OTTAWA — Taxi records have helped lead police to arrest an Ottawa man in
three recent bank robberies.
The first robbery happened December 22, on
Bank Street in the Glebe. Another bank, farther south on Bank Street, was
hit twice — December 23 and again on Monday.
The thief fled the scene by getting in a taxi. Police later seized taxi
Trevor Sparling, 41, of Ottawa was arrested on Merivale Road and has now
been charged in all three robberies.
Police seized cash and an imitation handgun.
While Bank Robberies are usually the work of dumb criminals Ottawa has a host
of other Criminals who commit offenses against the administration of justice and
get away with it.
Take Detective Peter Van Der Zander, a drop out recently promoted to $120,000
plus a year from his work for Fabricating Evidence to NOT charge one of Ottawa's
most violent females who attempted to murder her husband.
You see, the attending officers found the father with bruised, and bleeding from
around the neck with scratch marks consistent with an attempt to strangle the
father which the father told police occurred by her pulling his head down by the
hair to a couch where she placed her hands in a strangle hold around his neck
blocking off his airway.
Det. Peter Van Der Zander wrote a written report to Fabricate Evidence. He
claimed she "denied pulling his hair or attempting to choke him. The Ottawa
Police then obstructed justice by failing to provide the Video disclosure of
that interview which obtained in another court in another matter showed that Det.
Peter Van Der Zander never asked her those questions. He suggested that she
might kill him with knife, sent her home in a victim services car, and told her
to be the first to call police next time.
The Ottawa Police are a Criminal Organization that operate a Fascist Program
that promotes domestic violence towards fathers for the purpose of "Gender
Cleansing" to remove children from full time fathers and place them with the
most violent women who are encouraged to be violent by the Ottawa Police, the
CAS and worst of all, the Judiciary of Ottawa who are selected by Ontario's
Fascist Government for their willingness to promote the Ontario Government's
Fascist Ideas of Gender Superiority.
Ottawa is a playground for Criminals, who have total immunity from criminal and
or civil liability. The worst of the worst are the Evidence Fabricating Rotten
Cops like
Detective Peter Van Der Zander and his superiors who turn a deliberate blind eye
or who also fabricate evidence or commit further criminal offences to protect
one of Ottawa's most notorious Criminals. Detective Peter Van Der Zander.
Ottawa Mens Centre