With files from The Canadian Press
Breana Hooks stands next to the Women's Monument to mark the 25th anniversary of the Polytechnique massacre on Dec. 6, 2014 in London, Ont.. It was 25 years ago that a gunman shot and killed 14 women before taking his own life at the Ecole Poytechnique of the Universite de Montreal.
With files from The Canadian Press
Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre
The Ontario Government has a Fas.cist Program of Gender Superiority that
promotes domestic violence. Be it male or female, there is a general assumption
that victims provoked the abuser or that they are responsible for the abuse
because they failed to leave an abusive situation.
Ontario however applies a Gender Superiority Program that assumes Male Victims
of Domestic Violence do not exist. Any male alleging domestic violence by a
woman is deemed to be a heretic.
Police Officers like Det. Peter Van Der Zander of Ottawa actually Fabricate
evidence NOT to charge women who attempt to murder their husbands.
Ottawa is a cess pool of authorities such as Police, Children's Aid, Judges who
all join in a lynch mob to abuse the male victims of female violence.
It's got so bad that feminists openly promote murder of men as long as she
claims, she is a victim of abuse.
Lawyers like Marguerite Lewis and Tracey Engelking commit offences against the
administration of justice to assist violent women and to remove children from
male victims of domestic violence.
Worst of all, judges, like Tim Minemma a former lawyer for the CAS, even
fabricate evidence themselves to assist violent women.
Ottawa is riddled with the excrement of humanity who promote violence by women
towards men. They are the Judiciary of Ottawa, composed of the vilest of the
vile, former lawyers of the CAS anointed to the Judiciary by a fascist Ontario
Judicial Selection process designed to select those most likely enforce
Ontario's Fas.cist program of promotion of domestic violence by women towards
Ottawa Mens Centre