Fatal shooting of gang member rocks Barrhaven neighbourhood
February 8, 2015

Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre
The Ottawa Police spend 75% of their 300 Million Dollar Budget, "Targeting" Male
Victims of Domestic Violence by Fabricating Evidence to NOT charge violent
women, charging male victims to maintain their own claims for More Police
Officers to join this Criminal Organization that promotes Murder and Violence.
The fact is every Full Time parent is in a vulnerable position of being the
victim of abuse and abuse of power.
The problem in Ottawa is that the Ottawa Police are notorious for Fabricating
Evidence NOT to charge the most violent of female offenders and, charging Male
Victims of domestic violence for no other reason than to remove children from
the full time care of fathers to place them with violent women.
The Corrupt Ottawa Police are unaccountable, above the law, without any
accountability which encourages the vilest examples of Police Excrement to
become like Detective Peter Van Der Zander, professional Domestic Terrorists.
Van Der Zander is an example of a Rotten Cop who brings a bad name to every
other police officer who does not engage in the Ontario Governments Fas.cist
program of promoting Murder and violence by women against men.
If you know this vile example of humanity, tell him to do society a big favour
and resign from his role as a Government Funded Domestic Terrorist, child abuser
and promoter of murder and violence.
Every local, provincial and federal politician needs to be asking how and why it
is that Corrupt Rotten Child Abusing evidence Fabricating cops like Peter Van
Der Zander can escape any form of accountability.
It's blatantly obvious that all police forces don't give a dam about the damage
to their reputations created by one outstanding example of a child abusing
evidence fabricating rotten cop.
Ottawa Mens Centre