‘Sex slave’ at centre of Prince Andrew scandal fled to Australia as a teen


Buckingham Palace was in damage control, having been forced to issue a second denial in 24 hours over allegations the Prince’s close friend — a convicted paedophile — supplied the partyboy royal with under-age girls.


Prince Andrew with Virginia Roberts. Picture: Michael Thomas/Solo

Buckingham Palace was in damage control, having been forced to issue a second denial in 24 hours over allegations the Prince’s close friend — a convicted paedophile — supplied the partyboy royal with under-age girls.

Virginia Roberts, 31, has accused billionaire Jeffrey Epstein of keeping her as a teen sex slave to be available on demand to him and a string of powerful friends, ­including the Prince.

“I was a paedophile’s top girl, being trained up for a British prince,” said Ms Roberts, who was used by Epstein for four years from the age of 15.

“I was totally under Jeffrey’s spell. I was his personal sex slave.”

Ms Roberts says she was paid $15,000 by Epstein to have sex with the Prince in London, New York and on Epstein’s private US island.

Ms Roberts says she was kept as a sex slave between 1999 and 2002, when she escaped to Australia and settled on the NSW Central Coast where she had three children with her Australian husband.


In a bombshell lawsuit, Ms Roberts claims she was pimped out to the Prince at the age of 17. She claims that on the private US island, she was forced to join in an orgy with a bevy of other under-age girls.

“He trained me to do whatever a man wanted. I would do anything to keep Jeffrey happy and keep my place as his No.1 girl,” she said.

Ms Roberts said on one ­occasion she was specifically flown to London from the US as a “gift” to Andrew.

“It was made clear to me that my job was to do whatever pleased him,” she said.

“The Prince didn’t give me money with his own hands. Jeffrey always took care of paying me.”

She said she had been excited to meet the Prince and had taken him to a sex “dungeon” where she entertained him.

Prince Andrew.

Ms Roberts says she was abused on a daily basis, and trafficked to friends of Epstein.

Court documents also ­allege she was loaned to American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known prime minister, and other world leaders.

It comes as speculation grows as to what has been captured by hidden cameras planted by Epstein in his sex parlours.

The shocking allegations have been revealed for the first time following legal action by Ms Roberts filed last week.

She claims she was unfairly shut out of secretive negotiations between prosecutors and Epstein in a recent criminal proceeding.

It resulted in an 18-month jail term for soliciting a minor for prostitution.

‘Sex slave’ at centre of Prince Andrew scandal fled to Australia as a teen

Virginia Roberts. Picture: Facebook

Prince Andrew with convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Picture: NI Syndication

Prince Andrew with Virginia Roberts. Picture: Michael Thomas/Solo

Prince Andrew with Virginia Roberts. Picture: Michael Thomas/Solo

PRINCE Andrew is rushing back to London as the royal family was rocked by an Australian mother’s claims she was forced to have sex with him while a minor.

Buckingham Palace was in damage control, having been forced to issue a second denial in 24 hours over allegations the Prince’s close friend — a convicted paedophile — supplied the partyboy royal with under-age girls.

Virginia Roberts, 31, has accused billionaire Jeffrey Epstein of keeping her as a teen sex slave to be available on demand to him and a string of powerful friends, ­including the Prince.

“I was a paedophile’s top girl, being trained up for a British prince,” said Ms Roberts, who was used by Epstein for four years from the age of 15.

“I was totally under Jeffrey’s spell. I was his personal sex slave.”

Ms Roberts says she was paid $15,000 by Epstein to have sex with the Prince in London, New York and on Epstein’s private US island.

Ms Roberts says she was kept as a sex slave between 1999 and 2002, when she escaped to Australia and settled on the NSW Central Coast where she had three children with her Australian husband.


In a bombshell lawsuit, Ms Roberts claims she was pimped out to the Prince at the age of 17. She claims that on the private US island, she was forced to join in an orgy with a bevy of other under-age girls.

“He trained me to do whatever a man wanted. I would do anything to keep Jeffrey happy and keep my place as his No.1 girl,” she said.

Ms Roberts said on one ­occasion she was specifically flown to London from the US as a “gift” to Andrew.

“It was made clear to me that my job was to do whatever pleased him,” she said.

“The Prince didn’t give me money with his own hands. Jeffrey always took care of paying me.”

She said she had been excited to meet the Prince and had taken him to a sex “dungeon” where she entertained him.



Prince Andrew.

Prince Andrew.


Ms Roberts says she was abused on a daily basis, and trafficked to friends of Epstein.

Court documents also ­allege she was loaned to American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known prime minister, and other world leaders.

It comes as speculation grows as to what has been captured by hidden cameras planted by Epstein in his sex parlours.

The shocking allegations have been revealed for the first time following legal action by Ms Roberts filed last week.

She claims she was unfairly shut out of secretive negotiations between prosecutors and Epstein in a recent criminal proceeding.

It resulted in an 18-month jail term for soliciting a minor for prostitution.



Prince Andrew with Princess Beatrice and Prince Charles. Picture: Getty Images

Prince Andrew with Princess Beatrice and Prince Charles. Picture: Getty Images


Speaking to London’s Daily Mail, Ms Roberts said she first met Prince Andrew at a dinner with Epstein.

“Andrew was making eye contact with me at every chance and concentrating on my plunging V-neck top.

“He didn’t ask me anything about myself. I just sat there with a smile frozen on my lips.”

Buckingham Palace has ­issued two denials over the claims saying that “any suggestion of impropriety with under-age minors” by the Duke of York was “categorically ­untrue”.

It said yesterday: “It is emphatically denied that the Duke of York had any form of sexual contact or relationship with (the woman). The allegations made are false and without any ­foundation.”




Australian escape after being kept as a slave for four years


THE woman at the centre of a sex scandal engulfing Prince Andrew has told how she fled to Australia as a teen to escape a powerful ring of super-rich sex predators.

Virginia Roberts, who claims she was forced to have sex with Prince Andrew when she was a minor, says she was kept as a personal sex slave for almost four years before she was able to escape to Australia.

She was still a teen when she landed here with a single suitcase, a new husband and dreams of a new life on the other side of the world.

It was almost as far away as she could get from the sordid and grubby world of billionaire businessmen and their perverted ways.

From the age of 15, she was allegedly kept to serve “every sexual whim” of financier Jeffrey Epstein and his friends, including Prince Andrew.

According to court documents, it was Epstein, himself, who inadvertently helped his young sex slave to flee.

She was 19, and after joking he had to trade her in for a younger model, Epstein sent her to Thailand to complete a massage course.

While thousands of miles away and alone for the first time in years, Ms Roberts met and fell in love with an ­Australian martial arts expert.

They married after just 10 days and, with the support of her new Australian husband, Ms Roberts found the courage to flee to Australia.

The couple settled on the New South Wales Central Coast in November 2002 and started a family, eventually having three children.

When she told Epstein by phone that she would not be returning, Ms Roberts said the billionaire replied: “Have a nice life.”

In her new life, she spent time at the beach with friends, loved to swim and ride horses.

Six years after establishing a new life in Australia, Ms Roberts said she was left terrified after being tracked down by Epstein.

He had become increasingly concerned about pending legal action, she said, and had used third parties to track her down, called her mobile phone and urged her to stay quiet. She reassured him she would.

In 2009, Ms Roberts was contacted by the FBI who had found photos of her during their investigations into ­Epstein. He struck a deal with US prosecutors and served 13 months in prison.







WE (the Prince and I) went on to Tramp (nightclub). He was the most hideous dancer I have ever seen. He was grabbing my hips and he was pouring with perspiration and he had this cheesy smile. After about half an hour we drove back to Ghislaine (Maxwell)’s. All of us went upstairs. Ghislaine and Jeffrey left us after that. In the morning, Ghislaine said: ‘You did well, he had fun.”


HE got me a cocktail from the bar and then asked me to dance. He was groping me. He touched my breasts and my a-. He was not my type, but I’d been trained not only to not show my emotions but to do what was wanted.


HE started licking my toes, between my toes, the arches of my feet. And then we went into the bedroom and he proceeded to make love to me, so to speak. He wasn’t rude. It wasn’t like rape. But it wasn’t like love either. It was more like, ‘I’m getting my business done”.


ANDREW was smiling ear-to-ear. A beautiful girl called Johanna Sjoberg...was sitting on Andrew’s knee. Ghislaine guided me over to Andrew...we kissed each other on the cheek and Ghislaine placed me on his other knee. Ghislaine said: ‘You should take him upstairs for a massage.” I took him upstairs to the Dungeon. Someone had put classical music on the speaker system. He lay face down on the table. I started with his feet, then his calves.


I FLEW there with Jeffrey and Ghislaine and seven Russian girls. We were told to assemble in a big cabana. When I walked in Andrew and Jeffrey were seated in chairs. Jeffrey directed us with hand gestures. Jeffrey and the Prince were laughing and then they stripped and I performed a sex act on Andrew. There was a dinner the next day and then Andrew was gone.







Jane Doe 3 (Roberts) was forced to have sexual relations with this Prince when she was a minor in three separate geographical locations: in London (at Ghislaine Maxwell’s apartment), in New York, and on Epstein’s private island in the US Virgin Islands (in an orgy with numerous other under-aged girls).


(The Prince’s paedophile friend) Epstein also trafficked Jane Doe 3 for sexual purposes to many other powerful men, including numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known prime minister, and other world leaders. Epstein required Jane Doe 3 to describe the events that she had with these men so that he could potentially blackmail them.


Epstein instructed Jane Doe 3 that she was to give the Prince whatever he demanded and required Jane Doe 3 to report back to him on the details of the sexual abuse.


Epstein’s purposes in “lending” Jane Doe (along with other young girls) to such powerful people were to ingratiate himself with them for business, personal, political, and financial gain, as well as to obtain potential blackmail information.


(Ghislaine) Maxwell facilitated Prince Andrew’s acts of sexual abuse by acting as a ‘madam” for Epstein, thereby assisting in internationally trafficking Jane Doe 3 (and numerous other young girls) for sexual purposes.


Some of the photographs in the defendant’s (Epstein) possession were taken with hidden cameras set up in (Epstein’s) home in Palm Beach. On the day of his arrest, police found two hidden cameras and photographs of under-age girls on a computer in the defendant’s home. [He] may have taken lewd photographs of Jane Doe 102 with his hidden cameras and transported [them] to his other residences and elsewhere.



Originally published as ‘I was Prince Andrew’s sex slave’





Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre

Absolute Power corrupts absolutely and its often those like Judges who are in absolute Power who abuse their power and abuse victims of abuse the most.


While the allegations concerning Prince Andrew at first appeared to be uncorroborated, it appears that the evidence we read is only the tip of the ice-berg and has all the hallmarks of a story that could and most probably will, have more evidence of similar allegations coming to light in the future.

The danger is that when it looks this bad, and probably is, that there becomes a trial by media and he could and probably will be found guilty in the court of public opinion.

The odds of these allegations reaching trial may well make the court of public opinion the only means of deterrent to similar cases of abuses by those with absolute Power.


The allegations while extremely serious, and disturbing, also reveal that there is a large amount of evidence to disprove the allegations. That is, Prince Andrew will probably have a large amount of evidence that for example might show that he was NOT at the places and times alleged.

What will be difficult for Prince Andrew and the public to avoid considering are the photographs which will have some explaining to do which of course applies that reverse onus if Prince Andrew is to be able to beat this story in the medial trial.

When it comes to Abusers of Absolute Power, spare a thought for the Victims of Ottawa CAS Lawyer Marguerite Lewis who personally fabricates allegations of admissions of being a pedophile before judges who were former CAS lawyers like the DisHonorable Timothy Minnema who turns a blind eye to flagrant fabrications of evidence and then Rubber Stamps Child Abuse by the CAS which makes Timothy Minnema one of the worlds greatest child abusers.

This is the sort of creep who will never ever face a court for his criminal deeds and he will do the world a favour if he "retires" as did the Corrupt DisHonourable Monique Metivier who "retired" to avoid a Judicial council investigation.


Ottawa Mens Centre