Ontario Government’s blocking of lawyer’s blog ‘troubling’


February 12, 2015

Michael Spratt, a criminal defence attorney with Ottawa law firm Abergel Goldstein & Partners,, says it is "a large concern" that his blog is being blocked by Government of Ontario computer networks.


Outspoken criminal defence lawyer Michael Spratt said it is “troubling” that his website was temporarily blocked by the Government of Ontario’s computer network for more than 24 hours after an apparent security threat this week.

His blog, michaelspratt.com, was inaccessible to provincial government computers from 10:06 a.m. Wednesday until 4:45 p.m. Thursday.

The block came shortly after Spratt posted a scathing entry criticizing the justice system’s handling of alleged misdeeds by police and highlighting a number of decisions that criticized an Ottawa police officer.

Spratt shared a screen capture of a security notice on Twitter after his friend in the government tried to access his website, which often contains commentary and critiques of criminal court cases, legislation, and government policy.





Note: Those who do not like blogs or posts about the corruption in the Justice system in Ottawa

removed all the comments from this story at the Metro site. These same criminals use their extraordinary influence to intimidate anyone and everyone to effectively impose their censorship on Canadian society.


The actions of Metro mirror that of Canlii and other press who appear to be intimidated directly or indirectly by what is called "The authorities". When that occurs, the subject of the censorship will attract their own special page at this web site where we preserve the news and posts that "the authorities" find embarrassing. 


Here are some of the banned items. This was apparently removed by Canlii  see the Wanted Page

R. v. Mohammed, 2015 ONSC 905

Ottawa Police Detective Kevin Jacobs



Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre that was part of the comments by readers at the Metro.


Michael Spratt like most lawyers in Ottawa is exceedingly polite and his
comments are an understatement of the problems in the Ottawa Court

Judicial Misconduct is the name that is an understatement of the problems in Ottawa.

A more appropriate description is systematic corruption and abuse of
absolute power that results from a Culture of Criminality that sweeps up
even the best least corrupt judges who are too cowardly, too
politically correct, to ever make any decision that might acknowledge
any "judicial misconduct".

The names of the worst professional
obstructors of justice and fabricators of evidence are the Judiciary of
Ottawa. The worst of the worst all have something in common, they were
all former lawyers for Ontario's Criminal Cartel of unaccountable
Children's Aid Societies where Fabrication of Evidence and obstruction
of Justice are all in a days work in self serving litigation that abuses
children and the victims of Abuse.

Justices Denis Power and
Monique Metivier both resigned to avoid investigations by the Judicial
Council. Denis Power was notoriously corrupt and was the go to judge to
have decisions made when the violent women or corrupt lawyers went
"judge shopping".

Monique Metiver granted Exparte Orders that she
knew was obstruction of Justice however she can get away with it
because Judges of Ottawa are what is called "desensitized" to the their
ever escalating criminality and Fas.cist programs that promote Murder
and Violence towards fathers.

The Judges who will be resigning in the future include Ottawa's "fembox" judges, Jennifer Belishen, who has spent the last 23 years rubbing stamping decisions for her former employer, the Children's Aid Society of Ottawa. Trials in front of this judge are a foregone predictable corrupt conclusion.

Maria Linhares de Sousa has a very nasty temper, an anger management problem with a propensity to Abuse Children while protecting the vilest Child Abusers in the form of Marguerite Lewis, a lawyer for the CAS Ottawa who personally fabricates evidence. She systematically cancels hearings and motions, refuses to hear motions, or makes management decisions to issue orders to prevent litigants from filing any court documents.

Our Ottawa Judges are a collection of the worst criminals in society who put on a veneer of justice while in reality, abusing the abused and encouraging the worst sort of crimes against children and against the administration of Justice.

Ottawa is the Capital of Judicial Misconduct.

You can bet that there is one site similarly blocked.

Ottawa Mens Centre .com







Michael Spratt's blog and web site should be essential reading for anyone living in Ottawa which has long history of corrupt police and a Judiciary with a judiciary riddled the least suitable to be entrusted with any power over others.

Ottawa has lots of what can only be called "bizarre trials" that are malicious prosecutions based on fabricated evidence to support "the authorities".

Its an entrenched tradition that corrupt judges protect corrupt cops and corrupt authorities.

In Ottawa, the court of appeal for the Superior Court is "the divisional court" which deliberately, very rarely meets and is composed of the same judges from the Superior Court. One day they make a decision and on another day judges like

Maria Linhares de Sousa become a judge of the Divisional Court hearing an appeal of her own decision.

She also issues direct orders to staff to refuse to accept court documents to file appeals, and also improperly, without cause, cancels hearings for appeals. Because she is "a judge" she can commit offences against the administration of Justice and get away with it.

She terrorizes the legal profession who are unwilling to say anything publicly out of fear of "retaliation" and "revenge" for which she is famous. Any lawyer or litigant saying or making any argument she does not "want to hear" results in orders and actions that fatally sabotage the litigation which can be as simple as crossing out a date for a hearing or telling court staff to scrub a date to make a case "disappear".

The Trial of Patrick J. Whelan resulted him being hanged in Ottawa. The Judge William Buell Richards allowed a friend of the deceased, none other than the prime minister of Canada to sit on the bench with him.


Despite no evidence linking him to the murder, he was found guilty. Justice William Buell Richards then sat on the First Appeal at what is now called Superior Court, then when it went to the Ontario Court of Appeal, Justice William Buell Richards sat on that appeal.


Judges, are not only above the law, and have absolute power, they also systematically ensure that they are never ever held accountable.


The intimidate the press, they intimidate politicians and they turn the Police effectively into their own private Gestapo who then Fabricate evidence, launch malicious prosecutions, with Corrupt Crown Attorney's expecting, the Judiciary to turn a blind eye which it does on a habitual basis.


Ontario is a dangerous place to live simply due to the absence of the Rule of Law as would be expected in a democratic society.


Ottawa, is a cess pool of police and Judicial corruption.


Ottawa Mens Centre