City councillors dish out the love pre-Valentine’s Day at Ottawa Mission lunch


February 13, 201


Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre

Mayor Jim Watson is just one of the many local politicians who by their silence, lack of cojonnes, contribute to the number of destroyed men in Ottawa.

The Ottawa Police operate like a Fas.cist goon squad, fabricating evidence NOT to charge violent women while, maliciously prosecuting male victims of domestic violence.

Next in the chain of those directly responsible for an ever increasing number of homeless men are the corrupt judges of the Ontario Superior Court who, actively promote violence by women towards men, and then treat like scum, the male victims of domestic violence.

The courts are literally overflowing with men who are victims of violent women and, the Judges will persecute any male, remove home where he was a full time father, hit him with restraining orders ect, criminalize him on the basis of a crazed woman's uncorroborated fabricated allegations.

The Ottawa Police join in this kicking match of abusing the victims of abuse with a never ending list of cops who are caught fabricating evidence, obstructing justice etc.

Ottawa is full of Abusers, criminals in authority like Man Haters, Tara Dobec, the Head Crown Attorney of Ottawa who STAYS charges against the most violent women to help out, Ottawa's Gestapo, the Children's Aid Society where Lawyers like

Marguerite Lewis endlessly fabricate evidence in front of judges who are former CAS lawyers and who provide encouragement to these vile examples of humanity to abuse the abused.

Keith Egli is a lawyer and the record is rather silent to any action by him to deal with the cess pool of Police Criminality, or CAS criminality in Ottawa.


Of course we would never ever expect him to have the courage to actually call a judge out.


The Ottawa Judges intimidate our lawyers to the point that they as a group, put on a pretense of law in theory when in practice, our Judges are a collection of professional criminals promoting the Ontario Government's Gender Superiority Program.


That means depriving men of any and all legal rights which why the number of homeless men will continue to rise.


For that we can thank our gutless Politicians at all levels who are too scared to address the real causes of crime and social dysfunction.


Ottawa Mens Centre

