Summary of Data for Total Spousal Support


by Peter Roscoe


March 21, 2009




Pre 2004

Post 2005

Total Spousal Support Payments ( mean / median ) in 1000 $’s per year

22.3 / 12.0

22.4 / 14.4

Payors Claimed Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

124.2 / 63.8

84.5 / 72.0

Payors Court Ordered Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

135.6 / 71.5

114.1 / 81.0

Recipients Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

22.2 / 15.8

19.1 / 15.9


Total Spousal Support Summarized in Percent Change



% Change

Total Spousal Support Payments ( mean / median ) in 1000 $’s per year

0.0 % / + 20.0 %

Payors Claimed Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

- 15.8 % / + 12.8 %

Payors Court Ordered Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

- 32.0 % / + 13.2 %

Recipients Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

- 9.5 % / + 0.6 %



Imputation of Income


2004 Mean = 11.4 x 100 / 124.2 = 9.2 %

2004 Median = 7.7 x 100 / 63.8 = 12.1 %


2005 Mean = 29.6 x 100 / 84.5 = 35.0 %

2005 Median = 9.0 x 100 / 72.0 = 12.5 %



Mean total spousal support payments increased by less than one percent, and median payments increased by 20 %. Payors mean claimed incomes decreased by 32.0 % and median incomes increased by 12.8 %. Payors mean court ordered incomes decreased by 15.8 % and median incomes increased by 13.2 %. Recipients mean incomes decreased by 9.5 % and median incomes changed by less than one percent. In 2004, imputation of mean income was 9.2 % and imputation of median income was 12.1 %. In 2005, imputation of mean income was 35.0 % and imputation of median income was 12.5 %






Summary of Data for Combined Support




Pre 2004

Post 2005

Combined Support Payments ( mean / median ) in 1000 $’s per year

35.7 / 22.7

42.1 / 27.5

Payors Claimed Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

113.9 / 66.5

93.5 / 75.0

Payors Court Ordered Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

129.0 / 78.5

130.9 / 89.3

Recipients Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

26.6 / 17.1

21.4 / 20.0


Combined Support Summarized in Percent Change



% Change

Combined Support Payments ( mean / median ) in 1000 $’s per year

+ 17.9 % / + 21.1 %

Payors Claimed Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

- 17.9 % / + 12.8 %

Payors Court Ordered Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

+ 1.5 % / + 13.8 %

Recipients Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

- 19.5 % / + 17.0 %



Imputation of Income


2004 Mean = 15.1 x 100 / 113.9 = 13.3 %

2004 Median = 12.0 x 100 / 63.8 = 18.8 %


2005 Mean = 37.4 x 100 / 84.5 = 40.0 %

2005 Median = 14.3 x 100 / 72.0 = 19.1 %



Mean combined support payments increased by 17.9 %, and median payments increased by 21.1 %. Payors mean claimed incomes decreased by 17.9 % and median incomes increased by 12.8 %. Payors mean court ordered incomes increased by 1.5 % and median incomes increased by 13.8 %. Recipients mean incomes decreased by 19.5 % and median incomes increased by 17.0 %. In 2004, imputation of mean income was 13.3 % and imputation of median income was 18.8 %. In 2005, imputation of mean income was 40.0 % and imputation of median income was 19.1 %






Summary of Data for Spousal Support Only




Pre 2004

Post 2005

Spousal Support Only Payments ( mean / median ) in 1000 $’s per year

23.3 / 16.2

24.9 / 17.8

Payors Claimed Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

142.5 / 57.0

71.0 / 54.9

Payors Court Ordered Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

146.3 / 57.0

87.8 / 70.0

Recipients Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

21.6 / 15.0

16.7 / 15.0


Spousal Support Only Summarized in Percent Change



% Change

Spousal Support Only Payments ( mean / median ) in 1000 $’s per year

0.0 % / + 9.8 %

Payors Claimed Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

- 50.2 % / - 3.7 %

Payors Court Ordered Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

- 40.0 % / + 13.0 %

Recipients Income ( mean / median ) in 1000 $ ‘s per year

+ 22.7 % / + 0.0 %



Imputation of Income


2004 Mean = 3.8 x 100 / 142.5 = 2.7 %

2004 Median = 0.0 x 100 / 63.8 = 0.0 %


2005 Mean = 16.8 x 100 / 71.0 = 23.6 %

2005 Median = 15.1 x 100 / 54.9 = 27.5 %



Mean spousal support only payments changed by less than one percent, and median payments increased by 9.8 %. Payors mean claimed incomes decreased by 50.2 % and median incomes increased by 3.7 %. Payors mean court ordered incomes decreased by 40.0 % and median incomes increased by 13.0 %. Recipients mean incomes decreased by 22.7 % and median incomes changed by less than one percent. In 2004, imputation of mean income was 2.7 % and imputation of median income was 0.0 %. In 2005, imputation of mean income was 23.6 % and imputation of median income was 27.5 %