Ontario to get $1.3 billion extra in federal transfer payments
Ontario will get $20.4 billion from Ottawa in
2015-16 for health, social services and equalization, up from $19.2 billion
this year.
Joe Oliver is urging the provinces to balance their budgets but says
transfers to them will increase next year. The federal finance minister is
meeting with his provincial and territorial counterparts in Ottawa Monday.
OTTAWA—Ontario is getting $1.25 billion in extra cash from Ottawa next year,
a boost which helps take the sting out of the $640 million in transfer
payments the province says it was deprived of in 2014, the Star has learned.
Canada’s most populous province will get $20.4 billion from Ottawa for
health, social services and equalization payments in 2015, up from $19.2
billion in the past year.
Equalization payments to Ontario will rise to $2.4 billion, up $375 million
or 18 per cent over the previous year. That’s the biggest increase of any of
the provinces or territories.
The payment also earmarks $13 billion for health in Ontario, up $735
million; and almost $5 billion for social programs, up $143 million,
according to figures obtained by the Star.
The numbers will be part of the day-long discussion Monday when federal
Finance Minister Joe Oliver meets in Ottawa with his provincial counterparts,
including Ontario Finance Minister Charles Sousa.

Oliver and his provincial counterparts are also expected to discuss the
Canadian economy and the impact of falling oil prices, which has thrown
federal and provincial budget forecasts into disarray.
Premier Kathleen Wynne, who has been
seeking a meeting with Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and Sousa
signalled in letters to senior members of the federal government that
Ontario also wants to discuss infrastructure funding, pensions, possible
improvements to the Employment Insurance system and the auto sector.
This will be first time Oliver has met in person with provincial finance
ministers as a group since taking over from the late federal finance
minister, Jim Flaherty, last spring.
Equalization payments, which are meant to guarantee that all provinces can
offer an equivalent level of services, and federal transfers for health and
social programs are paid out to the provinces based on complex formulas as
well as population.
Queen’s Park has been in a
bitter dispute after the federal government a year ago eliminated a
provision meant to protect provinces from seeing transfers drop in any one
Ontario says that move cost it $640 million in 2014, when its transfer
payments dropped to $19.2 billion from $19.8 billion in 2013-14.
Sousa raised the concern again in a letter written to Oliver last week,
saying the lost transfers are making it harder for the province to tackle
its budget deficit.
“Each year since the global recession, (the federal government) ensured that
provinces experiencing year-over-year declines in major transfers were made
whole through protection payments,” Sousa said in his letter to Oliver.
“This year, as Ontario was the only province to experience a decline in
transfers, your government eliminated protection payments altogether,
leaving Ontarians at a disadvantage.
“I urge you to be fair to the people of Ontario and to avoid further
unilateral actions that negatively or unfairly impact the people of
Ontario,” Sousa wrote.
Oliver is likely to stress the increased funds going to Ontario in the
coming year, which represents a 7 per cent increase in year-over-year
transfers. However, if Ontario had been allowed to keep the disputed $640
million, the increase would ring in at 3 per cent.
Ontario will reap the most in transfer payments in 2015-16, followed closely
by Quebec at $20.3 billion; British Columbia at $6.1 billion; Alberta at
$5.4 billion and Manitoba at $3.4 billion.
Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre
The Federal Government is now providing an additional 2.6 Billion Dollars
most of which will be used to Run Ontario's Criminal Cartel of Children's Aid's
Society and around 75% of Police Budgets that are spent on Ontario's Gender
Superiority Campaign.
The Federal Government has decided to "Pay Off" the Criminals of Ontario with an
extra 2.6 Billion dollars in "extortion money" which is to "buy votes" and the
support of the Corrupt Political leaders and Authorities in Ontario who have
turned Ontario into a Fas.cist State.
Ontario Spends Billions of Dollars on Gender Cleansing. That is, Ontario Legal
Aid increasingly cancels legal aid for Fathers, so that Most Fathers are now
When CAS and the excrement of the legal profession fabricate evidence, our
Corr.upt Judiciary turn a blind eye and Ontario Legal Aid refuse to fund appeals
of those blatantly Fas.cist decisions.
Every Canadian should be outraged at the endless habitual criminal offences and
promotion of domestic violence and child abuse by, Ontario's Children's Aid
Society and Ontario Police forces.
Take Marguerite Isobel Lewis, a lawyer for the Children's Aid Society of Ottawa
who personally Fabricates Evidence. She had the confidence that the judge she
lied to was a Typical Ontario Superior Court Judge, a Former Lawyer for the CAS
who is guaranteed to "Rubber Stamp" what ever CAS ask for.
Why is the Federal Government Funding lawlessness, fas.cist agendas and
government Run Criminal Organizations all of which are void of accountability.
These Ontario Criminals now obtain 99% of all custody decisions for children to
be placed with women, even those who are at high risk of murdering their own
And Peter McKay does not lift his little finger...
Ottawa Mens Centre