Note: Ottawa Men's Centre is not associated with fathers 4 justice Canada. For f4j fathers 4 justice Canada news visit Fathers 4 Justice Canada News
If you have an interesting story you would like to see added to this site, or if you have any comments regarding any story, write to: info@Ottawamenscentre.com
The only thing we get when we educate a psychopath is an educated psychopath
New - Justice Kathr..\judges\Justice_Kathryn_N_Feldman.htmyn N. Feldman
New - see study of Judicial bias against fathers by Peter Roscoe
Canadian Judicial Council Letter regarding "bias"
Did your ex wife smile like this? (mine does!)
20081230 Fighting War -- and for Custody Notice how they ignore thousands of Male Soldiers who loose custody or who can't even see their kids?
20081230 Make classroom meltdowns fade away
20081223 Australia's anti-terror laws to be reviewed - Another example of law gone mad
20081220 Meet the unhappiest of families NSW Aust
20081214 Bullying in NZ, Aust schools among worst in world: report
20081213 The Disappearing Male
20081213 Prison Parenting Program: Can you be pro-family and pro-incarceration?
20081212 Foreign workers decry 'harsh' dismissals from farms
20081212 Truancy parents face fine of $3000 NZ
20081210 A slander on Canadian men
20081205 Canada loses most jobs in 26 years
20081204 Poverty affects way brain works, study suggests
20081128 Ontario to place prosecutors in police stations
20081124 Ontario introduces new laws to protect women, children in custody
20081124 B.C. teacher sentenced to 6 more years in Thai prison for abusing boy see commentary
20081115 Splitting parenting after the split
20081030 Abusers who breach trust get shorter sentences, study shows - See commentary, family court judicial child abusers
20081030 Toward a more perfect union
20081028 Want to build your child's self-esteem?
20081021 Does jealousy begin in the cradle?
20081021 Police seize drugs, guns in early morning raid
20081015 Layton's big bet doesn't pay off
20081014 Criticism of judges goes too far
20081013 New dads can get postpartum depression, too
20081006 Manitoba to form unit to investigate police following inquiry into fatal crash
20080930 New law removes old custody labels
20080923 Grisly killings expose system's failure He was hearing voices and cried for help. When no one answered, he butchered them
20080915 The more opposition, the merrier
20080911 Reports of domestic violence on rise among Canada's soldiers: MP
20080910 Father, 93, convicted of sexually assaulting daughters 50 years ago
20080910 Bloc accused of being NDP clone = No Dads Party
2080910 Judge warned Palin in 2005 to back off brother-in-law's job
20080910 Judge issues wide apology at hearing
20080910 Family betrayal: how Krzysztof B 'fathered his daughter's children'
20080910 Ruling gives border guard his just deserts
20080909 Gloria O'Neill, a drug addict, hooked on antidepressants and heroin just keeps driving and having "accidents"
20080909 Ontario’s top judge calls for family law reform
20080909 Couple awarded $50,000 in accidental pregnancy
20081109 Children of strangers: a fight for the right to know dad
20080910 U.S. looks at rebuilding Georgia's military
20080909 Russian troops to remain in Georgia 'for a long time'
20090909 Pledges and puffins dominate today's campaign - No Dads Party
20080908 Ohio woman sentenced to life for microwaving her baby to death
20080908 Bush to announce 8,000 troops home by February
20080908 'Gold-digger' Heather Mills breaks charity promise
20080905 Fathers 4 Justice sets up chapter in Sault
20080904 Baby, my genes made me do it
20080904 Judge unfairly maligned official, hearing told
20080904 A 'super' day for a protest F4J
20080904 Fathers' message delivered F4J
20080904 Cheney vows backing for Georgia, condemns Russia
20080903 Former police officer gets another 30 days for refusing to testify -More in the Perry Dunlop story
20080903 Ontario judge apologizes to police, Crown - re Justice Paul Cosgrove
20080903 Strong arm of the law reaches into two-tier system Now the police decide if you can protest and how much you pay first.
20080902 Demonstators march for equality in the courts
20080828 Should you put the brakes on flirting?
20080830 Australia suffering 'man drought'
20080830 Georgians effectively blocked from homes, UN says
20080829 Georgia severing ties with Russia
20080829 U.S. stoked Georgia war: Putin
20080828 Divorced Fathers Claim Gender Bias in Family Court
20080827 Divorced Fathers Claim Gender Bias in Family Court
20080828 'Superheroes' for parental justice
20080827 Will the PM get away with his risky election gambit? Probably
20080826 SuperHeroes at Galaxy Cinemas entrance this Saturday
20080826 Russia eyes annexing Georgia, president warns
20080825 B.C. court upholds $1-million legal bill for complex divorce
20080815 Police say mom had 12-year-old girl drive her to bar
20080815 Harper threatens election to end 'dysfunction'
20080815 Don't abandon Georgia to Moscow's 'sphere of influence' re Georgian invasion
20080812 Mountie found guilty of assault with taser
20080812 Father killed in crash with 'suicidal' man
20080812 The Ontario Government tramples on legal rights! The Mark Bogan Story
20080812 Russia orders halt to war in Georgia
20080812 Dumbstruck and downtrodden, refugees relieved to be in Russian hands
20080810 Canadians deported from China following pro-Tibet demonstrations
20080808 Charges laid after 'superheroes' climb NDP office roof
Restraining Orders Gone
20080727 Breastfed bubs' expansive taste
20070826The new, improved, disposable father
20080725 Speeders just don't get it - Constable Robert A. Sinclair Badge #9011 1000 Islands detachment
20080725 OPP present annual awards
200080725 Victim's wife carried another man's child
20080722 Some genie, some bottle
20080722 Give men a go, says sex commissioner
20080722 Neo-Nazis try to tempt recruits with rent money
20080718 Saskatchewan’s first female chief justice
20080718 Law firms can help lawyers deal with depression
20080715 Canada deports U.S. army deserter
20080712 Judge's daughter faces robbery charges
20080708 Give dad a chance - Barbara Kay National Post
20080708 Former local cop in child sex sting
20080707 Lawyers becoming a luxury, magazine warns
20080707 Guns and ammo among evidence presented at Khawaja trial
20080706 Lawyers could go the way of the dodo, magazine suggests
20080706 Are Divorce Courts Anti-Dad?
20080706 Discipline difficulties
20080805 Shame factor jeopardizes psychiatric treatment
20080704 'I practically told the jury to find him guilty'
20080604 U.S. deserter wins appeal in fight for refugee status
20080704 'Hitman' model's sentence 'too lenient' - 2 years ! Just imagine the sentence if she was a man.
20080703 Two Toronto police officers charged in grow-op bust
20080701 Stab suspect 'cut baby from womb'
20080701 Alone and pregnant on purpose
20080630 Ex blamed for police visit -Family claims man shot dead by cop had been harassed for months -David LeClair
20080630 Ontario boosts rights protection - more fairy tales from our politicians
20080629 Tories stock parole board with former cops, jail guards
20080628 From snow to sons and others - A son's story about growing up with a mentally ill mother
20080627 The branding that devalues
20080626 Margaret Trudeau admits driving drunk
20080626 Lawyer for exonerated man seeks review of other alleged Bernardo crimes
20080625 Court clears Ontario man after Bernardo confession CBC news
20080625 Man's innocence exposed in 2007 when lawyers heard of Bernardo confession
20080625 Why do the innocent plead guilty?
20080624 Public servant finds she can't have it both ways
20080624 Unreliable testimony requires acquittal: defence
20080623 Canadian dads take more parental leave
20080623 The orphans of medicare
Senate should be spanked for reopening settled debate
20080620 The son who vanished - SCHIZOPHRENIA How a typical teenager was stolen away - Jesse's story
20080620 Bernardo confessed to sex-crime Ontario man was convicted for\
20080620 Some are born to endless night
20080619 Speak your mind – and erase a stigma - Edward Greenspon Mental Illness
20080619 Soldier admits he would have killed kids if cops didn't step in
20080619 Girl fighting for rite of passage, lawyer says
20080619 The importance of fathers
20080618 Exposing deadbeat judges Barbara Kat - National Post
20080616 Teresa Craig verdict: Guilty
20080616 Police investigate wife for five dead husbands
20080615 Judge not, lest ye be judged
20080613 The rule of law prevails
20080613 Free speech, eh? Why is Canada prosecuting Mark Steyn?
20080612 Your Reaction: PM's apology
20080612 Ottawa tables copyright bill
20080612 Pets help abused women - but may make them vulnerable
20080607 Girl talk from a feminist firebrand
20080607 B.C. polygamist leader decries sexual abuse
20080607 The real scandal in Ottawa
20080607 Dion rejects Liberal pleas to trigger election
20080606 If I didn't marry you, you'd be dead'
20070605 Wife to stand trial for husband's murder
20080605 Mother's breast milk thrown into garbage
20080605 Maclean's columnist blasts rights panel hearing
20080605 Police treatment of suspect leads judge to throw out evidence Ottawa Police violate Charter Rights
20080604 Terror trial begins with notes of divine comedy
20080603 Judge rules Ontario JPs can work until age 75
20080602 B.C. orders investigation of polygamous sect
20080602 Friends shocked -Couple found dead in Orléans broke up only days ago
20080530 Wife 'felt like a hostage,' expert testifies
20080530 DNA taken from sect leader in inquiry - Jeffs DNA may lead to more real charges
20080530 Wife 'felt like a hostage,' expert testifies
20080530 Calgary family was stabbed to death, autopsies show
20080530 Texas to return sect children starting Monday
20080629 Personality tests for traumatized troops called unnecessary
20080529 The decision of the Texas Supreme Court
20080529 Texas high court says sect children should go back
20080529 Ontario judiciary takes on province in bid to raise legal-aid fees
20080529 Khadr judge at Guantanamo Bay relieved of duties
Teacher's licence revoked following sex convictions
20080528 None of us are even married under … the law'
20080528 Baby survives as five others found dead in Calgary home
20080528 Judge reopens 16-year-old case into death of man's son
20080526 Ukrainian president begins Canadian visit
20080523 12 children from polygamist sect reunited with parents
20080523 Abandoned baby's parents have 3 other children
20080523 Sacked paramedic's life 'upside-down'
20080523 Bizarre antics possibly 'psychotic': doctor
20080523 Supreme Court swats down fly-in-the-water case
20080523 Winning family battles in criminal court
20080522 Court upholds $2.1-million award to Beer Store worker
20080520 Out of a job and out of luck at 54
20080519 Stress in pregnancy affects foetus
20080518 'Father' to go from birth certificates
20080516 OHIP to cover sex changes
20080512 Associate Chief Justice Douglas Cunningham told the Algonquins to submit to the injunction or go to jail.
20080512 Chlamydia a tough - but important - topic for teens
20080510 Former coach goes to prison for sexual assault of student The story of Pamela Balogh -female sex abuser
20080408 Judge bars battling parents from court
20080508 The Pellicano brief: A fool for a client?
20080408 Tim Hortons rehires fired woman
20080505 'Disturbing' details surround case of slain Toronto girl CBC
20080503 Woman plotted husband's death - the story of Tracy Browne and Rui Furtado
20080501 Mother, private detective arrested in Maple Ridge child abduction case
20080425 ‘Patronage’ appointment to Bench draws mixed reviews
20080424 Canada-wide warrant issued for B.C. mom in alleged abduction
2008024 Divorce's atomic bomb: false abuse allegations
20080422 Baltovich goes free The Globe and Mail
20080422 Sick killer's 'lucid' recall - chronic schizophrenia
20080419 United
States: Woman wants insurance after shooting husband
20080415 Former justice minister appointed to Court of Queen's Bench
20080415 Paralegal facing uncertain future
20080415 Crown frees four in terror case
20080415 Don't negotiate the rules - believe in them
20080413 Bringing up baby, and mum's the word for dads
20080412 A witness in need of a blankie, soother
20080412 Merritt police raised red flags over suspect's bail
20080411 Do I stay put to avoid risking custody of my kid?
20080411 Angry wife severes husband's penis
20080410 Case of the disappearing dads
20080409 Who’s oppressing who?
20080409 'I want him acquitted,' jailed pregnant witness says of boyfriend
20080409 Conduct unbecoming a free society
20080409 Warring couples misuse courts, judge says
20080408 15 years' jail for baby killer
20080408 Mother keeps healthy son in wheelchair
20080401 Father knows best: Dad cleared of assaulting rebellious teen daughter
20080401 Your eggs, my uterus: shared motherhood
20080329 Judicial power, size of juries could be system cures
20080328 Police don't have to pay when they seek third-party information, says Supreme Court
20080328 Toronto councillor called police night before arrest
20080328 Human noses 'can detect danger'
20080326 Outspoken Toronto councillor charged with assault
20080324 Judge denies Arenburg's bid to fire lawyer after violent outburst in court
20080319 Judge slams Mills's muddled grasp on reality
20080319 At a glance: McCartney Mills ruling
20080317 They sought help, but got exorcism and the Bible
20080305 Former policeman charged over child porn
20080303 Obesity new factor in grading parents
20080229 Bite mark evidence disputed in murder cases
20080226 My parents' fighting is out of control
20080226 Financial pressures forcing couples to settle for smaller families
20080225 Father shoots three children and his wife
20080224 Toronto mom charged in baby's death
20080223 Domestic abuse cycle breakers -Tasmania Australia
20080222 'Men have to change' -Vern White (promotes hatred towards men while ignoring that both genders are equally violent)
20080220 Enough already: Dunlop must testify
20080218 Study shows stress affects brain growth
20080217 Mounties round up reluctant witness - Perry Dunlop gets arrested for contempt
20080215 Mum 'entirely remorseless' for raping daughter
20080215 Bringing up baby while behind bars Lisa Anne Whitford shot Anthony Ryan Cartledge in Prince George
20080215 Half-sister offered to care for baby
20080215 Who's the daddy? Website must reveal IDs of sex auction winners
20080214 Soldier Loses Custody of Child After Iraq Tour
20080213 Dads DO matter: Why children brought up by BOTH parents are happier and more successful
20080213 Boy babies 'worse for depression'
20080212 The right of a judge to discard jury upheld
20080212 Harper vows compromise on Afghan mission
20080212 Twenty-two nabbed in Ontario porn sweep
20080211 Giving mom a second chance
20080211 Cop offered fine relief for sexual favours
20080208 Police: Women attacking, robbing men at Dallas bars
20080208 Mum pulled baby's nails, court hears
20080207 Killer to raise baby in prison Lisa Anne Whitford shot Anthony Ryan Cartledge in Prince George
20080207 Mom can take baby to prison
20080207 Mother-child prison program investigated
20080206 Top judge says access to justice a problem
20080206 Three parents produce one embryo
20080206 Wife jailed for killing husband
20080206 Ned Maodus)
20080205 Pregnancy 'impairs memory'
20080205 Expelled for committing assault with a deadly pen
20080205 Man attempts new defence – driving while BlackBerrying
20080205 Baby microwave mother 'admits' killing
20080203 Courts in online revolution -Australia
20080203 Concern mounts over rising troop suicides
20080203 Men behaving badly -Australia - "Narcissists have no real empathy for others"
20080202 Central Field Command)
20080202 When love is a crime: the horror of Britain's 'honour' killings
20080202 Maternity right 'undermined'
20080202 Smith accused of another lie
20080201 Now Brits ban 'mum' and 'dad'
20080201 Suspicious spouses turn to spyware
20080131 U.S. Army suicide rate soars
20080131 New plan for HIV marriage tests
20080131 Police seeking person who dumped baby in Toronto parking garage
20080131 Mother Bear v. Ghost Dad: Nobody wins
20080130 Feminist Lawer Carole Curtis became a Superior Court Judge
20080130 Texas mom arrested for leaving her 8 kids, going to Africa
20080130 Co-pilot shackled to seat after outburst
20080130 Flight to London makes emergency landing after co-pilot suffers mental breakdown
20080129 Air Canada flight diverted after co-pilot falls ill - 'He was swearing and asking for God, and was very, very distressed'
20080129 Father was a demon, court hears
20080128 Authorities Issue Warrant For Dunlop's Arrest
20080128 Ottawa lawyers lambaste Harper bench boost
20080128 Court issues warrant for stonewalling inquiry witness
20080128 Woman's web ad: I need a hitman
20080126 To flash or not to flash, for cops?
20080125 Prosecution concealed proof of alibi, lawyer says
20080125 Lawyer outraged evidence was suppressed
20080124 Regimbal would have dropped the Amber case - TIMMINS Crown's Attorney's Office, Timmins Police and DR. CHARLES SMITH
20080124 Defence possibly misled, prosecutor admits
20070124 Post-traumatic stress disorder
20080123 Proof of suspect's alibi concealed, court told
20080124 Beware the runaway husband
20080125 Killers grin at sentencing -Lesbian killers
20080124 Females more likely to commit property crimes
20080124 Citing 'a hatred so vile,' judge denies bail request
20080124 'Domestic' ends in death on footy field
20080123 Dad was murdered Schizophrenic man in Ottawa murders his father
20080123 Police: Mom Set Herself, 2 Children Ablaze
20080123 Quebec man accused in Ohio deaths says wife attacked him
20080122 Friends shocked by deaths of Quebec wife, kids
20080122 Death plunge father pleads not guilty - attempted murder by a mentally ill man
20080122 Attempted murder: woman suffers head injuries -
20080121 Too much caffeine raises risk of miscarriage
20080121 Sex adventure turned to torture in handcuffs, court told
20080119 Murder-suicide by walking into traffic - a double murder by a mentally ill woman
A father’s battle, a father’s love
20080117 Ghost dad, not deadbeat
20081015 Kids with stressed moms more likely to develop asthma
20080114 Finding a `lifeline' through divorce
20080114 Six D.C. employees to be fired in slain kids case
After holiday season comes annual divorce rush
20080111 Parted-at-birth twins 'married'
20080111 Harper takes new swipe at nuclear watchdog
20080110 Harper stands behind Lunn
20080110 Mother killed her 4 daughters, police believe
20080110 Crack addict father tosses children off bridge
20080109 Study reveals bias against fathers
20080107 Paralegal spared jail sentence
20080107 New caesarean warning with 'killer scar' pregnancies on the rise
20080105 Britney's public meltdown
20080104 The curse of the meddling parent
20080104 Spears loses her kids
20080103 Britney's lawyer's quit
20080103 Dad freed days before killing
20080103 Push on for equal gay and de facto couples' rights