Note: Ottawa Men's Centre is not associated with fathers 4 justice Canada. For f4j fathers 4 justice Canada news visit Fathers 4 Justice Canada News
If you have an interesting story you would like to see added to this site, or if you have any comments regarding any story, write to: info@Ottawamenscentre.com
The only thing we get when we educate a psychopath is an educated psychopath
New - Justice Kathr..\judges\Justice_Kathryn_N_Feldman.htmyn N. Feldman
New - see study of Judicial bias against fathers by Peter Roscoe
Canadian Judicial Council Letter regarding "bias"
Did your ex wife smile like this? (mine does!)
20051227 Tony Lofaro talks to some of the women who are altering the city's judicial outlook.
20051028 Court trims
provinces' powers over judges
Federal judge's ruling favours Paul Cosgrove
20050904 Playing to millions but playing dad better
20050903 Board rehires teacher who sent sexy letters to student - Laura Sclater
20050831 Steak-stealer gets jail time
20050831 The FRO under scrutiny
20050830 WSIB experience leaves Timmins man frustrated
20050830 Retroactive spousal support wrong - court
20050829 Scalia blasts 'judge moralists' in law school speech
20050829 Is there a right to have a baby?
20050829 B.C. woman avoids prison in death of secret lover
20050829 Daughter pleads guilty to killing parents - schizophrenia - Australia
20050828 Burlington's first murder of the year
20050827 Mountie fired for sex on job
20050827 Pedophile should go free eventually, hearing told - Cory Newton
20050825 Ontario pledges $2.5M for domestic violence victims
20050825 Ontario pledges $2.5M for domestic violence victims
20050825 Ex-boss wants Homolka in jail
20050825 Dutch TV show seeks sperm donor
20050825 Dads On the Run Canada
20050825 Hardware-store owner's Homolka allegations being greeted with skepticism
20050825 Parents' magazine selects three 'outstanding' area schools
20050825 Mother of triplets asks for help- Kinston Melanie Molaro
20050824 ‘Look — one, two and three’ - Sudbury Triplets
20050824 Homolka's on move again
20050823 Drug unit may get larger - Timmins Police, Timmins Children's Aid Society
20040823 Painful truth: women do suffer more
20050823 Court: Gay parents must pay child support
200508221 Parents must pay $7M to son's victim
20050821 Sex twice a day normal, claims former fiance
20050820 Booster seat rules almost law
20050820 Police believe fugitives are in the city Sudbury
20050820 Group files complaint over 'wild theories' that blame Jews for 9/11
20050820 US firm to fight drug onslaught Vioxx $253.4m (£141.07m) damages
20050819 Militant fathers' group finally hangs up its superhero outfits "Matt O'Connor says he is going to become more legitimate"
20050819 ...so Feds want to monitor YOUR computer & cell
20050819 Judge ditches assault case against officer - Kingston Police
20050819 Man once charged with murder sentenced for obstructing justice Trenton
20050819 RAPE HYSTERIA, REDUX Carey Roberts
20050819 Parents without custody to be given bigger say -Australia
20050819 Working as a High Court judge* Australia
20050819 McHugh's angels: 10 women fit for High Court, says top judge -Australia
20050818 Molester lived months beside day care - Kingston
20050818 Wrongfully convicted man denied pardon USA
20050818 Man forced onto medication recovers slowly
'Physicist' who starved himself over treatment for mental illness still not ready for release: doctor
20050818 Top court to hear child support case -Toronto Star
20050818 Supreme Court to rule on child support Ottawa Citizen
20050818 Erotic images linked to blindness
20050817 Doctors may disregard 'need for a father' when deciding on IVF
20050817 Ban on sex selection could be lifted
20050817 High school dropout rate soars 45%
20050814 Police: Retired judge kills wife, self
20050814 Clients without
lawyers disturb chief justice
problem' due to lack of money, but money alone won't help
20050812 Ontario help to hire 1,000 officers
20050812 Judge orders stay of execution for three dogs
20050811 Roberts’s Rules of Order - the characteristics of judicial activism
20050811 Fugitive Couple From Tenn. Nabbed in Ohio
20050810 One in 25 fathers 'not the daddy'
200500810 Enter the super teacher, fit for schools and unis
20050809 Man Gets 27 Years for Ohio Shootings -heard voices talking to him - auditory hallucinations -
20050809 Runaway bride draws lawn mower duty
20050808 Man forgets wife at gas station
20050807 Husbands for sale in Cuba
20050806 Judges Message to parents
20040806 Texan Sentenced to Do 320 Hours of Needlework
20050806 Straight pals want to marry - for tax breaks Toronto
20050805 Dad Brings Federal Challenge to Alaska's Child Custody Laws
20050805 Cop spared jail in videotaped assault - Ottawa Police - Const. Martin Cardinal
20050804 Police: Woman tries to open door during flight
20050804 Hicks trial 'an abuse of law'
20050804 Fears of bias by judge Sydney
20050802 Gatineau cop stabbed Ottawa Paranoid psychiatric patient volunteers for assessment
20050801 DNA evidence frees man after 19 years
20050801 Pot activist is scared,fiancée says
20050801 Sportcaster's legacy lives on after his 1995 shooting death, as Susan Sherring explains
20050730 ‘No place I would rather be now,’ PM says -Riopelle Timmins latest Liberal nominee"
20050729 Phone technology aids UAE dating
20050729 Men move from work to welfare
20050727 Beyond the baby blues
20050727 Teacher, Big Brother faces child porn charges
20050727 RCMP ignored 911 call before woman's slaying
20050727 Remorseful man gets second chance
20050726 Wining, dining best courtship strategy: study
20050726 Ending bias in domestic assault law
20050726 Police officer guilty of assaulting woman
2050723 Feminist bunk will cause society's collapse
20050723 If fight's about money, it's likely serious
20050723 Private citizen, public peril - Kingston
20070722 Murder-free city in rare company
20050721 Oursien's Preliminary Timmins Justice Martin Lambert
20050720 'Tragic day' for toddler' Lost both her mom and dad'
20050720 Violent struggle killed wife
20050719 Most Testicular Cancer Survivors Can Have Children
20050719 Husband of pregnant Edmonton woman appears in court cbc
20050719 Husband charged with murder
20050719 Edmonton man faces court on murder charge
20070519 Judge ends con artist’s ‘career’ Kingston
20050718 Woman infected partner with HIV
20050717 The woman behind the Charter
20050717 "A Canadian Dream" by annon
20050715 Common-law abuse is higher
20050715 Baby drunk at birth; new mother charged
20050715 Ont. pledges $58.3 M to mental illness
20050715 Man to be retried in girlfriend's murder
20050714 Ont. pledges $58.3 M to mental illness
20050713 Man threatened to blow up ministry
20050713 Grosu Vasilica Iulian sets himself on fire as he runs with a placard calling on Romanian President Traian Basescu to help him to get back his seven-year-old son
20050713 Vibrator sales all the buzz in the drugstore business
20050713 Canada's top court is model for U.S.
20050713 Abduction charge dropped in baby-murder case
20050713 Centre would focus on women's health -Toronto
20050713 Bringing up baby ... later
20050712 New adoption death alarms Russia
20050712 Legal pioneer 'wrote the book' on women, courts
20050711 How the system failed me or "how one woman can manipulate the crown and police into pressing charges simply because she has the power of the press behind her.
20050710 Sexual assault: my awful ordeal How a fire breathing feminist columnist got her wish to have a 24 year old lose his job.
20050710 US evangelist's daughter charged - Virginia Graham Foreman
20050709 Wrong man hanged says author
20050706 Repeat violent offender back in custody after 1 week Jean Guy Tremblay
20050706 Court reverses Amertek decision Ontario Court of Appeal judges MacPherson, John Laskin and Russell Juriansz overturned a courageous decision of Justice John O'Driscoll.
20050706 Homolka hiding in Montreal apartment: Lawyer
20050706 Won't get fooled again
20050706 Divorce law on trial - Canada
20050705 Study casts doubt on bisexuality in men
20050705 Homolka appeals
Lawyer calls Section 810 release conditions unconstitutional limits on her
20050705 Homolka interview a 'performance': Danson
20050705 Voices: Homolka's TV interview
20050705 Still pulling the strings Homolka
20050705 Victims' families want to keep Homolka leashed: lawyer
20050705 Bernardo/Homolka timeline
20050704 Transcript of Homolka interview
20050704 Judge says Homolka still poses threat, imposes strict conditions on her freedom
20050704 North Bay: criminal harassment -
20050704 Rickets rise linked to mothers who cover up
20050704 Republican appointees disappoint again
20050704 An Ottawa father's law suit against the feds.
20050703 Vatican to be named in Cornwall sex abuse suit
20050703 Missing toddler dead, police say Father could not see son due to court order.
20050702 Mother sues state for racketeering Detroit
20050702 Aunt fears suspect in abduction won’t co-operate - (boys father) “He doesn’t even know where they live,”
20050702 How a killer turned a victim into an activist
20050702 Break-in suspect dies after police use Taser gun
20050701 Ont. man dead following stun gun arrest
20050701 Violent offender moves into capital - Jean Guy Tremblay
20050630 Violent Domestic Offender Released to Ottawa - Jean Guy - Ottawa Police Warning
20050630 Special court will handle sex crimes - Australia
20050629 Top court keeps search warrants accessible
20050629 In Scrushy Trial, Jurors Chose Defense's Portrait
20050629 Homolka tries to stop media coverage
Homolka seeks ban on media
`She's very afraid,' her lawyer says
Injunction would stop any reporting
20050629 Same-sex bill gets final approval
20050629 Ruling alters
spousal support
Landmark case allows changes in court orders, redefines `till death do us
20050628 A loophole may have saved Ned Kelly from noose
20050626 Trials & tribulations
20050625 Lethal loophole: Suspended drivers free to renew licence plate stickers - Kingston Ontario
20050625 Right decision - Ten years was too little in this horrifying sex assault case - Peterborough
20050625 Crown, lawyers take offence -Belleville
20050625 Race study proves nothing: Experts Kingston Police
20050625 Husband killer freed for children's sake Australia
20050625 Teacher fights law with no room for tolerance
20050624 Custodial parents to face stricter laws -Australia
20050624 Public anger 'right,' Homolka told lover
20050623 Dads gets baby blues too
20050623 Grandmother Charged With Leaving 6 Kids In Hot Car
20050623 Police still slow sharing key data -Toronto
20050623 Watchdog calls for stronger information law
20050623 U.S. cities can seize property for private use
20050623 U.S. doctors linked to POW `torture'
20050623 Obese mums 'harm baby fertility'
200050623 Male infertility 'is increasing'
20050623 'Drowned' girl's back broken, sources say
20050622 ‘Bonnie and Clyde’ get prison time - Timmins
20050622 Could Scalia be next chief justice?
20050622 B.C. father sentenced to 16 years minimum for killing daughter
20050622 Court orders TB patient jailed -Ottawa
20050622 New family laws passed by House
20050622 Fatal standoff spotlights issue of child support
20050622 Strangers volunteer to help freed Homolka
20050621 Timmins Police Association Excited for New Building
20050621 A visit to hell in Bernardo Wing
20050621 Fathers 4 Justice Split Up
20050621 Queensway shutdown to cost city's economy at least $2.5M -Brian McGillivray Ottawa
20050621 Tough bosses make dad miss family time
20050621 Abuse trial: 'man lied to get attention'
20050621 Britain's fertility timebomb
20050621 Bomb squad closes 417 - Brian McGillivray Ottawa
20050621 Undercover police sting ends with arrest of shocked murder suspect
20050621 Abstinence makes sperm lose edge
20050621 Man killed by police opposed child
support policies
20050620 Man bilks mother out of $240,000-Kingston
20050620 1,000 pop in for Father's Day race
20050620 Case closed, but was justice served?
20050620 Bomb threat snarls traffic - Ottawa 417
20050620 Homolka longs to be the girl next door
20050619 Daddy, what did you do in the men's movement?
20050619 Fighting for Their Right:
20050619 Fathers fight for rights
20050619 Being innocent always helps
20050618 It's not your Mother's Fathers Movement anymore
20050617 Deadbeat site a waste
20050617 Happy Father's Day, mom
20050617 Toronto police arrest mother of beaten, burned boy
20050616 Is parent obligated to work to help support kids?
20050616 Right to counsel 'not absolute,' Supreme Court rules
20050616 Jackson's dirt-diggers made the difference
20050615 Six in 10 to pay less for children -Australia
20050615 Police: Ex-trooper kills wife outside court
20050615 Fighting to keep wife's killer locked up
20050615 A day in the life of Canada's abuse shelters
20050615 X-Copper loses suit, $25,000 to client
20050615 Canadians in fear after son convicted
20050614 Jackson walks on sex rap
20050614 'Anti-American' teen guilty in school bomb plot NOTE: This crazy conviction was overturned on Appeal.
20050613 Coroner to probe case of Ottawa man stabbed to death in his cell 5 years ago - -The Donald James Mongeon Story - Collins Bay Jailhouse Killing
20050612 Police concerned for Homolka's safety
20050612 Gay advocates fight churches' charity status
20050611 Father wants justice for daughter wrongly accused of murder - Sudbury
20050611 Fighting for the right to refuse treatment: Part 1 bipolar disorder and schizophrenia
20050611 Fighting for the right to refuse treatment: Part 2
200506110 Six volunteers sworn in Timmins Police
20050610 Senator calls curbs on Homolka ‘totalitarian’
20050610 Sex victim turned to drugs, prostitution
20050609 Separation or divorce can hurt credit rating, experts say
20050609 Delay in DNA tests unacceptable: Nfld. lawyer
20050609 McGuinty Government Makes Ontario A Leader In Enforcing Family Support Payments Note: McGuinty does nothing to enforce access or jail mothers in contempt of court orders. McGuinty is CORRUPT and by his failure to encourage our corrupt judges to enforce access orders or control our corrupt judicary, McGuinty is a CHILD ABUSER
20050609 Government reopens 12-year old murder case following Citizen report
20050609 BAIL RULING PENDING Momin Khawaja
20050609 Islamic group slams racist tactics
20050609 Cop acquitted of molestation raps
20050609 Kingston race study attacked
20050609 Doctor's affair ends in violence
20050608 Montrealer accuses Kingston officer of mistreatment
20050608 Race study distorts 'the truth' Kingston
20050607 Race study results under fire Kingston
20050607 SIU awaits air passenger death report
20050607 Boyfriend jailed in bizarre abortion
20050607 Justice hit, cut by shoe
20050607 Latest propaganda from Fathers 4 Justice UK in attempting to exert total control
20050607 Ontario launches probe of pathologist's work
20050607 High-school dropout? Don't expect wedding bells
20050607 Liberal MPs plot to kill same-sex marriage
20050607 Foster kids to get chance at 'home'
20050607 Fighting for her daughter
20050607 Marriage linked to education: StatsCan
20050607 New adoption rules ease way for wards
20050606 Ottawa Father accused of abusing children wins sole custody
20050606 Top U.S. court bans medical marijuana
20050606 Bill Exiles Those Who Wed Foreigners
20050606 A Look at a Rehnquist Legacy
20050605 Homolka saw Quebec as place to blend in: Reports
20050605 Ontario to lower adoption hurdles
20050605 Judges Are Seeking Cover on The Bench Washington Post
20050604 Fearful neighbours pose roadblock to recovery
20050604 Ottawa doc fears for public Ottawa Sun
20050604 Kin's lawyer: 'Once a psychopath, always a psychopath' Ottawa Sun
20050604 Killer put on tight leash Ottawa Sun
20050604 A new start to life under Section 810 Globe & Mail
20050604 Secret memo rocks inquiry
20050603 Homolka must follow strict rules after release Globe & Mail
20050603 Restrictions Homolka will face Globe & Mail
20050603 Groups plan to help Homolka in return to society Globe & Mail
20050603 'Brutal period' over for victims' families Globe & Mail
20050603 She's still a danger, court rules
20050603 Man behind Homolka hearing a meticulous risk-taker
20050603 Karla leashed, for now Toronto Star
20050603 Judge imposes tough restrictions Karla's new conditions
20050603 Cops find newborns in freezer
20050603 Crown begins last-ditch attempt to block total freedom for Homolka
20050603 My dad is my dad, but who gave the sperm?
20050601 Closing the loopholes Homolka - Alan Young
20050601 Fathers' Rights Victory In Massachusetts
20050601 Mum spared jail for attack on kids
20050601 Judge restrains pedophile nicknamed Slushie man Kingston
200506010 Chief’s apology too little, too late for Wallen
20050601 Fathers' Rights Victory In Massachusetts
20050601 Officers ‘wounded’ by publicity given to racial profiling study Kingston
20050531 After the deal, a dozen years in jail Homolka
20050530 From 17 and in love to murder and hate Homolka
20050529 How could we have known? Homolka
20050529 Batman Joins IsraelFathers Rights Demonstration in Tel Aviv
20050528 HIV-positive mother charged
20050426 Canadian government funds anti-Catholic website
20050527 Kingston study proves racial bias
20050527 Mentally ill jailed despite judge's order Ottawa Citizen
20050527 Not tonight (or ever) honey, I'm on the pill
20050527 Doctors call for kitchen knife ban
20050527 DeLay angered by 'Law & Order' mention
20050527 Woman loses fight to have dead husband's baby
20050526 Military instructor faces sex assault charges
20050526 Stop breaking up families: Ombud
20050525 "Daredevil dads plead not guilty"
20050525 "Super dads or duds?"
20050524 Does race influence police officers? Results of project to be unveiled soon
20050524 Bridge climber pleads not guilty
20050524 Fathers seek support in custody battles
20050524 Men who climbed Jacques Cartier bridge in court
20050524 Pow! 'Robin' strikes for fathers' rights
20050524 Holy rash stunt, Batman! Mischief charge pending
20050523 Protest stops Jacques Cartier Bridge traffic
20050523 "Protestor shuts down Jacques Cartier Bridge"
20040523 Demonstrator stops traffic on Montreal bridge [Arrested]
20050523 Man climbs Jacques-Cartier bridge
Today's dads are advising their daughters about dating and other sensitive issues.
20050615 Where have all the real men gone? Not to France By KATHLEEN PARKER
20050614 The lost boys, thrown out of US sect so that older men can marry more wives
20050511 Crickets loose in courthouse - Yellowknife
20050507 Protecting mentally ill offenders
20050523 Demonstrator stops traffic on Montreal bridge
20050421 Top court won't hear repeat abuser's bid
20050421 Feminism, the WKKK, and the Gender-Lynching of Michael Jackson
20050306 Sperm Wars: program one
20050218 Chief Richard Laperierre presented Constable Mickey Auger with his 30-year medal on December 22, 2004. Timmins Police
20050117 Lawyer faces hearing after criticizing judges
20050211 Cst. Auger's Lawyer Talks - Timmins Police officer charged with assault causing bodily harm and still working!
20050204 Lobby group criticizes Ont. court ruling on custody limits
20050102 Some 'rights' are just plain wrong
20040102 Ripper doll insensitive to pain here, women's groups say
20050102 Court denies pregnant wife divorce
20050101 Rehnquist defends job security for judges
20050101 Gender as a factor in the Domestic Violence Courts - fathers.ca