Nearly 88,000 family violence victims in 2013

By Staff The Canadian Press


OTTAWA – Statistics Canada says there were nearly 88,000 victims of family violence in Canada in 2013 — making up more than one-quarter of all violent crimes reported to police.

That’s around the same level as 2011, when family violence accounted for 26 per cent of all police-reported violent crime.

The agency says almost half the victims suffered family violence at the hands of a current or former spouse.

The accused person was a parent in 17 per cent of cases, and an extended family member — such as an in-law, uncle or grandparent — in 14 per cent of cases.

Sibling violence made up 11 per cent of cases, while 10 per cent of the time the accused person was the victim’s own child.

Statistics Canada says that almost 7 in 10 family violence victims were female in 2013.

The agency says police-reported family violence rates were highest in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, and lowest in Ontario and Prince Edward Island.






Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre

More flawed stats.

The Statistics fail to mention that men generally know that if they call police they will be arrested, their children taken from their care and given to the most violent mothers in Canada.

Ontario is a Fascist State with a policy that promotes violence by women towards men. It's black shirted storm troopers target their Gender Superiority program against, male victims of Domestic Violence.

Ottawa's Child Abusing Corrupt Rotten Cop
Detective Peter Van Der Zander

Ottawa Police Det. Peter Van Der Zander Fabricated evidence to NOT charge a woman who with a record of violence attempted to strangle a full time father. Van Der Zander fabricated a work of fiction, in a report including that she denied choking him. The police in contempt of numerous court orders failed to provide the video that eventually showed he never asked her the question.

He was removed from the file and another detective 6 months later charged her with death threat and assault for some 55 assaults in one day AFTER approval from a Crown Attorney.

Van Der Zander removed the children from the fathers full time care, sent the violent mother home in a police car, and incarcerated the father without charges for the next day. Long after he released the mother expressing concerns that she might kill him with a knife "next time" and advising her to be the first to call police "next time", he terrorized the father alluding he was a pedophile without any such allegations.

The CAS stepped in, had the head Crown TARA DOBEC "Stay the charges", sent her to "anger management" and 2 days later she assaulted her new male partner with a strangle hold to the neck, with her thumbs intertwined around his neck, she told him "My father was KGB, I know what I'm doing".

The CAS then without a hearing, without notice went to Corrupt Judge Monique Metivier and had her issue an illegal order in favor of the mother.

A classic story of how the Ottawa Police Promote Domestic Violence by women towards fathers in Ottawa.

Ottawa Mens Centre





There is nothing worse than a abusing trust. Society gives Police, Lawyers and Prosecutors, read Crown Attorneys special powers, they are trusted by society with absolute power to protect and serve society.

They are to most Canadians the most trusted people in Society.

The reality is that Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely, the very worst Child Abusers and Criminals in Society are often those in positions of Absolute Power.

Ontario's Worst Child Abuser and Criminal Award should be a
Marguerite Lewis aka Marguerite Isobel Lewis, a lawyer for the Criminal Organization called "The Children's Aid Society of Ottawa".

Local Ottawa lawyers however have another name for the CAS Ottawa, they call them
"The Gestapo" because of their never ending Criminal Offences against Children, against parents  and especially the Administration of Justice.

This Vile example of humanity, is protected by her associates in Crime, former Lawyers for the Children's Aid Societies of Ontario and even Ottawa who become members of Ottawa's Supreme Criminals, the Judiciary of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice on the 5th Floor of 161 Elgin Street.

The CAS have NO accountability. AT the end of the day, children's last hope for justice is often a Child Abusing Evidence Fabricating Former CAS lawyer like
Jennifer Belishen, Timothy Minnema and long list of other gutless, cowardly child abusing Corrupt Judges who "Rubber Stamp" decisions for the worst of the vile scum of Humanity like Marguerite Lewis a lawyer, an officer of the court who knows she can commit outrageous criminal offenses and get away with it.

Marguerite Lewis Abuses Children with terror and torture of being removed from their full time fathers who were the victims of Female Domestic Violence.

Marguerite Lewis is part of a Cult, of extreme feminism that spends Billions of Dollars of Ontario Taxpayers money to provide Billions of Dollars in Free Legal Services to the most violent women in Ontario.

The Ottawa Police investigated Marguerite Lewis and at first a Sgt. John Gibbons concluded "She lied to the judge, its perjury", he was rightly outraged until, he got a call from an equally dangerous criminal, Tracey Engelking, another Child Abusing criminal from the CAS Ottawa who goes to her Corrupt Judiciary like Monique Metivier and obtains any order she asks for , without a hearing or trial and with even notice to the fathers.

Monique Metivier, is not the most corrupt Judge in Ottawa, there are plenty who compete for that title. But AFTER a complaint was filed with Judicial council, she did the only least honourable thing she could do, she "Retired".

You are going to see lots of "Retirements" of the vile examples of Father Hating Child Abusing Superior Court Judges in Ottawa in the future.

Ottawa Mens Centre