Trudeau asked
to consider pardon or retrial for Saskatchewan man convicted of
killing his daughter who suffered from cerebral palsy
The Canadian Press
Thu., July 12, 2018

Robert Latimer is seen in Ottawa Monday, March 17, 2008. Latimer, the
Saskatchewan farmer who was convicted of killing his severely disabled
daughter, Tracey, nearly 25 years ago is applying for either a new trial or
a pardon. (Tom
WILKIE, SASK.—A Saskatchewan farmer who was convicted of killing his
severely disabled daughter nearly 25 years ago is applying for either a new
trial or a pardon.
Robert Latimer’s Vancouver lawyer, Jason Gratl, has filed an application
with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and federal Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould
that asks them to consider both options.
Gratl alleges a miscarriage of justice in his client’s case. He says that
although Latimer no longer faces restrictive parole conditions, his life
sentence means he lives under the permanent threat of having his parole
Latimer’s daughter, Tracy, had cerebral palsy following oxygen
deprivation at birth. She was 12 in October 1993 when her father killed her
by piping exhaust fumes into the cab of his truck.
Latimer appealed after he was convicted of second-degree murder in 1994
and the Supreme Court of Canada ordered a new trial due to jury
interference. He was convicted again and eventually sentenced to life in
prison with no parole for 10 years.
He was granted day parole in February 2008 and full parole in November 2010.
His exhausted all of his appeals, his new application is two-pronged.
The first asks for a ministerial review of his case on the grounds that a
miscarriage of justice occurred. It evokes the same section of the Criminal
Code used by wrongfully convicted individuals such as David Milgaard. If the
minister is satisfied, a new trial could be ordered or the case could be
sent back to the Appeal Court for a hearing.
The second argument uses the royal prerogative of mercy, which allows for
a pardon to be granted in rare cases where humanity and compassion override
the normal administration of justice. Latimer’s application cites a pardon
granted in 2012 to a group of Alberta farmers who were charged with
violating what was then the Canadian Wheat Board Act by exporting their own
The basis for Latimer’s application centres on the pain management
options the Latimers felt they had for Tracy. Court heard that the girl was
in severe pain after several surgeries and that the Latimers believed the
only medication they could give her was regular Tylenol.
Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre
As much as he was convicted of killing his daughter, he has a point.
Parol is parol, it makes you a target that can have you thrown in jail
for life
for the slightest thing. It instills constant fear and anxiety and makes
those on parole do really stupid things but only because they are under
Its like a court ordered form of psychological abuse and the longer the
parole exists
the more likely it is it will be broken.
Its a system for corrupt cops and the scum of the authorities who make
work by
creating revolving doors. Rotten Cops, Probation Officers, jail guards
make their living out of this sort of misery where their income creates
the motivation to fabricate evidence, and put the innocent in jail.
Except, Latimer was not innocent and he might yet get what he asks for
an end to his parole.
Ottawa Mens Centre