to be confident people with self respect, pride and and a sense of what
is right and wrong.
Those who grow up deprived of love and affection are most likely to end up
charged with a crime of violence.
Highly intelligent people charismatic personable people, can be consummate
actors, and can be psychopaths who have an a ability to be violent and abusive
at extraordinary levels but by getting someone else to do the actual physical
You don't need to be Physically violent to engage in torture or physically
violence personally, you simply encourage the psychopaths to do it for you, its
just like Hiring a Hit man or a hiring a thug to beat someone up.
In Ontario, the Thugs who promote Violence against FATHERs are the Police , the
Children's Aid Societies and worst of all, the Thugs of the Judiciary of the
Superior Court of Ontario who blatantly promote Gender Violence towards
"Fathers" that is perhaps the dirtiest work in Ontario Courts and part of the
Ontario Government's policy of Promoting Domestic Violence towards societies
most vulnerable, full time fathers.
Ontario Judges are selected from those who have the worst personality disorders,
the lowest self esteem, and those most likely to encourage others to be violent.
Its why in Ontario, our Judiciary exclusively removes children from Male Victims
of Domestic Violence. There is NO personality screening for the Judiciary, that
might just exclude too many of them and upset the Government's Role in applying
Extreme Feminist Male Sharia Law.
Justice Tim Minemma is a typical Ontario Superior Judge, he got his training in
Fabrication of Evidence like most Judges in Ontario, as a lawyer for the
Ontario's unaccountable Billion Dollar Cartel that actively promotes violence
towards fathers. He was then automatically "anointed" a judge, to ensure, yet
another Rubber Stamp for extreme feminism and the Ontario Gestapo, The
Children's Aid Societies who provide unlimited Legal services for Violent
Mothers to remove children from Male Victims of Female violence simply because
in Ontario, its Government Policy.
Justice Tim Minemma removes children from fathers, at Kangaroo Court Hearings
where only uncorroborated unsupported allegations are used. He then Fabricates
history, fabricates Evidence in order to justify removing children from male
victims of domestic violence.
Justice Tim Minemma is a typical cold blooded psychopath with an ability to
engage in cruelty that does not involve any personal physical violence. The
Ontario Superior Court Judiciary attracts and hires the worst psychopaths to be
judges where they spend their entire careers engaged in absolute cruelty of male
victims of domestic violence.
The most violent dangerous people in society are not necessarily personally
violent, they simply encourage others to do it.
Ottawa Mens Centre
Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre
Anyone who promotes gender violence should not be admitted to Canada or any
other country.
Every Immigration Department from the United States, Australia, New Zealand,
Europe and especially Russia, should take steps to prevent the entry to their
countries of those who promote Gender Violence.
Here is a list of names.
Detective Peter Van Der Zander of the Ottawa Police. This low life Fabricates
evidence NOT to charge the most violent of female offenders and then
incarcerates male victim of domestic violence and Fabricates evidence to ensure
that male victims of domestic violence never see their children again. It's part
of the Ottawa Police Policy.
The Chief of the Ottawa Police, Staff Sgt. Isobel Granger and Sgt. Norm Friel
who actively promote violence against children and Fathers by failing to deal
with low life scum officers who fabricate evidence AGAINST male victims of
domestic violence.
Marguerite Lewis aka Marguerite Isobel Lewis, a lawyer for "The Gestapo", thats
the name Ottawa Lawyers use to describe "The Children's Aid Society of Ottawa".
This organization operates by promoting Domestic Violence towards children and
Fathers as long as the perpetrator is Female. The CAS of Ontario cost taxpayers
Billions of Dollars for their entirely unaccountable Fassicst Program of
Promoting violence towards fathers. The provide violent Mothers with Unlimited
Free Legal Services which include a guarantee of a Judicial Rubber Stamp from
one of their own private judges in a private court.
Justice Jennifer Belishen is a promoter of violence by women towards Fathers.
She will terminate children's relationships with Fathers because they are Male
Victims of Domestic Violence and it does not matter what kind of evidence is
In one recent case, the mother was charged with repeatedly threatening to kill
the father and just on one day, assaulting him some 55 times. According to
Father Hating Ontario Superior Court Judge Jennifer Belishen, thats grounds to
make sure the children never see the only parent that protected the children
from violence.
Justice Jennifer Belishen used to work for the Children's Aid Society of Ottawa
and then spent the next 23 years Rubber Stamping any order that removed children
from Male victims of domestic violence. If anyone should be prevented from
entering another Jurisdiction it's the Insult to Justice Jennifer Belishen.
Canada has a Dr. Mengal of the Child Protection Business, a Dr. David Alexander
McLean, this psychopath Fabricates Evidence to remove children from Fathers and
place them in the hands of psychopath mothers with incredible documented
evidence of violence towards children and partners.
Dr. Alexander Mclean is supposedly a "court's expert witness" and our corrupt
Judiciary, former CAS lawyers, refuse to acknowledge any other expert evidence
no matter how incontrovertible if it contradicts the "hired pen" of the
Children's Aid Society of Ottawa.
Dr. David Alexander McLean is a professional Child Abuser, a professional
Fabricator Evidence and should not be admitted to any country especially the
United States where unconvicted Criminals of crimes of moral turpitude are
deniend entry.
Canada is a society that promotes Domestic Violence against Fathers and
increasingly Extreme Feminists advocate Murder and claim to be victims.
There is virtually no point in any male victim of domestic violence going to
Police in Canada, he will be arrested and he will never see his children again
all in the name of Canada's Promotion of Domestic Violence as long as the
perpetrator is female.
There is no point in any male victim going to any Ontario Superior Court which
is riddled with Extreme Feminist Former CAS lawyers who apply the Ontario
Government's policy of Gender Cleansing that relies upon Promoting Domestic
Violence against Fathers.
Ottawa Mens Centre.
When it comes to Choking, readers will choke on this story.
On July 1, 2012 a father in Ottawa called the Ottawa Police after his wife,
attempted to strangle him to death. The police found him with blood around his
throat and extensive bruising.
Two Ottawa Police Officers who attended Fabricated evidence to arrest the male
victim of "Choking" and one of them stopped on the way to the Police Station in
the Usual Ottawa Police Stunt to take in the Male Victim last so SHE can be
released and driven home in a professional Feminist victim "support person" that
don't talk to male victims of domestic violence.
Ottawa Police Detective Peter Van Der Zander after reading and speaking with the
officers and knowing that the female attempted to strangle the father,
Fabricated his records to NOT charge her.
You see, he claimed that "She denied attempting to choke him" when in fact, he
never asked her the question.
This is typical of not just the Ottawa Police but police forces across Canada
where it is politically correct to encourage women to assault fathers for the
purpose of gaining an instant order for custody of the children and if he dares
to claim, that a mother was violent, the entire Judiciary will come to the
rescue and like the Judges of 161 Elgin Street Ottawa, Personally Fabricate
Evidence to ensure Male Victims of Domestic Violence never ever see their
children again.
Julien Blanc is a creep, he is an insult to everyone who dislikes Gender
Violence however, the Reality is our Police, Our Judges, our child protection
workers, and even the Supreme Court of Canada actively promote murder and
violence or even hiring a hit man as long as the Victim is male.
Ottawa Mens Centre