January 16, 2021
Katie Perinovic and her children were found dead at their home.(Facebook)
Police believe the woman found dead with her three children in Melbourne's north-west on Thursday was responsible for all four deaths.
Her husband Tomislav Perinovic, who found the bodies at their Tullamarine home and called emergency services to report the deaths, has been released without charge.
"Investigators do not believe the 48-year-old man was involved in the incident and police are not looking for anyone further in relation to the matter," a police statement said.
"Homicide Squad investigators have formed the preliminary view that the 42-year-old woman is responsible for all four deaths and on completion of their investigation, a report will be provided for consideration of the coroner."
The bodies of Katie Perinovic, her three-year-old son Matthew, and daughters Claire and Anna, aged seven and five, were found in their Tullamarine home on Thursday.
Police said the detectives had spoken to a large number of people, including relatives, friends and neighbours of the family.
An extensive forensic examination of the scene has also been conducted.
Victoria Police Acting Deputy Commissioner Robert Hill said it had been an "incredibly difficult time" for the police and paramedics who responded and attended the scene.
"I know there will be many people in the community struggling to understand and come to terms with this tragedy," he said.
"This has been an incredibly heart wrenching experience for all concerned."
Yesterday, police said there was no known history of family violence in the household.
At the time, Acting Deputy Commissioner Hill urged the community "not to speculate" on the cause of the deaths and who was responsible.
The deaths have shocked those who knew the family in the Tullamarine area.
Adrian Glasby, the principal of St Christopher's Catholic School, which seven-year-old Claire attended, said the school was deeply shocked to hear the heartbreaking news of the deaths.
"Claire was a kind, diligent, and much-loved student at St Christopher's, and we were looking forward to welcoming Anna, with her huge smile, into Prep to begin her school journey in just a couple of weeks' time," Mr Glasby said.
"Today I have communicated with our school community and provided advice for them in sharing this tragic news and supporting their own children during this time of grief and loss."
He said ongoing support and counselling would be offered to all members of the school community.
Police said an extensive forensic examination of the crime scene was conducted.(ABC News: Patrick Rocca)
Tributes have been left at the family's home as the community mourns.(ABC News: Beth Gibson)
Outside the house this afternoon, a number of mourners have been stopping to pay their respects and place flowers.
A local paramedic, whose colleagues were among the first responders at the scene, was among them.
"Everyone is pretty shaken, it's a horrible thing for anyone to attend," he said.
"We share the community's heartbreak. It affects all of us."
Earlier, family friend Marie Groves said the incident "still hasn't really sunk in properly".
"It hasn't sunk in that I'm not going to walk out the door and see her walking past to the milk bar and picking up pizzas with the kids," she said.
"I'm not going to be able to be at the park and see Matthew jumping on the trampolines."
Police believe Katie Perinovic, left, was responsible for the deaths of her three children.(Facebook)
Commentary by the Ottawa Mens centre
When this story was first released, the police failed to state that it had the appearances
of a murder suicide. They appeared to be in denial that a mother could murder her children and herself.
While the police were guarded in their statements, the news stories reported glowingly about what a good
mother she was while omitting any mention of the father.
It took the police over 24 hours before they came clean on this tragic story.
Its another case of a mentally ill woman murdering her children and herself.
If this father had tried to take action prior to this date, he would have been treated with contempt.
Ottawa Mens Centre