Doug Ford, Caroline
Mulroney must not scrap important criminal justice reforms
Daniel BrownOpinion
Wed., July 25, 2018
One of literature’s better known bullies —
Roger, of William Golding’s Lord of the
Flies — delights in patrolling the beach to
kick over the sand castles built by the other
Many of those who apprehensively cast their
votes against the Conservatives in the Ontario
election saw Doug Ford in the role of a Roger,
eager to tear down a series of proposed policies
and established programs built over not just
years, but decades. We have yet to get Premier
Ford’s full measure, but early indications in
the justice field give cause for concern.

“In the justice field, much will rest on the
shoulders of Attorney General Caroline Mulroney (left); a fresh face in
political terms, yet one who was schooled on precepts of moderation and
progressive conservatism at the feet of her famous father, Prime Minister Brian
Mulroney,” writes Daniel Brown. She and Premier Doug Ford (right) “must resist
pressures to prioritize ideology over evidence-based policy-making and to scrap
thoughtful and important legislation simply because it was drafted by the
opposition.” (Toronto
Take proposed changes to police oversight that had evolved out of Justice
Michael Tulloch’s painstakingly researched report in 2017. These
recommendations aimed to finally bridge a divisive, long-standing gap
between racialized groups and unyielding police policy.
Yet, a mere day before a key piece of the Safer Ontario Act was due to
become law, it was thrown into limbo pending what Ford referred to as “a
full and thorough review of the legislation” involving experts, police
services and the public.
In other words, precisely what Justice Tulloch and the prior provincial
government had already done.
Enhanced oversight for police officers was a necessary response to decades
of dwindling public confidence in the face of gross police misconduct that
had been swept under the carpet by officers refusing to take sufficient
actions to investigate their own.
The Safer Ontario Act would have
accomplished much by expanding the Special Investigations Unit’s mandate,
ensuring more timely investigations into police misconduct and requiring
officers to participate in the SIU investigation process or face hefty fines
or jail time.
If the Ford government ends up taking an eraser to the act, we will lose
these and other hard-won changes that would have prevented some suspended
officers from receiving pay and that were meant to ensure forensic labs are
properly trained, accredited and supervised in the wake of the Motherisk
hair-testing scandal.
On another front, we have seen a recent spate of gun violence strongly
reminiscent of 2005’s “Summer of the Gun.” At that time, the government
responded by creating the provincial Guns and Gangs Task Force. Countless
multimillion-dollar gang sweeps later, precious little has been done to
choke off the environmental origins of gun violence before they take root.
Investing in more comprehensive community programs to identify and divert
those most likely to be attracted to the criminal lifestyle would be a far
more effective and economical answer to the gun violence problem in our city
than reviving unconstitutional carding practices that breed contempt and
mistrust between the police and the community, as some have suggested.
The answer to this problem is also not to deny more people bail. Securing
bail for those facing gun charges is already onerous because the burden lies
with the accused to establish why they should be released pending trial. It
is pure fantasy to suggest, as the government has, that our recent gun
violence is caused by those already released on bail for other crimes.
A government committed to fiscal responsibility should think twice about
unnecessarily employing stricter bail policies when it costs 40 times more
to house a defendant pending trial than to supervise them in the community.
The blame for these costly failures lies squarely at the feet of political
leaders of all stripes who continue to pursue the same, failed measures to
address the root causes of gun crime while at the same time bowing to faulty
assumptions that hiring more police and locking up suspected offenders will
make us safer.
In the justice field, much will rest on the shoulders of
Attorney General Caroline Mulroney; a fresh face in political terms, yet one
who was schooled on precepts of moderation and progressive conservatism at
the feet of her famous father, Prime Minister Brian Mulroney.
Mulroney and the rest of Ford Nation must resist pressures to prioritize
ideology over evidence-based policy-making and to scrap thoughtful and
important legislation simply because it was drafted by the opposition.
To provide true leadership and fiscal responsibility, the Ford government
must refine and improve the sandcastle, not kick it apart.
Daniel Brown is a criminal defence lawyer
and a Toronto director with the Criminal Lawyers’ Association. Follow him on
Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre
While Caroline Mulroney is the darling of Ontario and Federal conservatives,
she does not bring the claimed "fresh attitude" that the conservatives are
singing like a religious cult.
To date, she comes with a lot of "baggage" that opposes fundamental justice,
that opposes logical legal reasoning such as but not limited to the most basic
fundamentals of balancing the probative versus the prejucice.
Conservatives, are not "conservatives", they claim to think of the public
purse, provided it is managed according to the "business interests" of their
political base which is a collection of the least intelligent and the most
corrupt groups in society who have vested interests in a an American style of
injustice and high rates of incarceration.
To date, Caroline Mulroney displays open contempt that rivals that of Justine
Trudeau for yet another politicians anointed into a position of absolute
From the perspective of the front line criminal lawyers defending justice,
there is no improvement expected from a conservative government dominated by
Donald Trump like dogma and crazy justifications and delusions of that echo out
like chants of "lock her up".
So far, Doug Ford has restrained himself but, what comments we have seen
while not what we expect from a Trump syndrome candidate, do not and have not
followed the mindless endless pathological lies of Donald Trump and the basket
of deplorables who make up his base.
Doug Ford and Caroline Mulroney have a chance to fundamentally change
Ontario, to improve justice and cut the cost to society of injustice. To do that
will take innovation, creativity, and a backlash from their base that is
incapable of seeing anything other than what they want to see.
Doug Ford and Caroline Mulroney have an opportunity to show that they can, do
a better job than the former deplorables, the liberals who left a trail of
social and legal destruction.
Our Judges have been politically appointed sycophants , the endless trail of
of criminals who worked as lawyers for the various children's Aid
Societies of Ontario. The lowest forms of life that became lawyers and then,
appointed by the Liberal Government to rubber stamp decisions for extreme
feminists and the Children's Aid Societies of Ontario.
Doug Ford and Caroline Mulroney need to remember that men in Ontario have NO
LEGAL RIGHTS and its a result of the Liberal Governments that have a fascist
style of judiciary that almost never ever make a legal decision in family law
but an extreme feminist political decision.
If you are male, do your duty and write to Caroline Mulroney and Doug Ford
and express your concerns for their obligation to change Ontario Injustice.
Ottawa Mens Centre