A mother was sentenced to 7 years in prison for injecting feces
into her son's IV during cancer treatment
By Nicole
Chavez and
Monica Haider, CNN
Fri December 27, 2019

Tiffany Alberts was sentenced to seven years in prison.
Tiffany Alberts is set to serve five years of probation following her prison
sentence, said Michael Leffler, a spokesman with the Marion County
Prosecutor's Office.
Alberts was convicted of six counts of aggravated battery and one count of
neglect in a trial in September 2019. Alberts was found not guilty of
attempted murder charge, online court records show.
James Voyles, an attorney for Alberts, declined to comment.
The Wolcott, Indiana, mother was arrested and charged in 2016 after she used
a syringe to inject feces into her son's IV while he was undergoing cancer
treatments at Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis. She knowingly
placed him "in a situation that endangered the dependent's life or health,"
Marion County Superior Court documents said.
Alberts said her actions were meant to get her son moved from the intensive
care unit to another Riley unit, where she believed "the treatment was
better," the documents state.
Her son had been receiving treatment for leukemia since early August 2016 at
the hospital, a Marion County police affidavit said. He was released and
returned to the hospital a few days later, in early September 2016, with a
fever, vomiting and diarrhea, according to the report.
Blood tests of the boy showed organisms that are normally found in feces
caused a bacterial infection and sepsis, which an extensive medical
evaluation could not to explain.
Suspecting someone may be contaminating the patient's IV lines, hospital
staff began monitoring the teenager's room with video surveillance, and
spotted the mother injecting a substance into his central line.
Authorities said Alberts initially told investigators that she was injecting
water to "flush it as the medicine that was given to him burned." She later
admitted to injecting her son's own fecal matter, which she kept in a gift
bag on the bathroom sink of his room, officials said.
Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre
Society generally is in denial about mental health issues especially when
it comes to females
who suffer a far higher rate of mental health issues which are routinely
ignored by
Ottawa Family court Judges.
In Ottawa or Ontario for that matter, any male stating that a female has
a mental health problem
is treated as a heretic by feminist judges who all too frequently are
former lawyers
for the Children's Aid Society.
The Ottawa Children's Aid Society has a long history of having its own
lawyers appointed
as judges who then "rubber stamp" decisions for the CAS. The worst is
Jennifer Belishen, Tracy Engleking, Timothy Minnema just to name three of
the worst former CAS lawyers who became
judges and who personally fabricate evidence and obstruct justice.
If you are a male self represented litigant and am up against a mentally ill
child abusing female, you do not have any chance of success before these
judges or
any other judge in the Ottawa Superior Court where the very worst
examples of
criminality become judges.
Ottawa Mens Centre