Paul Lacerte, executive director of the BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres, wears a piece of moose hide representing the Moose Hide Campaign, an initiative signifying a commitment to end violence against women and girls in his community.
Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre
Without questioning the motives of Paul Lacerte and with the greatest respect
to his efforts there needs to be a Gender Neutral approach to Domestic violence.
This article is a classic example of the mind set that assumes, that only men
are violent and that women are victims.
It's a politically correct approach that defies reality across Canada.
Even in the native communities, women can be violent and when most native
communities have police services, its a very easy means of reducing a home of a
male by making allegations of domestic violence.
Domestic Violence is a learned behaviour. Its now a serious problem with
children growing up to see mommy repeatedly beating up daddy and when he calls
the police, the police take away their primary full time parent, their daddy and
more often than not, the children end up being forced to live with a violent
mother and not a female victim of domestic violence.
As someone who has spent a lot of time in various native communities, the
violence against women is a far more obvious and plain to see.
When women are violent, most men are too afraid to make any call to police in
fear of the normal knee jerk reaction to remove the male permanently from the
lives of children.
That problem is now systemic across Canada and in places like Ottawa is now
routine for Police to Fabricate Evidence NOT to charge violent women.
Ottawa Mens Centre
"Lateral violence" is truly an intergenerational problem.
While Canadians may be outraged by the colonial and traumatic residential school
method of "child protection" that same conceited arrogant belief that they are
"The Power of God" continues to this day.
Native communities in particular are vulnerable to agressive evidence
fabricating child protection workers with unlimited legal budgets and workers
willing to habitually lie and fabricate evidence to get what they want.
Ontario courts in particular, give the "power of god" to CAS workers who have
learned that they have absolutely no accountability and to this day, NOT a
single Child Protection Worker or CAS lawyer has ever been charged with perjury,
Fabrication of Evidence etc.
A classic example of such a despicable child abusing criminal is that of Ottawa
CAS lawyer Marguerite Isobel Lewis, who personally fabricates evidence to allow
a 100 Million Dollar Criminal organization to abuse children.
The CAS is full of lawyers who fabricate evidence and then get rewarded by being
"anointed as judges" where they systematically ignore the evidence and rubber
stamp what ever the CAS want.
In Ottawa one former Judge Monique Metivier corruptly granted exparte orders to
cover up Obstruction of Justice by Marguerite Lewis. She "retired" to defeat a
Judicial complaint that was coveniently delayed to a week after she conveniently
Justice Robert Maranger, Justice Tim Minemma, Justice Jennifer Belishen now face
serious allegations of Obstruction of Justice to cover up for Marguerite Lewis.
They will be doing the world of child protection a great service if they
"retire" or find some way of turning up their toes permanently.
Ottawa Mens Centre