Hard to come up with a taunt for CEPC every day. No answers on spousal support guidelines so I thought I'd make it a little bit easier for them. Feel free to give it a try too. One at a time first, median is more important, look at all the dynamics, as a hint.


Piskor apparently wants to know about judge brown nose too. Haven't heard comment out of him in a while.


Peter Roscoe




Well, no answer on spousal support.


Okay it was more difficult than it looks. And I made one error on payors court ordered income for combined support. But the raw data was correct. At any rate, I made it easier. But the actual conclusions still need to be written.


I think I gave out this data over a year ago. Total spousal support includes all spousal payments but no child support payments. Combined payments includes CS and SS.


Peter Roscoe








Summary of Data for Total Spousal Support




Pre 2004

Post 2005

Total Spousal Support Payments ( mean / median ) in 1000 $’s per year

22.3 / 12.0

22.4 / 14.4

Payors Claimed Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

124.2 / 63.8

84.5 / 72.0

Payors Court Ordered Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

135.6 / 71.5

114.1 / 81.0

Recipients Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

22.2 / 15.8

19.1 / 15.9


Total Spousal Support Summarized in Percent Change



% Change

Total Spousal Support Payments ( mean / median ) in 1000 $’s per year

0.0 % / + 20.0 %

Payors Claimed Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

- 15.8 % / + 12.8 %

Payors Court Ordered Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

- 32.0 % / + 13.2 %

Recipients Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

- 9.5 % / + 0.6 %



Imputation of Income


2004 Mean = 11.4 x 100 / 124.2 = 9.2 %

2004 Median = 7.7 x 100 / 63.8 = 12.1 %


2005 Mean = 29.6 x 100 / 84.5 = 35.0 %

2005 Median = 9.0 x 100 / 72.0 = 12.5 %



Mean total spousal support payments increased by less than one percent, and median payments increased by 20 %. Payors mean claimed incomes decreased by 32.0 % and median incomes increased by 12.8 %. Payors mean court ordered incomes decreased by 15.8 % and median incomes increased by 13.2 %. Recipients mean incomes decreased by 9.5 % and median incomes changed by less than one percent. In 2004, imputation of mean income was 9.2 % and imputation of median income was 12.1 %. In 2005, imputation of mean income was 35.0 % and imputation of median income was 12.5 %






Summary of Data for Combined Support




Pre 2004

Post 2005

Combined Support Payments ( mean / median ) in 1000 $’s per year

35.7 / 22.7

42.1 / 27.5

Payors Claimed Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

113.9 / 66.5

93.5 / 75.0

Payors Court Ordered Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

129.0 / 78.5

130.9 / 89.3

Recipients Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

26.6 / 17.1

21.4 / 20.0


Combined Support Summarized in Percent Change



% Change

Combined Support Payments ( mean / median ) in 1000 $’s per year

+ 17.9 % / + 21.1 %

Payors Claimed Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

- 17.9 % / + 12.8 %

Payors Court Ordered Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

+ 1.5 % / + 13.8 %

Recipients Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

- 19.5 % / + 17.0 %



Imputation of Income


2004 Mean = 15.1 x 100 / 113.9 = 13.3 %

2004 Median = 12.0 x 100 / 63.8 = 18.8 %


2005 Mean = 37.4 x 100 / 84.5 = 40.0 %

2005 Median = 14.3 x 100 / 72.0 = 19.1 %



Mean combined support payments increased by 17.9 %, and median payments increased by 21.1 %. Payors mean claimed incomes decreased by 17.9 % and median incomes increased by 12.8 %. Payors mean court ordered incomes increased by 1.5 % and median incomes increased by 13.8 %. Recipients mean incomes decreased by 19.5 % and median incomes increased by 17.0 %. In 2004, imputation of mean income was 13.3 % and imputation of median income was 18.8 %. In 2005, imputation of mean income was 40.0 % and imputation of median income was 19.1 %






Summary of Data for Spousal Support Only




Pre 2004

Post 2005

Spousal Support Only Payments ( mean / median ) in 1000 $’s per year

23.3 / 16.2

24.9 / 17.8

Payors Claimed Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

142.5 / 57.0

71.0 / 54.9

Payors Court Ordered Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

146.3 / 57.0

87.8 / 70.0

Recipients Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

21.6 / 15.0

16.7 / 15.0


Spousal Support Only Summarized in Percent Change



% Change

Spousal Support Only Payments ( mean / median ) in 1000 $’s per year

0.0 % / + 9.8 %

Payors Claimed Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

- 50.2 % / - 3.7 %

Payors Court Ordered Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

- 40.0 % / + 13.0 %

Recipients Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

+ 22.7 % / + 0.0 %



Imputation of Income


2004 Mean = 3.8 x 100 / 142.5 = 2.7 %

2004 Median = 0.0 x 100 / 63.8 = 0.0 %


2005 Mean = 16.8 x 100 / 71.0 = 23.6 %

2005 Median = 15.1 x 100 / 54.9 = 27.5 %



Mean spousal support only payments changed by less than one percent, and median payments increased by 9.8 %. Payors mean claimed incomes decreased by 50.2 % and median incomes increased by 3.7 %. Payors mean court ordered incomes decreased by 40.0 % and median incomes increased by 13.0 %. Recipients mean incomes decreased by 22.7 % and median incomes changed by less than one percent. In 2004, imputation of mean income was 2.7 % and imputation of median income was 0.0 %. In 2005, imputation of mean income was 23.6 % and imputation of median income was 27.5 %