March 20, 2015
Prime Minister Stephen Harper announces a government initiative to help assist small and medium-sized businesses to open new markets abroad, in Mississauga, Ont. on Wednesday, March 18 2015.
OTTAWA – The Canadian Bar Association says the Conservative government’s anti-terrorism bill contains “ill-considered” measures that will deprive Canadians of liberties without increasing their safety.
The bar association objects to the planned transformation of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service into an agency that could actively disrupt terror plots.
It argues the bill’s overly broad language would capture legitimate activity, including environmental and aboriginal protests.
The association wants a sunset clause that would see the bill expire and trigger a parliamentary review no more than five years after its passage.
The association, which represents more than 36,000 lawyers across Canada, released a draft summary of its concerns today.
Association representatives are scheduled to appear before the House of Commons committee studying the bill next week.
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Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre
“ill-considered” is a polite understatement.
Steven Harper again, engages the political correct proven formula of appearing
to be supporting law and order.
Harper is undermining the Rule of Law by insidiously removing civil rights and
freedoms, using the same ideas that dictatorships and fas.cist regimes the world
over have used to gain absolute power.
Harper fails to deal with the Domestic Terrorists like those who make up the
Ottawa Police who spend 75% of the 400 Million dollar budget on promoting
murder, violence and hatred towards male victims of domestic violence.
Domestic Terrorists like Sgt. Peter Van Der Zander of the Ottawa Police
Fabricate evidence to NOT charge the most violent of female offenders.
Its the lowest forms of life in society like Sgt. Peter Van Der Zander who are
threaten the security of average law abiding Canadians who just happen to be
born with testicles and are full time fathers.
Ontario spends Billions of dollars on a fas.cist program of Gender Superiority
that makes the Police Forces and the Children's Aid Societies of Ontario, a
modern gestapo who operate Ontario's Gender Superiority Program.
Ottawa Mens Centre