Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau has a personal approval rating of 46 per cent, according to Forum Research.
Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre
It's tragic that Justin Trudeau lacks the courage to deal with Canada's most
substantive problems. He shows a complete lack of empathy for the 50% of
Canadians who have next to no legal rights.
Justin Trudeau while a father shows no empathy for the fact that the Province of
Ontario is a veritable breeding ground for criminality by State Sponsored
Criminal Organizations.
The Harper government just handed 2.6 Billion Dollars to Ontario which will be
primarily used for it's Cor.rupt Criminal Cartel called the Children's Aid
Societies of Ontario who Promote Violence by women towards men.
This Criminal institution has now gained control of the Judiciary by installing
its own excrement of the legal profession, primarily, former lawyers who used to
work for the Children's Aid Society and who betray Children an Parents by
"Rubber Stamping" anything the CAS want and by ignoring any evidence that does
not suit the CAS.
Justin Trudeau will likely be the next prime minister and we can look forward to
his continued patronage of the Very worst Child Abusing Criminals in society who
also promote Ontario and Canada's Gender Superiority program that results in
around 99% of children in custody decisions being placed with mothers regardless
of their record for violence against children and partners.
Justin Trudeau promises to be just another politician like Harper who believes
in Good Politics rather than show an iota of empathy towards good social policy
or respect for the Rule of Law.
Ottawa Mens Centre
Justin Trudeau and the Liberals have historically not expressed any concern
what so ever regarding the outrageous criminal acts committed by the Liberal
Appointed Authorities in Ontario.
Take Marguerite Isobel Lewis, an Evidence Fabricating lawyer for the Children's
Aid Society of Ottawa who Fabricates Evidence in front of Judges, who were
appointed by the Liberals to "Rubber Stamp" any thing asked for by the cess pool
of humanity, professional child abusers like Marguerite Lewis.
The reason she gets away with it is because we have Gutless Cowardly Politicians
who show zero respect for the Rule of Law.
While we have such low forms of life as politicians, Ontario will continue to be
one of the worst places on earth to have a legal problem.
Ontario Operates by installing it's own corrupt Father Hating Judges who support
the Billions of Dollars Ontario Spends on its Terrorist War against Fathers in
the form of the Children's Aid Societies of Ontario.
Justin Trudeau should take a look the Toronto Star and the National Post and ask
the question Why is it that the CAS and our Judges of Ontario are the most
reviled groups in Canada?
There is an anger and outrage across Canada and Justin Trudeau is just another
politician more intune with his political survival rather than the best
interests of all Canadians.
Ottawa Mens Centre
While the NDP has been traditionally incompetent and under Jack "the John"
Layton, Thomas Mulcair is currently the only politician to actually show ethics
in supporting the "Good Policy" of the Gun Register rather than just
self-interested self serving "Good Politics".
IF Thomas Mulcair can show some real cojonnes he will address Canada's Fas.cist
Gender Superiority Program that has across Canada made males criminals, devoid
of legal rights, and not fit to be single fathers under a corrupt Family Court
system that applies Male Gender Apartheid.
Ontario just got another 2.6 Billion Dollars to spend on what lawyers in Ontario
refer to as "The Ges.tapo" thats the Criminal Cartel called the Children's Aid
Society, where its a culture of terrorism against Fathers and of course anyone
the Ges.tapo deem in their flawed and corrupt minds to be unfit parents.
Thomas Mulcair needs to take note of the Ottawa CAS Lawyer Marguerite Isobel
Lewis, a professional child abuser and Fabricator of Evidence who, is rumoured
to be the next lawyer to be "Anointed" a Judge of the Ontario Superior Court of
Thomas Mulcair should take note. She has all the makings of a future Court of
Appeal Judge and being a female, a man hater, a child abuser, make her an ideal
candidate for the Supreme Court of Canada.
The Ottawa Police were at first outraged at the damming evidence of Fabrication
of Evidence against this Ontario Terrorist. The dropped that investigation upon
a phone call with another Ottawa Terroris, Tracey Engleheart, a lawyer for the
CAS Ottawa who is encouraged by our Corrupt Judiciary, (former CAS Lawyers) to
Obstruct Justice in the court room and get away with it. Another Ideal Judicial
Candidate for the Ontario Liberals.
Ottawa Mens Centre
Canada is a breeding ground for terrorists because it spends Billions of
dollars on State Funded Terrorism.
The Attorney General of Ontario refuses to take complaints regarding Corrupt
Crown Attorneys like TARA DOBEC of Ottawa who "STAYS CHARGES" against the most
violent of domestic violence cases simply because the accused is female.
Ontario spends Billions of Dollars promoting Domestic Violence. If you want to
meet a Modern Terrorist, Drop by 464 Elgin Street Ottawa and ask for Detective
Peter Van Der Zander.
This lowest form of life personally fabricates evidence NOT to charge the worst
cases of domestic violence because the Ottawa Police Promote Violence against
fathers and its perfectly normal for our Corrupt Ottawa Police to arrest Male
Victims of Domestic Violence to remove children from the care of fathers and,
place them with violent women.
This kind of Criminality is promoted across Canada in almost every police force.
It makes Canada a Corrupt cess pool of injustice with an openly Fascist agenda
of Gender Superiority where children and fathers have no legal rights.
For this Corrupt Vile state of affairs we can thank our gutless cowardly
politicians who don't give a dam about the Rule of Law, Justice, Equity or the
best interests of children who increasingly grow up fatherless.
Ottawa Mens Centre