Judicial council
offers up courses for judges on handling sex assault cases
Janice DicksonThe
Canadian Press
Sun., July 8, 2018
OTTAWA—The Canadian Judicial Council has launched a new
website showcasing the training courses it is offering to
federally appointed judges — including seminars to help
judges handle sexual assault cases.
In a statement on the
site, council chair Richard Wagner, who is also the Supreme
Court’s chief justice, says so-called social context
education gives judges the skills necessary to ensure
“myths” and “stereotypes” do not influence judicial

Supreme Court of Canada chief justice Richard Wagner speaks during the
welcoming ceremony for Justice Sheilah Martin on March 23. Wagner, the chair of
the Canadian Judicial Council, says that social context education provides
judges with necessary skills to ensure “myths” and “stereotypes” do not
influence judicial decisions, on the website. (Justin
Tang / THE CANADIAN PRESS file photo)
The website, at judicialeducation.cjc-ccm.ca, includes 10 offerings focused
on sexual assault law, as well as one on sexual assault trials.
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The latter course includes video-based programs that provide judges with
an overview of the sort of issues they’re liable to face.
In one session, experienced jurists discuss “rape myths” and
“stereotypes,” and how such myths can propagate “rapidly” during various
stages of the judicial process.
Johanna Laporte, the director of communications for the council, said
Canada has “extensive” training for judges on a range of issues and the
website is intended to inform Canadians of how judges keep up to date with
the law and social context.
Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre.
These "judges training course are for the very purpose of creating "myths"
and "stereotypes" according to extreme feminists.
This the exact reason why Judges are so biased on gender. Its why
corroboration is no longer required in she said versus a he said which leads
to a phenomenal number of wrongful convictions.
It allows judges to engage in fabrication of narratives to support what ever
a female says
regardless of her credibility. Judges need training on "objectivity", how to
detect people who are telling lies, rather than regurgitating "she was a afraid
of him", I could see the fear in her face.
Its pandering to extreme feminists which encourage every mentally ill
want-a-be-a-victim to make false allegations.
More later on this farcical bit of propaganda from the Government.
Ottawa Mens centre