If you have an interesting story you would like to see added to this site,
or if you have any comments regarding any story, write to:
only thing we get when we educate a psychopath is an educated psychopath
Did your ex wife smile like this? (mine does!)
20070912 Canada’s Changing family
20070911 U.S. marks Sept. 11 with moment of silence
20070911 Money isn't everything
20070911 Bédard's abduction trial opens
20070911 PM launches blow at Senate
20070906 Schoolgirl guilty of testicle attack
20070906 Coroner says Victoria killings a murder-suicide
20070906 John Tory backpedals on creationism
20070906 Harper arrives in Australia
20070906 Ottawa woman assaulted by man posing as police officer
20070905 U.K. judge says all citizens, visitors should be in DNA database
20070905 Comedian Rosato found guilty
20070905 Liberals float lifting moratorium on trusts
20070905 Spate of assaults beset Ontario campuses
20070904 Quebec Mennonites moving to Ontario for faith-based teaching
20070903 For men, the mating game is a fox hunt
20070903 Surrey, B.C., Mounties target domestic violence
200709903 Why kissing means more to women
20070902 Mother charged in death of three-year-old Toronto girl
20070831 Quebec woman to appear in court Saturday after body parts found in dumpster
20070831 Divorce rate falling as marriages last longer - Aus
20070830 Pastor had sex with daughters
20070830 Stress isn't just for kids any more
20070830 Mental disorders lead to homeless hospital visits
20070829 N.S. Premier wants teens gone wild to pay
20070830 Newborn left in toilet, woman, 21, charged
20070829 Identifying the innocent
20070828 'I beat up my wife, then begged for forgiveness'
20070827 Incest victim to father: 'In my heart, as of today, you are dead'
20070827 Dion, Williams plan ‘courtesy meeting'
20070822 Russian woman sets fire to ex-husband's penis
20070822 Lawyers, judges have grand old time -- on your tax dollars
20070822 Mother wanted after two daughters taken from custody - Cornwall
20070822 The day a judge overruled a minister
20070822 Brethren meet PM in his office
20070822 Our commentary re above article in the Globe and Mail
20070821 Australian court overturns Indian doctor visa ban
20070821 A Second Life for teen depression
20070821 Dwarf's penis gets stuck to vacuum cleaner
20070820 Mike McManus' Speech at DC Rally
20070820 Austrian kidnap woman pities captor
20070820 Don't pit adoptive moms against biological moms
20070819 Montreal police probe murder of girl, 14
20070819 Ottawa toddler stable after 6-storey fall
20070819 Pet camel kills Australian woman while apparently trying to have sex
20070819 Norman stole my wife, says former mate
20070817 Menopause hard on couple's sex lives
20070817 Critics say website provides little real help to parents
20070817 Air Canada can force pilots to retire at 60: tribunal
20070817 More crime groups operating in Canada
20070817 Sudden success for sex slaves flick
20070815 The stranger in my bed
20070815 Quebec police find presumed getaway vehicle in murder of dad
20070815 US army suicides hit 26-year high
20070815 Montreal board may appeal teacher rehire order
20070815 Strippers dress down Ottawa over new rules
20070815 Our comment ary in the Globe and Mail
20070815 Ontario to bring back eye in the sky
20070815 Julian Fantino's wants an addition to his Air Force - our comment in the Globe and Mail
20070815 Adoptive mother fights for maternity benefits
20070815 Man sexually assaulted
20070815 Push to outlaw sexy child ads
20070815 Real source of parent poverty is Canada's legal system
20070814 Father in custody battle dies in crash
20070814 Lax courthouse security puts judges at risk, conference told
20070814 High-profile switches expected in cabinet shuffle
20070813 Lured by love, Aussie falls into online trap
20070813 Should we ban polygamy just because we don't like it?
20070810 Public guardian's office has troubled history
20070809 What’s in a name? Tradition, she says
20070809 Kids of single dads get less health care
20070809 Woman admits to killing partner's baby
20070809 Judge 'suspicious' about Haneef visa decision
20070808 Questions to ask before you get married
20070808 Mr. Macho not a keeper, study shows
20070808 Cops: woman shoots panhandler who asked for a quarter
20070808 Boy, 7, abused by
fellow student - See our comments in the
20070808 Did Haneef's SIM expire? -guilt by association
20070808 Rosato trial off to bizarre, but slow, start
20070807 Yellowknifer Mark
Bogan in MLA race for Great
Slave Riding
20070806 Bullying tied to mental health problems later
20070804 TV ad about 'lazy' men banned after complaint -More about Rona
20070804 RONA ad demeans men, rules watchdog
20070803 Rona building bad blood with TV ad
20070803 Men Shouldn't Be Overlooked as Victims of Partner Violence
20070803 Hostility, anger linked to chronic inflammation
20070802 Prosecutor rejects charges in Bountiful sex abuse case
20070801 B.C. polygamists won't be charged with sexual assault
20070801 Turning Legal Gun Owners Into SOCIAL LEPERS -The Jeremy Swanson Story.
20070801 Adelaide woman jailed for bashing daughter to death
20070731 U.S. Chief Justice in hospital after seizure
20070731 Four dead babies found in woman's home
200707 28 The return of the thin man
20070738 Case collapses, Haneef in detention
20070628 The death of the ideal family
20070727 Ontario to hire 200 more police officers
20070727 NASA's latest blunder? Astronauts driving drunk
20070727 Haneef released as charges dropped
20070727 Crack pipe providers could lose funding: Ottawa councillor
20070627 Headache mystery solved by a bullet
20070726 Curb risky driving with toll-free snitch line
20070726 U.S. must pay $101M to wrongly imprisoned men
20070725 Drug use 'our biggest challenge': police
20070724 Male circumcision key to slowing AIDS, researcher says
20070721 For better or worse, baby boom stumbles at the aisle
20070721 US military deserters seek refuge in Canada
20070721 Legal chiefs hit out on terror case
20070721 Australians swap I do for I don't
20070720 Nurse guilty of killing husband for money
200700720 Mom finds on Facebook son she gave up for adoption
fix these links
20070617 ‘I felt I was being punished for taking maternity leave’ "Ottawa Police"
20070616 Hasselhoff wins custody fight with ex
20070616 Prosecutor in Duke lacrosse rape case disbarred
Letter published in Globe and Mail
Kids may need the strap: Abbott -
20070615 Out of the mouths of spouses
20070615 Woopi-do, Another publicity exercise from the SCC -OMC letter published in the Globe and Mail
20070615 Supreme Court of Canada went on a mission of complete destruction of law and order
20070615 Today is a sad day for the hundreds of thousands of Canadian children - Justice Denis Power issued a restraining order to defeat an order for an expedited trial of custody and access.
20070615 Fathers and kids bond playing video games
20070614 Give daddy some lovin' - or else
20070614 Dating daddy's double
20070614 Parental leave luring more dads
20070613 Dads ditch the briefcase to change diapers
20070612 Edmonton couple handcuffed child, guilty of abuse
20070611 Female officer killed ex-lover, then herself
20070609 Diana 'converted to Islam'
20070609 Why children no longer flunk in school
20070608 Supreme Court questions time lag of judge's written decision
20070608 Charter protects bargaining, Supreme Court says
20070608 London police officer, retired colleague shot in murder suicide
Judge who fixed divorce cases sent to prison
20070605 Bid to fix sports field gets father arrested
20070605 Woman 'throws baby down rubbish chute, kills her'
20070605 Police pursue panicked dad-to-be
20070605 Ritalin use doubles after divorce, study finds
20070604 Kids twice as likely to get Ritalin after divorce
20070604 Ritalin use higher for children of divorce: study
20070604 Dad serving in Afghanistan gets to ‘visit’ newborn daughter
20070604 Police push on with targeted drug tests
20070601 Misery: the secret to happiness
20070601 In child care, 'the greatest choice for the greatest number'
( )
20070601 Freed: daughter who urged father's killing
20070531 Depressed mother and four daughters found hanged in wardrobe
20070530 A school board's message:Women good, men bad
20070530 Mother, three children found dead in closet
20070529 Three parents and a contract
Comments posted in the Globe & Mail
20070529 Family found hanged in Texas home
20070525 No right to tax-free counsel: Supreme Court
20070525 Family lawyer of Ian Bush believes he was targeted by RCMP
Read comments posted about the the above article in the Globe and Mail
20070521 Hasselhoff Gets Custody!
20070522 Divorce hits men harder: StatsCan
20070522 Men more prone to depression after a divorce, study finds
20070521 'Elated' to be in solitary confinement in Adelaide
20070521 Sniper sprays courthouse with bullets
20070517 People choose to represent themselves even when they can afford lawyers
20070514 Shields fights baby blues
20070514 Mock gun attack scares students
20070514 Deportation pending - Chinese single mom has had 12 marriage proposals
20070512 Hicks' marine lawyer overlooked for promotion
20070511 Don't deny father's right to see child - opinions
20070511 Texas woman 'sold child to sex offender'
20070510 Judge slams jailing of mentally ill killer
20070510 Child porn accused tell of ordeal
20070510 Oral sex linked to throat cancer
20070510 Woman got tattoo
after alleged rape
20070509 Wife in court over farmer's shooting - The Joe Rix Murder
20070509 Government provides additional help to victims of family violence and bullying
20070509 Perth girls get life for murder
20070508 Hicks may return next week
20070507 Trial begins for ex-minister facing 56 sex charges
20070507 Soldier's lawyer wants charges dropped
20070507 Australia hands over man to US courts
20070507 Mystery revealed: Poppy quarter led to U.S. spy warnings
20070505 Alcohol: the solution
20070504 'open season for terrorists'
20070503 Mother accused of exchanging sex with 12-year-old for drugs
20070502 Gay lawyers locked in closet - Law school conference told fear of discrimination alive in legal workplaces
20070502 Advisers warned husband was a predator
20070501 Man shot by undercover Peel police
20060501 Van Krevel leaves jail.
20070425 The digger who gave his all, plus another $300,000 to boot ( When you think the going gets tough,
read this)
20070424 DNA quashes 1982 rape conviction
20070424 Nurse guilty of dismembering husband
20070423 Lawyers most depressed: study
20070401 Adult Children of Parental Alienation Syndrome: Breaking the Ties that Bind" W.W.Norton,
20070330 Legal system's losers
20070303 Legal aid rules shut out thousands
Police: Man Killed Himself After Chasing, Shooting At Wife
20061027 Couples urged to seek counselling
20060726 Former Teacher Pleads Guilty To Having Sex
With Student
20060627 Courts should uphold the law, not fashionable opinion
20060715 Private and public schools build artists together
20060419 It's the testosterone, man
20060418 Healthy babies a matter of timing
20060418 Appeal blow for man who paid maintenance
for another's children Liam Magill story
20060417 Court overturns paternity judgement
the Liam Magill story
20060415 Man found guilty of mischief for stunt
20060413 Judge offered humour in bad times Mr. Justice
James Farley
20060413 Antifreeze murderer's bid for appeal
rejected - Scott Dell RIP
20060413 Medic jailed for Iraq duty refusal
20060413 Couple apologise over sextuplet scam
20060413 Jeffrey's parents apologize
20060413 Lenience for baby-killer Selena
Odette killed her own baby.
20060413 Body identified as missing man
20060412 Woman convicted of killing daughter gets
protective order
20040612 Jury awards former OPP officer $125,000 in
lawsuit against ex-supervisor, Citizen
20060410 Parent Trap? Litigation Explodes Over
Paternity Fraud
20060410 Coroner finds no DNA evidence in Truscott case
20060410 'It's Bandidos that got killed'
200406098 Tragedy dominates discussion
20060408 Man dies in bingo mugging -
20060407 Judge: Mom who killed baby insane
20060407 The other face of domestic violence
20060407 Teague's killer was 'sexually motivated'
20060407 Officer sues over Peel arrest
20060407 Women's group says advice was ignored
20060407 Shots fired before blaze
20060407 Family shot before fire was set
20060407 Police cleared in man's death - yes man
ends up dead after meeting the Ottawa Police at the
20060407 McGuinty surprised by plea bargain that
would see criminals paying victim
20060406 VICTIM LAID TO REST Jack Craig was
yet another man knifed to death by his wife -note the small amount of news this
20060406 Risk of depression rises with approach
of menopause: studies
20060406 Study links drugs, birth troubles
20060406 Possible inquest months away
20060406 Tragedy in Cumberland Photos
20060406 GIRL'S EX CHARGED -
20060406 Pregnant woman beaten, shots fired at 'baby
shower gone bad'
20060405 Cops: Teacher allegedly had sex 28 times with
20060405 Child Support Gold Diggers
20060405 Killer had voluntarily begun counselling
20060405 The Mailly
family Murder-Suicide in Ottawa
20060404 Mistrial declared in child abduction case
20060404 Clues to family's last hours lie amid fire's
20060404 Understanding an act of madness that can
never be fully explained
20060403 ‘Miss G_’ wants women’s studies in high
20060403 Husband dead in explosion - Frank
Mailly 2413 Dunning Rd.Cumberland
20060331 Former judge gets 5 years for hospital fraud
scheme "the crime went undetected for so long because of the men's
high professional and social status."
20060331 Ontario Crown prosecutors to get big pay
20060331 Head used as ball: Deserter
20060331 What's Happening to Boys?
20060331 Family law overhaul passes Senate
20060331 Zoe
Zou 'obsessed' with killing lover's wife
20060330 SELF DEFENCE? "Clair MacDonald
killed her husband like a sniper and got away with it
20060330 Victims of alleged abuse must testify to
heal city, lawyers tell inquiry
20060330 Charged mother the main caregiver for
20060329 French government eyes 'le baby boom'
20060329 Inside the mind of a mass murderer
20060329 Ensuring justice for rape victims
20060329 Loneliness may be hazardous to your health
20060329 Youth jail stats suggest new act is working,
say experts
20060329 Cornwall inquiry doesn't have power to
make recommendations to church: lawyer
20060328 Stepfather arrested for daily’ sexual abuse
20060328 Austrian mother pleads guilty to killing,
then freezing bodies of four children
20060328 INQUIRY
FACING TROUBLE - Project Truth -
20060328 Woman who killed son avoids jail time
20060328 Family law changes delayed by Fielding
20060327 Mom shackles daughter who played hooky
20060327 Divorced dads want equal time with kids
20060326 Police talk man out of home
20060326 Long arm of law separates them
20060325 'Perfect wife' confesses to preacher's
slaying, police say
20060325 Cop fined for 'dishonesty'
20060325 Domestic or workplace issue? Inquest is
called as hospital is sued
20060323 Former Argo football player suing police for
$14.6 million - Peel Police Ontario
20060321 Officer says Bevan blamed him in suicide
20060320 Witness problems delay Yates trial
20060419 Kiwi in UK courtmartial
20060319 For him, a new wife; for her, a new trial
- Congratulations to Rusty Yates
20060317 Baby boomers: The old and the sexless
20060317 Police officers face disciplinary
action Amazing story of how a cop assaulted a woman, did not go to jail and
still works as an
20060317 Women ready for everything to have unrestricted access to men's flesh
20060317 Feud over fleece jacket led to physical
clash between two officers, court told -The Conenzo Story
20060317 Drunk driver who killed mother, son is fit
for trial on another charge
20060316 A love and money scam
20060316 Rare, deadly STD in Calgary
-lymphogranuloma venereum LGV
20060316 Craving of 'horror film' murderer
20060316 Top court denies alleged Montreal mob
boss' appeal - as usual, no reasons given
20060315 Mother admits smothering her baby
20060314 SCOC: Woman can't claim two defences
20060314 Former judge warns of dictatorship
20060312 1968 deserter nabbed at B.C.
20060310 Money for Domestic Violence Programs
20060310 Judge says legal system too costly
20060310 Airport whistleblower has security
clearance revoked
20060310 Woman who faked triplets gets 28 months
- Michelle Ann Drake
20060309 Men's Center files pro-choice lawsuit in
federal court
20060314 No jail for mother who had teen's baby
20060207 Guelph judge cleared of misconduct -
Justice Norman Douglas
20060307 Wife, 2 children, slain in beds
20060306 A real heartache Marital fights
influence hardening of arteries in spouses: Study
20060306 Runaway bride dolls disappear as quickly
as she did
20060306 2 children, wife slain, husband arrested
20060304 Tears as 'sniper' woman acquitted of murder
20060302 Child Abductor Demands That Military
Dad Post $100,000 to See His Own Son
20060302 Killer dad hopes for conviction clarity
20060302 families connect via web - Calgary Family
20060301 Stephen Harper balances job, hockey dad
20060301 Fathers win in child support revamp
20060301 OPP investigate burned body found inside car
near Alexandria
20060301 Police continue investigation after
staff sergeant's gun was fired -Staff Sgt. McCaffery
20060228 Europe's marriage crisis
20060228 Top court nominee hints at limited role
Rothstein faces historic hearing
20060228 Businessman alleges police brutality in
20060228 Homelessness
getting worse, report indicates
20060224 In
the name of the father - The story of Jeremy Swanson
20060205 Wisconsin Codifies "Internet
20060213 The Cornwall Public
Inquiry: Getting to the bottom of a sex abuse scandal
20050904 Playing to millions but playing dad better
20050903 Board
rehires teacher who sent sexy letters to student -
Laura Sclater
20050831 Steak-stealer
gets jail time
20050830 WSIB experience leaves Timmins man
20050830 Retroactive spousal support wrong - court
20050829 Scalia blasts 'judge moralists' in law
school speech
20050829 Is there a right to have a baby?
B.C. woman avoids prison in death of secret lover
20050829 Daughter pleads guilty to killing parents
- schizophrenia -
20050828 Burlington's first murder of the year
20050827 Mountie
fired for sex on job
20050827 Pedophile should go free eventually, hearing told - Cory Newton
20050825 Ontario pledges
$2.5M for domestic violence victims
20050825 Ontario pledges $2.5M for domestic violence victims
20050825 Ex-boss wants Homolka in jail
20050825 Dutch TV show seeks sperm donor
20050825 Dads On the
20050825 Hardware-store owner's Homolka
allegations being greeted with skepticism
20050825 Parents' magazine selects three
'outstanding' area schools
20050825 Mother of triplets asks for help- Kinston
Melanie Molaro
20050824 ‘Look —
one, two and three’ - Sudbury Triplets
20050824 Homolka's on move again
20050823 Drug unit may get larger -
Timmins Police, Timmins Children's Aid Society
Painful truth: women do suffer more
20050823 Court: Gay parents must pay child support
200508221 Parents must pay $7M to son's victim
20050821 Sex twice a day normal, claims former fiance
20050820 Booster seat rules almost law
20050820 Police believe fugitives are in the city
Group files complaint over 'wild theories' that blame Jews for 9/11
20050820 US firm to
fight drug onslaught Vioxx $253.4m (£141.07m) damages
20050819 Militant fathers' group finally hangs up
its superhero outfits "Matt O'Connor says he is going to become more
20050819 ...so Feds want to monitor YOUR computer
& cell
20050819 Judge ditches assault case against officer
- Kingston Police
20050819 Man once charged with murder sentenced for
obstructing justice
20050819 RAPE HYSTERIA, REDUX Carey Roberts
20050819 Parents without custody to be given bigger
say -
20050819 Working as a High Court judge*
20050819 McHugh's angels: 10 women fit for High
Court, says top judge -
20050818 Molester lived months beside day care
20050818 Wrongfully convicted man denied pardon
20050818 Man forced onto medication recovers
who starved himself over treatment for mental illness still not ready for
release: doctor
20050818 Top
court to hear child support case -Toronto Star
20050818 Supreme Court to rule on child support
Ottawa Citizen
20050818 Erotic images linked to blindness
20050817 Doctors may
disregard 'need for a father' when deciding on IVF
20050817 Ban on sex selection could be lifted
20050817 High school dropout rate soars 45%
20050814 Police: Retired judge kills wife, self
20050814 Clients
without lawyers disturb chief justice
`Complex problem' due to lack of money, but money alone won't help
20050812 Ontario help to hire 1,000 officers
20050812 Judge orders stay of execution for three dogs
20050811 Roberts’s Rules of
Order - the characteristics of judicial
20050811 Fugitive Couple From Tenn. Nabbed in Ohio
20050810 One in 25 fathers 'not the daddy'
200500810 Enter the super teacher, fit for schools
and unis
20050809 Man Gets 27 Years for
Ohio Shootings -heard voices talking to him -
auditory hallucinations -
20050809 Runaway bride draws lawn mower duty
20050808 Man forgets wife at gas station
20050807 Husbands for sale in Cuba
20050806 Judges Message to parents
20040806 Texan Sentenced to Do 320 Hours of
20050806 Straight pals want to marry - for tax
20050805 Dad Brings Federal Challenge to Alaska's Child
Custody Laws
20050805 Cop spared jail in videotaped assault
- Ottawa Police - Const. Martin Cardinal
20050804 Police: Woman tries to open door during
20050804 Hicks trial 'an abuse of law'
20050804 Fears of bias by judge Sydney
20050802 Gatineau cop stabbed Ottawa Paranoid
psychiatric patient volunteers for assessment
20050801 DNA evidence frees man after 19 years
20050801 Pot activist is scared,fiancée says
20050801 Sportcaster's legacy lives on after
his 1995 shooting death, as Susan Sherring explains
20050730 ‘No place I would rather be now,’ PM says
-Riopelle Timmins latest Liberal nominee"
20050729 Phone technology
aids UAE dating
Men move from work to welfare
20050727 Beyond the baby blues
20050727 Teacher,
Big Brother faces child porn charges
20050727 RCMP ignored 911 call before woman's slaying
20050727 Remorseful man gets second chance
20050726 Wining, dining best courtship strategy:
20050726 Ending bias in domestic assault law
20050726 Police officer guilty of assaulting woman
2050723 Feminist bunk will
cause society's collapse
20050723 If fight's about money, it's likely serious
20050723 Private citizen, public peril -
20070722 Murder-free city in rare company
20050721 Oursien's
Preliminary Timmins Justice Martin Lambert
20050720 'Tragic day' for toddler' Lost both her mom
and dad'
20050720 Violent struggle killed wife
20050719 Most Testicular Cancer Survivors Can
Have Children
20050719 Husband of pregnant Edmonton woman
appears in court cbc
20050719 Husband
charged with murder
20050719 Edmonton man faces court on murder charge
20070519 Judge ends con artist’s ‘career’
20050718 Woman infected partner with HIV
20050717 The woman behind the Charter
20050717 "A Canadian Dream" by
20050715 Common-law
abuse is higher
20050715 Baby drunk at birth; new mother charged
20050715 Ont. pledges $58.3 M to mental illness
20050715 Man to be retried in girlfriend's murder
20050714 Ont. pledges $58.3 M to mental illness
20050713 Man threatened to blow up ministry
20050713 Grosu Vasilica Iulian sets himself on
fire as he runs with a placard calling on Romanian President Traian
Basescu to help him to get back his seven-year-old son
20050713 Vibrator sales all the buzz in the
drugstore business
20050713 Canada's top court is model for U.S.
20050713 Abduction charge dropped in baby-murder
20050713 Centre
would focus on women's health -
20050713 Bringing
up baby ... later
20050712 New adoption death alarms Russia
20050712 Legal pioneer 'wrote the book' on women,
20050711 How the system
failed me or "how one woman can manipulate the crown and police into
pressing charges simply because she has the power of the press behind her.
20050710 Sexual assault: my awful
ordeal How a fire breathing feminist columnist got her wish to have a
24 year old lose his job.
US evangelist's daughter charged - Virginia Graham Foreman
20050709 Wrong man hanged says author
20050706 Repeat violent offender back in custody
after 1 week Jean Guy Tremblay
20050706 Court reverses Amertek decision Ontario Court of
Appeal judges MacPherson, John Laskin and Russell Juriansz overturned a
courageous decision of Justice John O'Driscoll.
20050706 Homolka hiding
in Montreal apartment: Lawyer
20050706 Won't get fooled again
20050706 Divorce law on trial -
20050705 Study
casts doubt on bisexuality in men
20050705 Homolka appeals restrictions
Lawyer calls Section 810 release conditions
unconstitutional limits on her freedom
20050705 Homolka interview a
'performance': Danson
20050705 Voices: Homolka's TV interview
20050705 Still pulling the strings
20050705 Victims' families want to keep Homolka
leashed: lawyer
20050705 Bernardo/Homolka
20050704 Transcript of Homolka interview
20050704 Judge says Homolka
still poses threat, imposes strict conditions on her freedom
20050704 North Bay: criminal harassment
20050704 Rickets rise linked to mothers who cover
20050704 Republican appointees disappoint again
20050704 An Ottawa father's law suit against the
20050703 Vatican to be named in Cornwall sex abuse suit
20050703 Missing
toddler dead, police say Father could not see son due to
court order.
20050702 Mother sues
state for racketeering Detroit
20050702 Aunt fears suspect in abduction
won’t co-operate - (boys father) “He doesn’t even know where they live,”
20050702 How a killer turned a victim into an
20050702 Break-in
suspect dies after police use Taser gun
20050701 Ont. man dead following stun gun arrest
20050701 Violent offender moves into capital -
Jean Guy Tremblay
20050630 Violent Domestic Offender Released
to Ottawa - Jean Guy -
20050630 Special court will handle sex crimes -
20050629 Top
court keeps search warrants accessible
20050629 In
Scrushy Trial, Jurors Chose Defense's Portrait
20050629 Homolka tries to stop media coverage
20050629 Homolka seeks ban on media
`She's very afraid,' her lawyer says
Injunction would stop any reporting
20050629 Same-sex bill gets final
20050629 Ruling alters spousal support
Landmark case allows changes in court orders,
redefines `till death do us part'
A loophole may have saved Ned Kelly from noose
20050626 Trials & tribulations
20050625 Lethal loophole: Suspended drivers free
to renew licence plate stickers -
20050625 Right decision - Ten years was too
little in this horrifying sex assault case -
20050625 Crown, lawyers take offence -
20050625 Race study proves nothing: Experts Kingston
20050625 Husband killer freed for children's
20050625 Teacher fights law with no room for
20050624 Custodial parents to face stricter laws
20050624 Public anger 'right,' Homolka told
20050623 Dads gets baby blues too
20050623 Grandmother Charged With Leaving 6 Kids In
Hot Car
20050623 Police
still slow sharing key data -
20050623 Watchdog calls for stronger
information law
U.S. cities can seize property for private use
U.S. doctors linked to POW
20050623 Obese mums 'harm baby fertility'
200050623 Male infertility
'is increasing'
20050623 'Drowned'
girl's back broken, sources say
20050622 ‘Bonnie and Clyde’ get prison time -
20050622 Could Scalia be next chief justice?
B.C. father sentenced to 16 years minimum for killing daughter
Court orders TB patient jailed -
20050622 New family laws passed by House
20050622 Fatal standoff spotlights issue of child
20050622 Strangers volunteer to help freed Homolka
20050621 Timmins Police
Association Excited for New Building
20050621 A visit to hell in Bernardo Wing
20050621 Fathers 4 Justice
Split Up
20050621 Queensway shutdown to cost city's
economy at least $2.5M -Brian McGillivray Ottawa
20050621 Tough bosses make dad miss
family time
20050621 Abuse trial: 'man lied to get
20050621 Britain's fertility
20050621 Bomb squad closes 417 - Brian McGillivray
20050621 Undercover
police sting ends with arrest of shocked murder suspect
20050621 Abstinence makes sperm lose edge
20050621 Man killed by police opposed child
support policies
20050620 Man bilks mother out of $240,000-Kingston
20050620 1,000 pop in for Father's Day race
20050620 Case closed, but was justice served?
20050620 Bomb threat snarls traffic -
20050620 Homolka longs to be the girl next door
20050619 Daddy, what did you do in the men's
20050619 Fighting for Their
20050619 Fathers fight for rights
20050619 Being innocent always helps
20050618 It's not your Mother's Fathers Movement
20050617 Deadbeat site a waste
20050617 Happy Father's Day, mom
20050617 Toronto police arrest mother of beaten,
burned boy
20050616 Is parent obligated to work to help support
20050616 Right to counsel 'not absolute,' Supreme
Court rules
20050616 Jackson's dirt-diggers made the
20050615 Six in 10 to pay less for children
20050615 Police: Ex-trooper kills wife outside
20050615 Fighting to keep wife's killer locked up
20050615 A day in the life
of Canada's abuse shelters
20050615 X-Copper loses suit, $25,000 to
20050615 Canadians in fear after son convicted
20050614 Jackson walks on sex rap
20050614 'Anti-American' teen guilty in school
bomb plot
20050613 Coroner to probe case of Ottawa man
stabbed to death in his cell 5 years ago - -The Donald James Mongeon Story
- Collins Bay Jailhouse Killing
20050612 Police concerned for Homolka's safety
20050612 Gay advocates fight churches' charity status
20050611 Father wants justice for daughter wrongly
accused of murder -
20050611 Fighting for the right to refuse
treatment: Part 1 bipolar disorder and schizophrenia
20050611 Fighting for the right to refuse
treatment: Part 2
200506110 Six volunteers sworn in Timmins
20050610 Senator calls curbs on Homolka ‘totalitarian’
20050610 Sex victim turned to drugs, prostitution
20050609 Separation
or divorce can hurt credit rating, experts say
20050609 Delay in DNA tests unacceptable: Nfld. lawyer
20050609 McGuinty Government Makes Ontario A
Leader In Enforcing Family Support Payments Note: McGuinty does nothing to
enforce access or jail mothers in contempt of court orders. McGuinty is CORRUPT
and by his failure to encourage our corrupt judges to enforce access orders or
control our corrupt judicary, McGuinty is a CHILD ABUSER
20050609 Government reopens 12-year old murder
case following Citizen report
20050609 BAIL RULING PENDING Momin Khawaja
20050609 Islamic group slams racist tactics
20050609 Cop acquitted of molestation raps
20050609 Kingston race study attacked
20050609 Doctor's
affair ends in violence
20050608 Montrealer accuses Kingston
officer of mistreatment
20050608 Race study distorts 'the truth'
20050607 Race study results under fire
20050607 SIU awaits air passenger death report
20050607 Boyfriend jailed in bizarre abortion
20050607 Justice hit, cut by shoe
20050607 Latest propaganda from Fathers 4 Justice
UK in attempting to exert total control
20050607 Ontario launches probe of pathologist's
20050607 High-school
dropout? Don't expect wedding bells
20050607 Liberal MPs plot to kill same-sex marriage
20050607 Foster
kids to get chance at 'home'
20050607 Fighting for her daughter
20050607 Marriage linked to education: StatsCan
20050607 New adoption rules ease way for wards
20050606 Ottawa Father accused of
abusing children wins sole custody
20050606 Top
U.S. court bans medical marijuana
20050606 Bill Exiles Those
Who Wed Foreigners
20050606 A Look at a Rehnquist
20050605 Homolka saw Quebec as place to
blend in: Reports
20050605 Ontario to lower adoption
20050605 Judges Are Seeking Cover on The Bench
20050604 Fearful neighbours pose roadblock to
20050604 Ottawa doc fears for public
20050604 Kin's lawyer: 'Once a psychopath, always a
20050604 Killer put on tight leash
20050604 A
new start to life under Section 810 Globe & Mail
20050604 Secret memo rocks inquiry
20050603 Homolka
must follow strict rules after release Globe & Mail
20050603 Restrictions Homolka will face
Globe & Mail
20050603 Groups plan to help Homolka in return to
society Globe & Mail
20050603 'Brutal period' over for victims' families Globe
& Mail
20050603 She's still a danger, court rules
20050603 Man behind Homolka hearing a meticulous risk-taker
20050603 Karla leashed, for now Toronto Star
20050603 Judge imposes tough restrictions
Karla's new conditions
20050603 Cops find newborns in freezer
20050603 Crown begins last-ditch attempt to block
total freedom for Homolka
20050603 My dad is my dad, but who gave the sperm?
20050601 Closing the loopholes Homolka - Alan
20050601 Fathers' Rights Victory In Massachusetts
20050601 Mum spared jail for attack on kids
20050601 Judge restrains pedophile nicknamed Slushie
200506010 Chief’s apology too little, too late for
20050601 Fathers' Rights Victory In Massachusetts
20050601 Officers ‘wounded’ by publicity
given to racial profiling study Kingston
20050531 After
the deal, a dozen years in jail Homolka
20050530 From 17 and in love to murder and
hate Homolka
20050529 How
could we have known? Homolka
20050529 Batman Joins IsraelFathers Rights
Demonstration in Tel Aviv
20050528 HIV-positive mother charged
20050426 Canadian government funds anti-Catholic
20050527 Kingston
study proves racial bias
20050527 Mentally ill jailed despite judge's
order Ottawa Citizen
20050527 Not tonight (or ever) honey, I'm on the pill
20050527 Doctors call for
kitchen knife ban
20050527 DeLay angered by 'Law &
Order' mention
20050527 Woman loses fight to have dead husband's
20050526 Military instructor faces sex assault
20050526 Stop
breaking up families: Ombud
20050525 "Daredevil dads plead not guilty"
20050525 "Super dads or duds?"
20050524 Does race influence police officers? Results of
project to be unveiled soon
20050524 Bridge climber pleads not guilty
20050524 Fathers seek support in
custody battles
20050524 Men who climbed Jacques
Cartier bridge in court
20050524 Pow! 'Robin' strikes for fathers' rights
20050524 Holy rash stunt, Batman! Mischief charge
20050523 Protest stops Jacques Cartier Bridge
20050523 "Protestor shuts down Jacques Cartier
20040523 Demonstrator stops traffic on Montreal bridge [Arrested]
20050523 Man climbs Jacques-Cartier bridge
Today's dads are advising their daughters about dating and other
sensitive issues.
20050615 Where have all the real men gone? Not to
20050614 The lost boys, thrown out of US sect so
that older men can marry more wives
20050507 Protecting mentally ill offenders
20050523 Demonstrator stops traffic
on Montreal bridge
20050421 Top court won't hear repeat abuser's
20050421 Feminism, the WKKK, and the Gender-Lynching of Michael Jackson
20050401 The Cult
of Parenthood: A Qualitative Study of Parental Alienation
20050218 Chief
Richard Laperierre presented Constable Mickey Auger with his 30-year medal on
December 22, 2004.
20050117 Lawyer faces hearing after criticizing judges
20050211 Cst.
Auger's Lawyer Talks - Timmins Police officer charged with assault
causing bodily harm and still working!
20050204 Lobby group criticizes Ont. court
ruling on custody limits
20050102 Some 'rights' are just plain wrong
20040102 Ripper doll insensitive to pain here,
women's groups say
20050102 Court denies pregnant wife divorce
20050101 Rehnquist defends job security for
20050101 Gender as a factor in the Domestic Violence
Courts - fathers.ca
20050101 Better times ahead in 2005
20041231 Domestic
Violence Death Review Committee - Annual Report to the Chief Coroner.
20041230 Sanctuary still on agenda for churches
and minister
Screwing the wretched of the Earth
20041229 Rights
and security: We must have both
20041228 Custody Battle Heats Up Over Three-Year
20041226 Street protests
over Irish child custody ruling " In
future, details of the cases will be made available to the media and public,
but without identifying the people involved. " -sounds like
20041228 Police use Taser on man
who claimed he left bomb at hotel - Kingston
20041228 Where Sugar and Spice Meet Bricks and
20041228 In China, Turning the Law Into the People's
20041226 The Doofus Department
20041227 It's all about revenge, not equality
20041226 Strippergate scandal puts Sgro in
20041225 Newspaper: Naughty kids lose gifts to
20041225 Fathers' group targets UK
20041225 Celebrating Xmas With All the
20041224 No new trial despite mistaken
20041224 Man
harasses and annoys one time too many - SSM
20041224 Canadian sent to U.S. for
murder trial
2041224 A drop too much in
20041224 Child-access battles peak at Christmas
20041224 Stabbing rampage leaves one dead,
five hurt -Mental illness
20041224 Woman who cut off baby's arms
attempted suicide after birth mental illness "she was psychotic"
20041224 Foetus snatcher
had her tubes tied
20041223 Right decision, wrong reason
20041223 Whistle-blowing cop suffered for his
20041223 Amish man cites freedom of religion
20041223 Victims could get travel aid
20041223 Room demanded for mentally ill Justice Bruce A. Glass.
20041223 Keep the minister, strip the
bureaucrats - Immigration Minister Judy Sgro
20041223 Prosecutor 'pays for brothel visits
with stolen credit card'
20041222 Feds were too timid in
Strippergate affair - Immigration Minister Judy Sgro
20041222 The Men's Program at
20041222 Feds were too timid in Strippergate
20041222 DNA tests clear man after 17 years jail
20041221 Stripper risks ignored
20041221 Ottawa 'strips' rules
Was warned
exotic dancers forced into prostitution - Immigration Minister Judy Sgro
20031221 Mom sues Wal-Mart over daughter's
suicide - Mental Illness
20041221 Prosecutor:
Troy woman tried to poison husband, son with milkshakes
20041221 Activists guilty of trespass -Queens
20041221 A mixed message to gamblers
20041221 Report
called 'betrayal' of women
20041221 Muslim groups pan report
20041221 Expert urging caution on Sharia law
20041221 Fathers'
Xmas pr-ho-test
20041220 Woman accused of stealing baby
appears in court
20041220 A job for Sgro's
successor - Immigration Minister Judy Sgro
20041220 Report says Ont. Muslims have
right to use religious law in family disputes
20041220 Alberta judge admits
snoozing during sentencing hearing of drug dealer
20041220 Grit MP O'Brien predicts four more Cabinet
ministers to struggle with same-sex bill
20041227 No slowing down - Forget cancer
-- Callwood's got a sports car and lots of fight left in her - Mary Jo Leddy
and Joy Kogawa, staged a sit-in at the Toronto constituency office of
Citizenship and Immigration Minister Judy Sgro,
20041220 Shelters fill up as chill grips city
20041220 Anger may trigger strokes
20041220 Baby and maid die in suspected murder-suicide
in Singapore
20041220 Santas protest for dads' rights in Britain
and Italy
20041220 "The myth of the gentler sex"
20041220 Psychiatric nurse beheaded in French
double murder
20041219 Slimed moms team up to hunt down
deadbeat -
20041219 Net chat room set trap for deadly baby theft
20041219 Mystery car crash kills
2, baffles cops
GI jailed for gay sex murder
20041219 JUDGE DREAD
20041219 Dad united with kidnapped girl
20041219 Many New or Expectant Mothers Die
Violent Deaths
20041219 Indefinite Jailing
of 6 in Canada Tests Legal System
20041218 Kingston Police officer cleared of
20041218 Fantino
attacks gay deal
20041217 When wolves and shepherds
change cloaks
20041217 Family tell of anguish over murder
Teenage girls 'killed my son in burglary'
20041217 Baby found in Kansas might be missing girl
20041217 Woman admits strangling Missouri mom,
cutting baby out of womb
20041218 Children's $150,000 for trauma of lost
20041218 30 years on police beat -
20041216 Local landlord is crying foul -
20041216 Babysitter Cheryl Larsen cleared in
toddler’s death -Kingston
20041216 Defence suggests mother caused baby's
20041216 Winnipeg woman to be extradited
20041215 Jury doesn't buy Seaman's story
20041215 Girl Fights Deportation to
Stay With Dad
20041215 Woman gets two years for stabbing
man -Timmins
20041215 Welcome news for women -
20041215 Report links marriage to
better health
20041215 Porn star 'urged husband's death'
20041215 Ontario won't fight judge's ruling
mental illness
20041214 A common illness, not uncommonly
overlooked - post partum depression - female mental illness
20041214 A Boy for You, a Girl for
Me: Technology Allows Choice
20041213 Judy
Sgro speaks up on her file
Embattled Citizenship and Immigration Minister defends controversial decisions
20041213 'We shouldn't penalize people
who fall in love': says Sgro
20041213 Torched woman's family reeling from horrifying
20041213 Barrie
man charged with murder, kidnapping
20041213 Mom, 6-year-old found dead
20041213 Abused women’s shelters unhappy with McGuinty
20041213 Dad charged after child accidentally
ingests date rape drug
20041213 McGuinty government launches plan to
combat domestic violence
20041213 Boyfriend charged in slaying of ER
doctor -
20041212 Governor orders investigation into
Trevino case
20041211 Husband who fatally shot teacher remanded
in custody
20041211 Friend says man admitted to shaking
20041211 Comfy feet cost taxpayers plenty
20041211 Cop accused of having sex on cruiser
20041210 Judges' rights under scrutiny
20041210 Honest mother's $40,000 escapade
20041209 Israel Reviews
Fathers Custody Rights
20041209 'Chilling effect' of judge probe
20041207 Police: Woman hit teens after golf ball
struck car
2004120 Female interrogator 'highly
aggressive' at Guantanamo
20041207 Judge: ‘There is no child’
20041206 Mother who drowned baby
walks free
20041204 Police mull changes to sex
offender policy - Kingston Police
20041204 Dad has 10 kids at home
20041204 Son testifies that slain
father was known to be a 'wild, violent brawler'
20041204 Woman gets 76 days in prison for
drowning baby when she was 16
20041204 Police say teacher 'wed' 14-year-old
girl in pagan ritual
20041204 Hockey
league shaken by mom's zeal
20041204 Activist's Daughter Speaks Against Castro
- A story about a daughter missing her father
20041204 How the system failed
20041204 Mother faces 22 boy-sex charges
20041204 Mother stabbed husband, two
daughters, police say Ottawa Citizen
20041203 'Shelter' for Divorced
20041203 Sometimes life breaks your heart
20041203 Psychosis is not just `baby blues'
20041203 Mom did the killing: police
20041203 Police:
Woman killed husband, child
Detective said he wouldn't speculate on history of mental illness, post-partum
20041203 Abused men not taken seriously
20041203 Toronto police say mother
to blame for slaughter
20041203 Ontario
deadbeat parents face double jail time in new bill - CBC news
20041202 Slain man genial, honourable
Brian Langer, 47, remembered as business man and friend
20041202 Ontario law
targets deadbeat parents - National Post
20041202 Ontario will increase jail for deadbeat
20041202 Seaman case defies
textbook example of life in the suburbs -
20041202 Wrongful conviction
probed -
20041101 Husband 'tortured by
wife and lover'
20041129 New Study Links Stress and Aging
20041127 Martin backs Immigration Minister Judy Sgro
in face of stripper scandal
20041110 Many are bipolar but able to keep working
20041110 DNA frees inmate after 19 years
in jail
20041110 Top Quebec judge quietly sentenced for DUI
20041110 Mentally ill wait in jail for justice
to be done -
20041110 Group disgusted by teacher's sentence
20041110 Sex case teacher avoids jail
20041110 My profession guilty of sex discrimination:
judge -
20041109 Stressed workers cost health system extra
$6B a year -
20041109 Police push for more officers -
20041109 Time to dump dating and risk falling
in love
20041107 War cuts short daughter, dad's meeting
20041105 Woman Convicted of Killing Newborn
20041105 Court corrected 'great injustice' to
20041105 Bernardo film set for spring release
20041105 Canadian freedoms 'under threat'
20041105 Parents of caged boys dealt prison time
20041105 Teacher was 'victim' of teenage affair
20041105 Man who strangled wife gets increased sentence
20041104 Mother of slain tot seeks custody of
her other kids
20041104 Millhaven guards fear for safety:
Convicts ‘more and more violent
20041104 Halfway house can’t handle sadistic
offender: Lawyer -Kingston
20041104 911 caller badly hurt
20041104 Teen admits he shot sleeping mother
20041104 Police: Lawyer shoots lawyer
20041103 Police supervisor denies racial
link to Wills's action -
20041102 Babe in trash: mom charged
20041102 Hidden danger in men’s sex
20041102 Woman who dropped baby over B.C. suspension
bridge settles suit
20041102 PM faces new rebellion
on smacking -
20041102 The bitter
taste of vindication
20041101 High court weighs police, restraining
20041101 Heatherington skips court date
20041101 I hope he goes away
for a long time
20041101 Divorce Hardest on Kids
20041101 Talking Point: Father seeks
compensation for surname game - Unbalanced, biased legal system hurts the
children the most
20041101 Woman blames former male side for vicious
20041101 Client treated like 'Osama bin
Heatherington,' says lawyer
20041101 Alberta opens adoption
20041101 Dar could end up in jail
20041101 Hicks is on brink of insanity:
20041101 Provocation defence flawed: report
20041101 The horrors of Pitcairn must be confronted,
no matter how repellent, writes Barbara Biggs.
20041031 Hicks' defence lawyers go on offensive
20041031 Province fails to protect foreign nannies -
20041031 DNA testing frees California man after
10 years
20041031 Child Custody awards in Divorce
20041031 Jails on alert over Muslim converts
20041031 Supreme Court judge returns
home ready to face fallout over crash
20041030 Court sorry about witch deaths
20041030 Police: Family members killed in 2
20041030 Many employers, agencies abuse live-in work program -
20041030 How Canadians abuse their nannies
- immigration
20041030 U.S. law called a privacy threat
20041030 Tenants call for
20041030 "
20041030 Man 'commanded' to burn St Kilda
Pier - mental illness
20041030 How
Canadians abuse their nannies
2041029 Fathers arrested over conference
20041029 Girlfriend
accused of mutilation
20041029 Child care program could take time:
20041029 Murder label 'not right': Family
'He couldn't have done it'
20041029 Truscott case bounced back to appeals
20041029 Heat detectors don't infringe privacy: top
20041029 Town to officially pardon executed witches
200410 28 The Death of the
Bill of Rights in America (Part II)
20041028 Hard day at the office hard on memory
- Schizophrenia and Depression
20041028 Dad sues gov't for $6.3m in case of
claims B.C. 'negligent' for not putting his surname on his triplets' birth
20041028 Kidney donor jailed over child support
B.C. government refuses comment on father's birth certificate law suit
20041028 Coroner sparks hunt for missing child
after mother's three secret pregnancies
20041028 Police to decide mental
health treatment -
20041027 Actress
killed herself: coroner
20041027 Accused lawyer has solid rep among
Crowns, fellow pros
20041027 Groping cop's fate in limbo
20041027 Justice minister to announce Truscott decision
20041027 New
book labels Hall Truscott's champion NOTE:
20041027 `Hot flash' joke ignites MPPs
20041027 Divorce: can you
afford to split? UK
20042027 Top docs' baby death warning
- Co-sleeping linked to 70% of fatalities
20041027 Mom, daughter in suspected
20041027 Centretown horror - Ottawa
20041027 Uncaring father is outdated stereotype,
Gambling and others
20041027 Patricia Welch reveals why she left
her family for five days - Ottawa
20041026 Dallas judge throws party as she
sends man to prison for life for assaulting girlfriend
20041026 Bayridge principal studies case of extreme
20041026 Law professor founds 'HIV SWAT team'
- William Flanagan -
20041026 Stonechild report castigates Saskatoon
20041026 Man crashes burning truck into Ontario
Children's Aid building
20041026 "Children's Aid
office attacked"
20041026 Mental health wing to open Wednesday
- Pembroke
20041025 Does our justice system discriminate
against men?
20041025 Sword-wielding attacker gets six months in
jail -
20041024 Dragnet could be expanded
20041023 I'll fight fathers' rights as
elected MP
20041023 Men control
fertility unconsciously
20041022 The Death of the
Bill of Rights in America
20041022 Police union questions
criminologist's impartiality -
20041022 Martin planned to scrap Health Act,
join Iraq war
20041022 Accused terrorist fears trial
20041121 Size does matter when it comes to sperm
20041021 Supreme
Court rejects latest Zundel appeal - politically correct judicial abuse of
20041021 'Super-Hero' Fathers Guilty over Bridge
20041021 Spoiled children a violent threat
to mothers
209041020 Mother allegedly caught smothering baby
on video
20041020 McGuinty to announce 1,000 new police
20041020 Wife killer appeal bid rejected
20041020 'Career criminal' sorry for crash
that killed cop
20041020 Convicted ex-Mountie lecturing on
20041019 Equal access to children after a divorce
20041019 Suspect released on bail - Timmins
20041019 Veteran
earns dissenters' respect at 'teach-in'
20041018 Sleep woes tied to child's intelligence
20041018 Thousands 'married' in wedding scam
20041018 Troubled teen's dad feels let down
by system
20041017 Not just another pretty face -
Catherine Clark talks about her dad
20041017 Cruiser goes crunch -
20041016 Two Timmins teens die after taking pill
20041016 The childless professional
20041016 Life in fast lane leaves no time for children
20041016 In the wilderness with boys-only kindergarten
20041016 Quiet revolution of lost tribe of
20041016 Sex, lies and bad debts
20041015 Vancouver cops investigate bizarre scam
20041015 Unisex Bandit to learn fate of civil
suit today
20041015 Passerby saves woman from attacker
20041015 Retailers to block kids from violent
video games
20041015 Boy making up sex claims: Defence -
20041015 'I was in panic mode' -
20041014 Larsen ‘did a bad thing’: Crown -
20041014 Sleepwalker's sex in the city
20041013 Terror suspects jailed in Britain losing their
minds: psychiatrists
20041013 ROH patient leave too lax
20041013 Soldier in Iraq abuse photos has baby
20041013 Political unknown to head police union
20041013 Honey,
I think I lost the farm Wife hid notice of impending tax
sale But judge rules against township
20041013 No audiotapes, yet -IPPERWASH PROBE JUDGE
20041013 Boy stumbles on sex
20041013 Man arrested after waking from coma
20041013 Too much sex is barely enough for the
men who make it count
20041012 Gay men found to be ignoring AIDS risk
20041012 Toddler dies from head injuries -
20041012 Police charge mother
20041002 Body found near river -
20041012 Specialist Stresses Enjoyment And
Understanding of Reading
20041012 Pregnancy blues worsen with age
20041011 Sometimes it's just a job for the boys
20041011 Murderer to make
sixth appeal -
20041010 It's time to turn Fox News loose in
Canada's liberal hen-house
20041010 Film explores female bullying
20041010 The changing face of violence -
female terrorism
20041010 Speaking out: Tony Sewell on the high
percentage of absent black fathers
20041010 Candidates arrested at debate
20041010 Focus: How to survive divorce without
damaging our children fathers 4 justice
20041009 Invite TV's gay style gurus into your home
20041009 Legal Aid leaves lawyers in financial
dire straits
20041009 Childhood abuse link to heart
20041008 Heatherington appeals mischief
conviction, sentence
20041008 The daddy of all dilemmas
20041008 Local court may be down to last day
20041008 Child-support billboard contest draws wrath of dads, Domino's
20041009 Take a shed, add cluey old blokes, and
watch boys thrive
20041008 Students tackle laws based on
Islamic rules
20041008 Parents seek custody
law reform
20041008 Crown: ‘You never said … you
did not kill Brody' -
20041008 M Centre should be saved, not razed:
Judge -Kingston
20041007 Divided
court rejects death row DNA appeal
20041007 Death-row inmate freed after 17 years
Teachers strike over false sex allegation
Woman in Mercedes murder seeks new trial
Single mom murders twins, commits suicide
20041007 Silence over Afghan
women's rights - Silence over Canadian men's rights?
20041007 Man attacks own lawyer
20041007 9 months for arsonist
20041007 Larsen denies charges in babysitter
trial -
20041007 'Man tax' to pay
for abuse of women?
20041007 "Top judge backs tug-of-love dad"
20041006 Kids in pot grow-op house
20041006 Baby rescued from bad scene
20041006 Murder
suicide - Trail RCMP
20041006 Mom, twin daughters
dead in apparent murder-suicide
20041006 Pet dog kills
5-week-old infant
20041006 Candidate: No single,
pregnant teachers in classroom
20041006 Years of living
20041006 RCMP clears itself in 'terror cell' sweep
20040406 Cameras in primary schools?
20041006 Sweden debates hitting men with
domestic violence tax
20041006 Most Guantanamo prisoners to be
20041005 Willingdon
School law suit
20041005 Pregnant ignore medication risks
20041005 Mother of soldier killed in Iraq
THOUSANDS OF FATHERS in a similar fashion, they die of
"intense never ending grief" in various ways, heart attack, cancer,
you name it.
20041005 Caped crusader flies in for Ulster wedding.
20041005 House arrest for biting a cop
20041005 Sex is
a simple equation
20041005 Foes gear up for gay marriage debate
20041005 Tories offer
justice for fathers - fathers 4 justice news
20041005 grim picture of indifference
20041005 Court to review
same-sex law
20041005 Rape coalition
lobbies Grits
20041005 OPP officer told to quit
-- or else
20041005 'So proud to be Canadian' -
Accused teacher quits profession -
20041005 Body-checking injuries among children on the
20041005 New judges fill gaps in spectrum
20041005 Exposure to solvents affects unborn
20041005 Sharia law endangers
women, says Chatelaine's Sally Armstrong
20041005 Problems found with cop drug
storage - Ottawa Police
20041005 Duo join the Supremes
Dads Needed -
20041005 Butcher not guilty of
20041005 "Ballot measure appeal rejected"
20041005 Ladies' day at Supreme Court -
20041004 Cuts
unnecessary to deliver baby
20041004 Divorce Inequalities fathers
4 justice news
20041005 Pitcairn mayor treated girls like
20041005 Next stop romance on Greek love
20041004 Women's college students protest
admission of men -
20041004 Study: Birth season,
schizophrenia type linked
20041004 Smoking moms may boost babies' colic
20041004 CN Tower protest focuses on
anti-Muslim prejudice
20041004 Canada ignores violence
against aboriginal women: report
20041004 Protest over
treatment by CSIS
20041004 A mother's touch eases childhood stress
20041004 Five cleared over 'Santa'
20041004 Fathers' demo five
20040104 'Poetic justice' in date-rape drug case
20041004 Two new justices join court
20041004 New Judges appointed to the Supreme
20041004 Ottawa courts protest by fathers 4
justice Canada
20041004 Popular defence lawyer
benched -
20041004 Christianity in peril,
theologian warns
20041004 Latest justices sworn into Supreme
The election issue neither side
wants to tackle
20041004 It
was a clash of tooth and male
20041004 Call for single-sex psychiatric
20041004 Long
wait for warring parents
20041003 Protest
attacks terror detentions
20041003 Married ...but still
20041003 Public servants asked to
take polygraph - Ottawa
20041003 'The
kids can't function without their mother'
20041003 Mother confesses to sex with sons
20041003 Geldof: two parents are
20041003 Fighting fire with
20041003 Man, 78, on trial for Pitcairn rapes
20041003 Surprise as tug-of-love Manny flies
home to Italy
20041003 No sex please, we're in the air
20041003 Dad's plea: don't let doctors kill our
ill baby
20041003 Church community in shock over
porn charge
20041003 The turf, where the going's good for love
20041003 How undercover operation and its
95,000 leads unfolded
20041003 Political parties discover links
to charged men
20041003 Pedophiles use 'junk' theory to win
custody The Age Melbourne
200401003 Abbott to put shirt on political
20041003 Secret men's business
20041002 Cross-party
anger at platform attack - Fathers 4 Justice news
20041002 Four suicides in child porn case
20041002 Pair embroiled in custody nightmare
20041002 Remains
of missing Utah woman found in landfill
20041002 Heightening awareness on child abuse
20041002 Expert links animal abuse to
domestic violence - Kingston
20041002 Dalton! Dalton! He's our man: Mayor
20041002 T.O. cops hunt for missing
Ottawa man
20041002 Local eyed in porn bust
20041002 Early diagnosis the key
20041002 Family sues city worker who tried to
20041002 Bus driver to
court: 'It's a blur' -
20041002 He ain't Eddie, he's his brother --
Brian -Greenspan
20041001 Judge cites racial profiling by
police officers as grounds for acquitting drug suspect
20041001 Law moves at a snail's pace
20041001 Poetry
Fair Issue - fatherhood poems
20041001 Man who killed five, hid
bodies in mobile home gets life -
20041001 Court: Verdict stands, even
though juror was tanked on vodka -
20041001 RCMP should get
better training to deal with domestic abuse, says coroner's jury
20041001 Ontario government improves
access to justice for Ontarians
20041001 Wife jailed for sham marriage
20041001 Drug
problem denied -
20041001 CAS
dealing with more domestic violence cases - Hastings Belleville
20041001 Pregnancy test order
called dangerous step
20041001 Drug-bust
officer told to quit
20041001 Dalton kills Chief hopes -
20041001 Court-duty
pay robs budget -
20041001 Victims seek
right to sue foreign governments here
20041001 Bernardo theory doesn't carry the freight
20041001 It's raining
men, but interest from women has dried up
200401001 I am a victim of
an unjust system
20041001 Rights group says corruption rife in Halloran
sex case
20041001 Campaigning dads
stage quay protest - Fathers 4 Justice News
20041001 Royal Bank clerks asked to display rainbow
stickers to support gays, bisexuals
20040930 After third trial, jury convicts
Alberta Mountie of murder in jail shooting
20040930 Panel
calls for anti-child obesity effort
20040930 How one Canadian chemistry class paid more
than a quarter-million dollars for copies of a single textbook
20040930 Signs That
You Are A Non-Custodial Daddy
20040930 Holy goal! Catwoman pounces
- fathers 4 justice protest
20040830 Blackshirt chief stands firm
20040930 Mother
from Newcastle upon tyne - mother comments about fathers 4 justice protest
20040930 'This man flipped out'
20040930 Judge modifies publication ban
in B.C. assisted suicide trial
20040930 Hospital official says woman gunned down
by husband could have been protected
20040930 Judge
rebuked for encouraging lying
Unmarried fathers 'have no legal rights'
without custody file suit -
Democrat pick-up lines aren't working on women
"Murder rate plunges to 30-year low"
Thanks but
no spanks - Spanking children -
Unprecedented Fight Against Childhood Obesity
20040930 Supreme Court
refuses to hear Zundel appeal
20040930 Sex in jail
cell costs lawyer
20040930 Court told wife
OK'd his flings
20040930 No evidence
Bain ever met Bernardo: Crown
20040930 Police lax, Baltovich defence team says
Moms almost
always get to keep the kids
20040930 ‘Children’s law
change is a single parent’s charter’
20040930 Sex
harassment - now the men are victims
20040930 Blackshirt gets suspended
jail term
20040930 Home visits
the key to preventing child abuse
20040929 "Louisiana
Becomes the 35th State Sued for Constitutional Rights Violations"
20040929 Across
U.S., Non-Custodial Parents Sue
20040929 Crown rejects judicial
stay in Baltovich case
20040929 Crusaders jam
Pattullo traffic - Hal Legere - Fathers 4 Justice
20040929 'Boy Wonder' shuts down bridge -Hal
Legere Vancouver Fathers-4-Justice Canada
20040929 BRIEFS: Man found dead from gunshot
/Attempted abduction
20040929 Emotional testimony at
hospital shooting inquest - Vancouver
20040929 Lawyer testifies at hospital shooting
inquest -
20040929 Burns lawyer faces
suspension -
20040929 Crack cocaine huge problem in
Quinte West
20040929 'I am . . .
looking forward to the day I meet them'
20040928 Finding fault in divorce
- Calgary Herald
20040928 Experts stand by shaken baby theory in
babysitter trial - Kingston
20040927 Why public washrooms are the
ultimate male conspiracy -
20040926 Shelter from the storm -Lurana
offers a safe haven for women and their children escaping abusive relationships
20040925 Fathers 4 Justice -
Burnaby Robin scales Patullo Bridge CKWX.mp3
20040925 Man
Dressed As Super Hero Scales Bridge
20040925 Shaken baby syndrome disputed
- Kingston
20040925 Patulla Bridge Protest in
Vancouver BC
20040925 Father
4 Justice Takes Message Up Bridge
20040924 Custody dispute after fertility clinic
20040923 Collection
parameters tighten on Maintenance Enforcement program;
Response to Maintenance Enforcement measures;
20040917 The
Price of Sex -
20040917 Divorces
rise in older marriages
20040916 Copper
is a ratman fathers-4-justice
20040916 pics mission
20040916 Fathers 4 Justice body
plans Ulster campaign
20040915 Appeals hearing set for Harris -
Clara Harris
20040915 Growing up gay in Jamaica
20040915 Flour attack protester convicted
20040914 Maasai man in
Kenya reveals all
20040914 A
royal roost for 'Batman'
20040914 Working wives toil more than husbands
20040914 Baby dropped
out of car during police chase
20040914 Secret Photos 'Helped Plan Batman's
Palace Protest'
20040914 Two women, a man, and their baby
-Montreal Gazette
20040914 Fight for child now 3-way struggle
20040914 Father fights same-sex couple for
access to daughter
20040914 FACTBOX-Divorced fathers fight for more rights
20040914 Lesbian
couple gets first gay divorce
20040914 First gay divorce granted
20040914 Ranting, bragging he plotted
20040914 Palace
protester freed
20040914 Batman Storms Palace
20040913 Campaign staged on Palace balcony
20040913 With this ring
I thee wed - marriage-by-proxy
20040913 Batman
on Palace balcony
20040913 Arrest in brutal murder
20040913 Double shooting rocks town
20040913 Prince Charles backs fathers
20040913 'Batman' Protester Scales Royal Residence
20040913 Campaigner 'on Palace balcony'
20040913 A-G may be called at Hells Angels
20040912 Baroness' shock over flour attack
20040913 Coalition
of Parents Unite in Nationwide Class Action Challenges for Their Children
20040913 In a land of mates we want to
be alone
20040912 `It's okay. I won't hurt you' - Nicole
Regis - Tony Brookes
20040912 Two detectives shot and killed
in New York domestic violence call
20040912 Ill Bill was 'in denial'
20040912 A trained eye looks unkindly on
illicit lust
20040911 Record malpractice award
justified, appeal court rules - "We were first referred to a lawyer
who let it sit in a closet."
20040911 Justice for All - restorative
20040911 Heatherington gets house arrest
20040910 Natural birth no longer the norm in
20040910 Constable charged in hit-run
20040910 Proof love at first sight exists
20040910 Abducted boy, 7, located in Texas
20040909 Six Timmins residents arrested after Coke-Ring Dismantled as
well as Link to Servant Murder
20040908 Squatter faces shack attack
20040907 Russians rally
against terrorism as Beslan buries more victims of the siege
20040907 Report:
Man Shoots 5-Year-Old Daughter Over Custody Issue
20040906 State Of The Union: Women in combat
20040906 BenDedek Upsets
Canadians at Magic City fathers-4-justice
20040906 No crime stops perks in prison
20040906 Ass of a law means the rights of
rapists override those of their victims
20040906 Courts rebel on paid evidence
20040906 Hicks's lawyer questions timing of Govt
20040905 Cleric supports
targeting children
20040905 Hatred for No Good Reason, Mr. Heath?
20040905 Bryant Case Could
Chill Rape Reports
20040905 Gay marriage 'false,' Pope tells our envoy
20040905 The Flaherty
20040905 And baby makes me -fatherhood
20040905 Marilyn Bell's charmed life
20040905 Corrections denies `spa day' for killers
20040904 Pope urges Canada to stop approving gay
20040904 Beaupre
ordered to repay $2.7 million to scam victims -
20040904 Former mayor pleads innocent to
psychic charge
20040904 Moving Beyond Naming Names -rape
shield laws
20040904 Man accused of stalking with GPS
20040904 Two inmates found dead at prison
20040904 Mother turns in stabbing suspect
20040903 The Failure of Fatherhood Policy
20040903 Protesting father vows to fight
20040903 Lawyer calls for release of
‘explosive' Ipperwash tape
20040903 Svend Robinson headed back to
law career
20040903 When I do becomes you can't
20040903 Wanted: big brothers and sisters
20040903 Court system near collapse, warn
20040902 Women attack Turkey
adultery law
20040902 Officer says he feared for his
life - Kingston Police Ontario
20040902 Former judge pleads
guilty of DWI, cocaine
20040902 Experts: Soldier who tried to pass secrets
to al Qaeda mentally ill
20040902 Hubby of slain bride on the lam
20040902 Strict airport security pushes
1,000 out of jobs
20040902 When an insult is nothing more than even freer
20040902 Satellite tracking for criminals
20040902 Kobe Bryant rape case 'collapses'
20040901 Toronto police
officer jailed for drunken rampage
20040901 Bryant charge dismissed, accuser's lawyer
20040901 Fury at marriage age
200400901 Father failed by justice
20040901 Lotto cop dumped
20040901 Golden Kelly snubs
20040901 Battered wives
bill £23bn
20040901 More open
family court inevitable, says leading judge
20040901 Britain cracks down on petty
crime and sarcasm
20040901 U.S. Seeks to
Dismiss Terror Convictions
20040831 Psychotic
mice used to study disease
20040830 7 Myths
of Working Mothers
20040830 Spousal abuse is a two-way street
20040831 Man charged with stalking Avril
20040831 Man released on DNA evidence
20040831 Husband abuse erodes dignity
20040828 Portrait
of anger and abuse
20040828 T.O. gunman told hostage of chilling
20040828 Victim, 8, lacked lifejacket
20040828 Church sued over daughter's death
20040828 Thumbs up for 2 new judges
20040828 Casino glamour seduced lonely man
into $1m fraud
20040828 Fired chef tried to sue Bay for $3M
20040828 Washington spends
billions just to keep its secrets from the people
20040827 Man's
$2-million civil suit against cops quashed
20040827 Neighbours admire cool hostage
20040827 It was 'in his eyes' CO-WORKER:
20040827 Ottawa cop sentenced
Constable Sonny Wong has been sentenced to 90 days in custody for illegal
transfer of firearms and ammunition theft
20040827 RE: "Fill the Hill"
on Kid's Day, June 4, 2005 (NOT!) by Mark G. Hansel
20040827 Did jammed gun spare lives?
20040827 Of mice and menopause
20040827 The folly of the gun registry -
20040827 Woman in bizarre torture case jailed
20040926 Domestic violence plagues Russia
20040826 Supreme Court will not hear Fisher
20040826 Judges review sparks
20040826 New Rules of the game
20040826 A lot of blood' -woman shot at
by her estranged husband
20040826 Gunman shot by police sniper
20040826 Shooter's family left him, hid
20040826 Photog called a loner NO
PORNO EVIDENCE FOUND: COP "Fatino's arrest victim"
"0040826 Hicks's lawyers challenge
tribunal's authority
20040826 Breach of trust: lawyers struck
20040826 Accused lost her own baby at 12, court
20040825 Mother whose baby fell is hurting, court told Nadia
Hama - Kjeld Werbes
20040825 Only $7,000 raised for caged boys
20040825 Charron has focus, discipline, passion
20040825 Abella praised as champion of equality
20040825 Naming process draws fire
20040825 Tories blast 'sham' review of judges
20040825 Charge Laid in Girl's Death
20040825 Number of single-sex classes grows
20040825 Australian Held in
Cuba Pleads Innocent
20040825 Charron, Abella named to
top court
20040825 Toronto hostage standoff
ends after gunman shot
20040825 Lesbian will not pay child
20040825 Feminist Activist Judges -
20040825 March On Ottawa"
20040825 Stacking the court with
20040825 The 'justice' of a door ajar
20040825 Divorce - the word that dare
not speak its name in Liberal Party literature
20040825 Roast and a baby - couple's odd
shopping trip
20040825 Website spells end to teacher's 35-year
20040824 A Weekly Shot of News and Notes
-Toilet Training
20040824 Supreme
Court of Canada is a Political Toy - Real Women of
20040824 Two women nominated to fill top-court
20040824 No faces, no names as Hicks' trial begins
20040824 Guantanamo trials 'completely
20040824 Military limits Hicks
trial coverage
20040824 Ruddock hints US may release Hicks photo
20040824 US military justice on trial when Hicks
enters court
Check ears before you pick a fight, study advises
20040824 ‘Fragile’ crack
addict sentenced for gas station heists
20040923 The changing
face of marriage: Mixed unions
20040823 Charitable
donation gets businessman out of john record Interval house scoops $500 for
20040823 Police chiefs want more access to
private e-mail, Internet communication
20040823 Woman charged in mother's death
20040823 Federal parties strike
deal on overhauling Supreme Court nominations
20040823 Deal struck on how to judge judges
HK firm develops cyber girlfriend
20040823 Process Differs From U.S. Justice
20040823 Zero Calls, And One Cruel Answer
20040823 Injected
Contraceptive Raises STD Risk - Study
20040823 Fleeing van runs down constable
20040823 Coyotes drew man to Cecilia's remains
20040823 Olympic ode to bodies beautiful
20040823 Fantino helps with Ex arrest
20040823 Chief makes arrest after scuffle -
20040823 Five
thousand protest against Civil Unions Bill
20040822 Pervert on the loose in
20040822 Immigrant dreams become
nightmares -
20040822 Arrest in hunt for the park
20040822 MPs to vet top court choices
20040821 Wrongfully Convicted Calif.
Man Released
20040821 Organized crime growing in Canada:
20040821 Vernon, B.C., halfway house to
be bulldozed
20040821 State of confusion - he
said, he said - naked doctor
20010821 Blake: Wife was 'unfit'
20040821 'I need an aorta pronto' -
mentally ill - friend of the court
20040821 Mum tortured
son's 13-year-old mate
20040821 Hoax author's twisted tale
- Norma Khouri
20040820 Too suddenly last summer -
20040820 Tribunal
to rule if Crown policy is anti-male
20040820 Females win fight for political power
20040820 Yekaterinburg resident sentenced to six years
in prison - Canadian woman $3,000 fraud
20040820 Bankruptcy case
forces same-sex marriage fight
20040820 Wrongfully convicted man free
after 40 years behind bars
20040820 Beaupre
expected to plead guilty -
By Sue Yanagisawa
20040820 Alcoholism destroys family - Bellville
20040820 Man jailed for 41 offences
against family 40 year old charges result in 10 year jail sentence
20040820 Nothing but a cancer': Cop - conman
20040820 Delay in bail hearing for former Panther
20040820 Club fed' stirs anger
20040820 20040820 No plea from accused -
Cecilia Zhang
20040820 Caged boys appeal slated
20049820 Angry dads a
new political force
20040819 Quebec
judge quits over drunk-driving charge
20040819 Roger Allen charged with sexual
20040819 Shining a light on drunk drivers
20040819 Homework in kindergarten
a good idea
20040819 Mom
killer pleads guilty
20040819 Dramatic
testimony on Day 2 -
20040819 Prison the only place for pedophile, province to
argue -
20040819 Quebec judge quits after DUI charge
20040819 Coach wrongly branded as abuser
20040819 Abuser dad gets four years
20040818 A Family Law Gladiator Goes Down
Fighting in NJ - Wilbur Streett
20040818 Top court still shy two judges
20040818 Vigil
planned for baby Zachary
20040818 Nfld. woman must split windfall with
20040818 Mentally ill mum found not guilty
of killing son
20040818 Sex
please, we’re lawyers
20040818 More than 14,000 men have suicided since John
Howard came to office.
20040818 Girl's text message tells dad his lover
killing her
20040818 Fathers’ rights
group looks for support
20040818 British
singles have among most lax sexual morals
20040818 Teacher pleads guilty to sex with
20040818 Children oppose
physical discipline
20040818 Racism
still local problem - Visible minorities harassed in stores, restaurants
20040817 DV is
a social problem not a gender issue - domestic violence
20040817 The mentally ill need
support Pembroke
20040817 Man charged after home smashed up, woman
locked in bedroom -
20040817 Vicar dumped for girl,
20040817 Lawyer pans Tesco's £7.49 DIY divorce kit
20040817 Burton
pulls controversial child-custody legislation
20040817 Parents flounder over asthma care
20040817 Polygraph test carries no credence
20040817 Cop-killer Munro wants to come back -
Toronto Police Chief Julian Fantino shoots his mouth off
20040817 Convict's wife sentenced for harassment
20040817 Officer, Wallen face off
Disciplinary hearing elicits conflicting stories - Kingston Police
20040817 B.C. city enraged by halfway
house inmate crimes
20040817 Man charged in connection with rape of
11-year-old - Brian Edward Abrosimo
20040817 Tax bills should highlight
police costs - Ottawa Police
20040817 Missing wife didn't faze him
20040817 DNA used to nail 1991 rapist
20040817 'Tax audit' set up to stop cop?
20040817 Lawyers' 'dirty
little secret'
20040817 DADS CALL OFF COURT PROTEST - fathers-4-justice roof protest
20040817 CPS probes home after girl shot
Houston Chronicle
20040817 Did judge misjudge his farewell
20040817 Rich girls ready to clean up, study
20040817 Homeless man
committed for trial on manslaughter charge
20040817 Buffett to face mental health
tribunal - mentally ill killer
20040817 Teacher pleads guilty to
underage sex
20040816 Woman
in bail court for murder Kapuskasing
20040816 Bryant prosecution loses round on
sexual history - Three days of woman's sexual activity allowed
20040816 KGH opens unit for sex-assault victims -
20040816 Police want you to pay for their
wire taps
20040816 Lawyers can still show a li'l love
20040816 Research points to
cannabis-schizophrenia link
20040816 Knifeman's wife
saved by cop's fatal shot -
20040816 Death & madness
-mentally ill female who killed boyfriend -
20040816 Men remain stuck in cages of their own
20040816 Put sole parents to work, says Act
20040815 No 'no
sex please, we're lawyers' for Canadian Bar Association
20040815 Grit showdown on social issues
20040815 My boy is a
kill-games addict
20040815 Treatment of children
20040815 Stranger danger
warnings upgraded
20040815 Dad finds his
long-lost kids
20040815 Lawyers warn of drug case disasters
20040815 Sex Scandal Rocks
Montana Town
20040815 Equal Parenting - Divorce Magazine
20040815 I came to push some buttons: Stanson
Ex jail guard had car full of weapons Tells Star from prison he needs
20040815 Gay marriage ban could be
challenged: lawyer
20040815 Boys are parents, too
20040814 Woman tells of courthouse sex encounter
- Judge's accuser describes thong underwear, oral sex -
Defense mentions medication, shaved pubic area, rash "Evans is "a
predator," - Mr. Justice Kerry Evans -
20040814 Wilbur
Streett a well known father's advocate in
20040814 No halfway measures -
20040814 American facing 700 sex
charges Police say man met young
20040814 Police reveal details of
alleged pedophile
20040814 Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter quits justice
20040814 Activist resigns in judge dispute
20040814 Teens held in mom's murder
-bathtub murder
20040814 Paralegal jailed for sex attack Hugo
20040814 Beauty's behind bars - jailed for
breaking probation
20040814 India executes convicted rapist
20040814 Same-sex marriage ban 'a milestone
for values' ABC
20040813 Baby airway suction little value
20040813 Babies
sigh to reboot breathing: study
20040813 Hurricane Carter quits
advocacy group amid dispute over appointment of judge CP
20040813 Hurricane Carter quits
justice group
20040813 Prostate cancer testing quandary
20040813 Baby
sighs vital to regulate breathing, study finds ABC
20040813 Thoughts on the Law
Addressing Bad Federal Judges:
Self-Policing Isn't Working, But Is There a Good
20040813 No delay for Bryant's sexual assault trial
20040813 Moving
out of the traditional classroom
20040813 Over and out The
Morning Grind Over and out - Gov. James McGreevey
20040813 Virginia woman sent to jail for
smoking around her children
20040813 Court kills 4,000 gay marriages
- California
20040813 Watching the drunk girls die -
boozing barber
20040813 Squashed toe nets her $25Gs -
Ontario Superior Court
20040813 Fathers' rights group in election pledge
20040813 Media wants divorce files
open to public
20040812 Montrealer pleads guilty in immigration
20040812 Dutch sperm laws threaten
20040812 Peterson tells Frey he was lying -
Jury hears new taped phone calls
20040812 New
Jersey governor quits, comes out as gay
20040812 Bryant accuser's father blasts judge - Legal experts speculate accuser is planning to abandon criminal case
20040812 DNA clears sex offender after two decades in jail
20040182 California's top court voids same-sex
20040812 Dad abducts kids to Gaza
20040812 Serbian woman to leave Canada
20040814 Lori's anguished note
20040812 WOMEN
20040812 Court told of woman's threat to chop up boys
20040812 Be girly, live longer
20040812 Tumour diary: Getting to know junior
20040811 Heatherington eligible to
run in next election
20040811 Peterson jurors hear intimate calls
20040811 Former beauty queen arrested at
airport - Kalista Zackharias
20040811 Officials preparing to warn
students of potential danger in midst -Philip Foremsky -
20040811 Bryant prosecutor asks for delay in
rape trial
20040811 'Lori's dead and I killed her' -Hacking
20040811 Slay mystery in Hamilton
20040811 Disgusting' offer by Ottawa -
Stopford case
20040811 Beauty busted - Kalista
20040811 Magistrate faces jail -
20040810 Modern life
stretching family law
20040810 Better Homes and Ladies' Mags by Catherine Seipp
20040810 I am
woman, hear me whine
20040810 A Dog For Our Times -
20040810 A Complaint against Pierre Viger R.S.W. Ottawa C.A.S to The College of Social Workers and
Social Service Workers -
20040810 Feeling the Heat - Some Parents
Apply Hot Sauce to a Child's Tongue as Punishment. The Practice Has Some
Experts Burning
20040810 Don't
make it harder for police to do job [S.C.C.]
20040810 An ill-judged idea [S.C.C.]
20040810 FDA Study Confirms
Antidepressant Risks
20040810 Bryant accuser files civil lawsuit
20040810 Hacking appears in Utah courtroom
20040810 Can tolerant Canada tolerate sharia?
20040810 Ottawa man held in Syria returns home
20040810 Woman saved from crazed gunman
20040810 Gun battle stuns B.C. - Port
20040810 Search on for lawyer - Gary Corbiere
20040810 Police Report - Police
alert public of sex offender released in K-town - Philip Foremsky -
20040910 York rapist out of prison
20040810 Family wins therapy ruling - Justice
Paul Rouleau
20040810 DNA bank under attack
20040810 Japanese women shun the pill
20040810 Spurned lover stabs ex's new
20040810 Labor caucus affirms marriage position
20040810 Kidnapping rare despite the myriad
20040810 Married pair charged over baby theft
20040809 Albertan ordered to pay ex-wife $200 a
month for pet support
20040809 Alderwoman Dar Heatherington
resigns CP
20040809 Heatherington resigns from
20040809 Depression
20040809 Anti-depressant warning issued
20040809 Howard blames fathers UK
20040809 Man
dies hours after shot by police Taser
20040809 Druggie dies after
Taser zap by cops - Kingston Police claim cocaine caused death
20040809 Chat rooms risky: Survey -Toronto
20040809 Chief: Expand DNA
databank -
20040809 DNA database hailed after arrest - Toronto
Star - Chief Fantino wants legalized fishing expeditions-
20040809 Accused father appears in court -
20040809 Howard: Give absent
fathers bigger role
20040809 Sex offence law overhaul
-Victorian Law Reform
20040809 Anger pours out at rally backing
tougher sentencing
20040809 Mother's plea for stolen infant
- an example of society's bias
Why donor offspring need to know the truth
20040808 Northern Ireland's suicide tragedy
20040808 Survey: Online dating dangerous
20040808 'John
Doe' indictments keep cases open
20040807 Bank customers exposed to mysterious
20040807 Civilian cop probe urged -
Four councillors want Fantino case investigated
200400807 Fallen' Svend spared jail time
20040806 Missing girl's mom angry at cops
20040806 Robinson to avoid record, jail time
in ring theft
20040806 Yacht skipper 'tried to sink vessel'
- mental illness
20040806 Doctor found guilty over murder claims
- wrongly accusing a father of murdering his two sons
20040806 Inside the hunt for Ardeth's killer
20040806 Keep
courts here, says task force - Quinte West
20040806 Lucy
Lu faces renewed threat of expulsion
20040806 Drug offers hope for schizophrenia
20040806 Hubby told kin of killing -
Mental Illness
20040806 Chief's job is news to B.C.'s top
20040806 Robinson pleads guilty to theft -Toronto
20040806 Robinson pleads
guilty to theft charge
20040806 John Hirst: Dads
bear the burden of proof
20040806 Mom leaves Finck 5 bucks in will -
Child Abductors Larry Fink & Carline VandelElsen
Re Fink and VandElsen by Ian Tay
20040806 Police
Clash with Wife-Swappers - Muslim
sharia Islamic sect
20040805 Holy
mobiles! The bat phone's gone flat!
20040805 Judge recommends chemical
20040805 Optimists more likely to give birth to
20040805 Stouffville Mother writes about
perjury and anti-mail bias in family court.
20040805 Sad
tale of a Tigger - Jury acquits Disney `character'
Was accused of groping girl, 13
20040805 Police criticized over requests for information
20040805 Judge tackled race before
- Doherty approved jury bias queries
Sentence ruling shows `evolution'
20040805 Same-sex
marriage takes a hit - Missouri
200408705 Labor backs ban on gay marriage
20040805 Pushy dads lose popularity contest
20040805 Former lover wants to see freed
20040805 Soldier treated prison abuse 'as a
20040804 Divorce divides Morocco and W Sahara
20040804 Finck spoke of fleeing, hearing told
20040804 Mothers' flu link to
200400804 Muslims adopt
Shariah legal code in Canada
20040804 Outing the Feminist Great Lie
20040804 Tort Law 'to Make Law'
20040804 Florida judge pretends to resign on
20040804 Radio
interview of John Howard - Prime Minister of Australia
20040804 Can he/she
really say that? - an unusual intersection of
family law, free-speech issues, harassment, and defamation -
20040804 Iraqi abuse done for 'fun'
20040804 Wife slain in her sleep?
20040804 RCMP settles
sex-assault allegations
20040804 In Defense of 'Deadbeat' Dads
20040804 Teacher who had student's children to
be freed
20040804 Toddlers pushed into arms of an addict
20040803 Pregnancy depression
20040803 Letourneau getting out of prison
20040803 'Batman' crane protest
20040803 Appoint natives,
Permanent spot on top court proposed
Lawyers to debate issue in
20040803 Women face dilemma: Abuse or deportation?
20040803 US woman faces Iraq abuse charges
20040803 Husband of child killer files for
20040803 Toyboys snapped up
by older brides
20040803 Doomsday
cult wins federal cash -Australian -
20040803 Foetal flu link to schizophrenia
20040803 Lesbians get OK for donor
20040803 Guarded
answers - at what price - Analysis by Brad Clifton
20040803 Unionist support
for fathers group
20040802 'Catwoman' Joins Child Access Protest
20040802 Snoring solved with a tennis ball
20040802 Montreal man refuses to descend
from crane
20040802 $100,000 interview fee will go to
20040802 Guard will be charged with murder:
20040802 A marriage made in Sydney fails to
seduce city's gay couples
20040802 More sex assault cases heading for
closed courts
20040802 Police anger at guard's
$100,000 TV deal
20040801 Hormone 'makes mother
20040801 Mother of two, 48, slain in Oshawa
20040801 Crackdown on
'deadbeat dads'
20040801 Japanese princess admits mental
20040801 The day I shot dead a robber
20040801 Security guard to be charged with
20040801 Vatican
criticizes `lethal effects' of feminism
20040801 Modern feminism dangerous for
family: Vatican
20040731 Beauty queen now fugitive
20040831 Child abuse has eluded family
law reform
20040730 Women's Domestic Violence Peak
Fears an Increase in Domestic Murders
20040730 Proposed changes -Australian
Family Law
20040729 Fat
shoplifters on the rampage
20040729 Bryant defense: Accuser has received
20040729 Province wants to keep
father behind the 810 'gate'
20040729 THE
20040729 Family law changes to allow men
more access
20040728 Police: Award-winning teacher
kills baby, self
20040728 Activists hope for reforms - 3
20040728 Assault victim almost expelled -
20040728 Junkie cop 'fit for duty'
20040728 Teen in rape case spared deportation
20040927 A rifle cracks, a woman
is saved
20040827 TV quick to veto footage of
20040927 More horror is in what we
don't see - Sugston Anthony (Tony) Brookes
20040727 Should fathers have equal
20040727 Must you give up everything to fight
for custody?
20040727 Ј1m battle to see my son
20040727 Changes urged in probes of police
20040727 Mom in court, baby seized in fight
20040826 `There was no way out' - Psychiatrist
looks at gunman's mind `It was an act of desperation'
20040926 A
wife's terror as husband strikes
20040726 Cross-dressing protest switches gears
20040726 Ontario is 'taking away' my home
20040726 Body and soul: What has
happened to all the romance?
20040726 Does money buy you
happiness? No, it's the other way round
20040725 'Wild woman' Love
20040725 Cheating Charles taken to
20040724 Girl missing 3 years
found in B.C.
20040724 Fidelity detector makes house calls Warning
re: John McClinton aka Polygraph Expert
20040724 Pockets off limits to cops UNLESS
20040724 Court allows native adoption
20040724 Dad dresses to clothes
20040723 Paul Watson Meets With
Tony Blair
20040723 TV show competition to father child
20040723 Too young for technology?
20040724 Sperm donor must pay
child support
20040724 Study investigates gay net users
20040723 Ottawa wants to cut
definition of spouse from Divorce Act
20040723 At 33,
he's a two-time Supreme Court winner U.S.S.C
20040723 Maternal stress link to kids'
20040723 Dads vow to keep up fight
20040723 Judge tosses 4-year-old fraud charges
20040723 Japan suicides hit record Overall,
men accounted for almost three-quarters of suicides
20040723 Police can't 'fish' for
evidence: top court
20040723 Accused man's
rights imperilled, experts say
20040723 Income not the only factor in saving for
children's education
20040723 Chief Catney's
comments spark a storm of criticism
Disregarded presumption of innocence, lawyers say
20040723 Chief 'over the line'T.0. LAWYER
20040723 Police can't 'fish' for evidence,
Supreme Court rules
20040722 DIVORCE
AS REVOLUTION By Professor Stephen Baskerville, Ph.D.
20040722 Convicted murderer Andrea Yates
20040722 Parents to face fines for refusing
20040721 Russian Woman Defrauds Suitor of
$5,000 via Online Marriage Agency
20040721 Equal access for divorced parents
ruled out
20040721 New antidepressants 'no riskier'
20040721 Regina's sexual assault doctor
20040721 Equal parenting rights
20040721 Children removed from home of
missing Regina girl
20040721 Now it's divorce, same-sex style
20040720 City hires lawyer to get rid of alderwoman
20040720 New lawyer had late calling
-58 year old former nursing administrator graduates from Western
20040720 Natives end
custody battle
20040720 Warring parents could face
20040720 Divorce reforms reject
'shared parenting'
20040720 'Doing our bit for
Anglo-German relations'
20040720 Thailand's 'Swiss village'
20040720 Mother jailed for killing son, 3
20040720 30 years for woman who killed son
20040718 Where Have All The Fathers Gone?
20040718 Revenge of the wronged wives:
20040718 Estranged fathers to get more access
to children
20040717 Plans for fairer parental
20040717 'Fathers Condemn 'McDad' Green Paper'
20040717 Ron's
gentle touch wins babes, players -Bricklayer turns midwife
20040717 Law society urged to
`clear the air' Cheating probe held in near secret
20040717 Branded as terrorist threat, men languish in Toronto jail
20040717 Damaged
for life by too much TV
20040717 Children thrive without the box
20040717 Like a
virgin: why Rosie sold herself
20040716 Music
lessons cause faster rise in children's IQ: study
20040716 Child cyclists lack ability
to judge traffic
20040716 Kingston Lawyer John T. Zuber wins his appeal before Justice Denis Power for removing
20040715 Man Is Declared Dead, Thanks to His
20040715 Robinson's Scottish trip defended
20040715 Hijack
jet man insane - suffering paranoid schizophrenia
20040715 Demented drivers a growing hazard
20040715 Girl who drowned in tub was autistic, friend says
20040715 Former nun guilty of molesting
20040715 Mom's sex fling gets admitted killer new
20040715 'Planned to kill as many as
20040714 Vets 'should help fight child abuse'
20040714 Cops
probing death of girl in bathtub
Police treat drowning of Toronto child as
20040714 Mom: I'll sue Peel CAS over pervert
20040714 Beneath the Parlour divorce hype
20040714 "Dig Those Crazy Judges: The Wit
and Wisdom of Britain's Secret Family Court
20040714 Threat to benefits a marriage
20040714 $300,000 for Dads in Distress -
20040714 New dads tired
of having to stay mum
20040713 Child porn judge spared jail term
20040713 Town in shock over family tragedy
- Triple Murder-Suicide
20040713 Peel child agency hit by $8M suit
20040713 Hijack bid was second attempt, court
20040713 Researcher Hides Domestic
Violence Study Behind University Lawyers
20040712 Moms seek reforms in family
court system - parental alienation syndrome
20040712 The fat doesn’t fall far from the tree
20040712 Tories
backing shared parenting
20040711 British
ministers consider father's rights
20040711 Judge quits for being in contempt of
20040711 Why 'dads army' is stepping up the
20040711 Call for 'fairer' child
custody BBC
20040711 Standoff mom appeals
for public inquiry - Carline VandenElsen, her husband Larry Finck
20040711 Equal custody for 'weekend dads'
20040711 Divorced fathers to get better child
access rights
20040711 Fathers in
Minster Rooftop Protest
20040711 Fathers yearn for more
20040711 Equal parenting makes for benefits
all round
20040711 Lawyer gets $1.5m for bank's
sex harassment
20040711 Think of the children -
custody patterns after separation
20040710 Warnings ignored, dad says
20040710 Outside activities draw singles
20040710 Ministers
to Tackle 'Gender Bias' over Child Custody Rights
20040610 73 Year old punter
teaches government lawyers about natural justice
20040710 Love pact
shackles wealthy widow - pre-nuptial
20040709 Angry fathers plan St Paul's protest
20040709 ‘Sneaking thieves in the night’ - Larry Finck and Carline VandenElsen
20040709 Woman freed on bail -
VandenElsen Fink
20040709 Crown: Finck pulled trigger -VandenElsen
20040709 Judge orders psychiatric test for man
in baby-custody case - Fink -Carline VandenElsen
20040709 Former
jail guard wins lawsuit against RCMP
20040709 US Supreme Court:
Noncustodial parents have no rights a court need respect
20040609 Angry Dads arrested as Court
20040709 Angry fathers plan St Paul's protest
20040709 Canadians answer
sperm call
20040709 Divorce ruling outcry
20040709 Ex-wife's ground-breaking
20040708 Student-Father-Prisoner-Free
Jailed for murder
he didn't commit
20040708 Parent-child contact and post
separation parenting arrangements
20040708 Halifax couple demand trial in foreign country Fink -Carline VandenElsen
20040708 Parents on run
with son after court ruling
20040708 Svend Robinson to plead guilty:
20040708 Fetus has no rights, European court
20040708 'Tories plan to
revolutionise Family Law' Fathers-4-justice UK
20040708 Court roof duo
battle for access -Fathers-4-Justice Worcester UK
20040707 Fathers
rights before gay rights
20040707 Bail hearing offers details of Halifax
standoff - Carline VandenElsen
20040707 Fathers stage court
roof protest Fathers-4-Justice Worcester
20040707 Prostate
Test Scores Offer Powerful Warning, Study Shows -
Washington Post
20040706 Beauty
guilty of sham kidnap
20040706 Baby-killing Canada no land of compassion
20040706 Doctor Pleads Guilty to Killing Her
20040706 Jones to handle VandenElsen
20040706 Guilty Plea for Stacy DeBeer - (warning
disturbing case)
20040706 Wiretap expert charged
20040706 Fake kidnap nets curfew -Toronto Sun
20040706 Curfew for mom who
faked her own assault - Toronto Star
20040706 Father faces fourth court access
order Wales Fathers4Justice (F4J)
20040706 Disbarment urged over sexual harassment- Gary Neinstein
20040706 Family violence draws lighter sentences - Toronto Star
20040706 Rep. urges veto of bill to jail
`Deadbeat Parents'
20040706 Father faces fourth court
access order Fathers4Justice (F4J) Cardiff
20040705 New study shows child
support guidelines in need of reform
20040705 'We Could Bring Ulster To A Halt'
20040605 Judge rating to be published,
despite opposition
20040705 Girls of 14 who want babies seek IVF treatment
20040704 Why young men are popping Viagra to give
themselves a lift - Ottawa Citizen
20040704 Missing girl found safe - Megane
20040704 Police locate missing Quebec girl
20040703 Judge switches custody to father (F4J - UK)
20040704 Re Judges switches custody to father
F4JNE Matt
20040702 Custody order is 'vital victory'
20040701 New Family
Justice Panel Launched (U.K.)
20040701Could your kids be given to 'gay'
parents? By Stephen Baskerville
20040630 ONTARIO
20040630 Va. Woman
Acquitted In Death Of Husband - Washington Post
20040630 New
law opens up Family Court -New Zealand
20040630 More than
dirty looks Teacher accused of sex with 14-year-old pupil
20040630 Dar faked plot - Judge
Alderman guilty of public mischief
20040630 Alberta alderwoman made up
stalker story - judge Toronto Star
20040630 Divorced Dads' White-Hot Sense of
20040629 INDEPTH:
20040629 Alberta alderwoman told to stay away from council
after conviction
20040629 Dar Heatherington found guilty
20040629 Judge rules Heatherington
fabricated stalker - Globe and Mail
20040629 The folly of a law that puts children
last; by Deborah Orr
20040628 Man released on bail after 18 years -Rodney Cain
story -CBC News
20040628 Court
Rules Police Double-Questioning Technique Is Improper - Washington Post
20040628 Heatherington case comes to a
20040628 Russian men are not ready to abandon
their dominant roles over wo
20040628 Russian men are not ready to abandon
their dominant roles over women
20040627 Mobiles
'could cut male fertility' BBC
20040627 Policing the police bent on making a
buck - The Age Australia
20040626 Pre-schooling
shoots pupils to top of class
20040626 High cost of a cheaper law option -
20040626 Cool head leaps into legal hot seat
20040625 Judge upholds
teacher's sex indictment
20040625 When equal
custody is law, who gains?
20040624 When equal custody is
law, who gains?
20040624 Convict's mother warns Brampton
'He will kill': Man who aspires to be Bernardo will live in Peel Region: police
National Post - - Mental Illness-
Fathers in Court on Tower Bridge Protest Charge
20040624 Shooting spree averted, police say - mental illness -
Globe and Mail mental illness
20040623 New Warning
Urged On Antidepressants
20040623 Survey: Men's
marital hopes and fears CNN
20040623 Inmate not guilty of weapons charges, top
court rules
20040623 Lawyers finish sex-life debate - woman
accusing Kobe Bryant
20040623 Feminists manipulate
government to demonise men in domestic violence advertising campaign.
20040623 Mom killer: Cops - KIDS DROWNED IN TUB
mental illness
20040623 Lawyer blasts Kelly deal -GUILTY PLEAS
Star's series called an 'attack' on
police Toronto Star
IVF babies
want more info - TangledWebs - Narelle Grech - Michael Linden -
Myfanwy Walker -Victorian Law Reform Commission
20040622 MP Svend Robinson
has been charged with theft over $5,000
mental illness?
20040622 NDP MP Robinson charged with theft Globe
and Mail
20040622 Iacobucci reflects on own Supreme
Court trials Globe and Mail
20040622 Iacobucci, a 'giant' of a judge, retires
20040622 Two-year
itch infects marriages
20040621 Estranged Happenings - Fathers4Justice Ireland
20040621 The pain of seperation -Fathers4Justice
20040621 Fathers Campaign Group Stage
Court Protests
20040621 Wife, husband dead in west-end
incident NEPEAN OTTAWA mental illness?
20040620 Courts, not legislatures, limit freedoms
under out Charter: Lorne Gunter Edmonton Journal
20040620 (U.S.) Courts see moms as
guilty till proven innocent
20040620 Schneeberger takes a pass on parole
Faith lost in
police complaints system, board told Number of
complainants `falling off,' lawyers' group says
20040617 Language lessons: You’re smarter than you
think - (see anger management)
2000617 Are fathers getting a raw deal?
20040617 Dads play a vital role in family
20040616 Fathers group targets Brum -
fathers4justice recruiting new members.
20040615 Lawyer no stranger to controversy,
backrooms -
Peter Shoniker
20040615 Fathers Are Capable Too Annual Picnic on June
20, 2004
20040615 Man applauds estranged wife's jail
sentence Aus
20040615 Stepmom sentenced in 'savage'
killing CP Perkel
20040615 15 years for stepmom Sam Pazzaon
Toronto Sun
Farah Khan's stepmother gets life term Toronto Star
20050615 Top lawyer
held in police sting
20040615 Visitation Rights Are Becoming
20040615 Hulls considers
lawyer-client sex ban Aus
20040614 Thousands affected by mast
sabotage - Attack Denied by Fathers 4 Justice
20040614 Mom tells cops: I killed my kids
mental illness
20040614 Press Release: Fathers Leader warns
of 'militants' after TV Disruption
20040614 Is marriage worth it? VOX DAY
20040613 N.S. man granted new trial relives
shooting -Rodney Cain Story -CNEWS
20040613 Time to bring on the judicial circus
20040613 Row over Kidman's film romp with
Police probe television blackout - not sanctioned says fathers for justice
20040613 Sex lecturer tells of girl's crush
20040613 Girl pleads guilty in father's
murder, will testify
20040611 Adam Daifallah and John Turley-Ewart
2004 06 11 Proponents insist
laws are misunderstood
20040611 Trial by TV'
expert stands by murder claims
2004 06 12 Ex-wife of lotto winner was 'duped'
2004 06 12 Women can be abusive
20040612 Women join fathers fight
20040610 Porn charges can ruin innocent lives
Heatherington faces pressure to resign
20040609 Liberal senator Anne Cools fed
up with PM, crosses floor - seeks changes to Family Court
20040608 INDEPTH:
20040608 Liberal
senator goes Conservative
20040608 New
Unconstitutional Laws Forthcoming in Saskatchewan
20040607 Halifax standoff
couple urged to retain lawyer - Larry Finck and Carline VandenElsen
20040605 Gay cop rips city
20040605 What
were women doing in Abu Ghraib? Kathleen Parker
2004 06 05 Dads in loyalty campaign for Family Law
20040604 Eric Bouchard faces criminal charge of
parental abduction
20040603 Has child care
finally become the nation's business?
20040601 Former B.C. judge imprisoned
for seven years
2004 06 01 War is no place for our gender
equality myths
20040531 Gay Raid Cop ‘Hated, Feared’
20040531 Families
And The State - Correcting The Balance
20040526 Fathers 'have key role with
children' after families split UK
20040526 Father mounts cinema roof protest
(Fathers-4-Jjustice UK)
20040525 Fathers the key
to child behaviour -Manchester Online - Fathers 4 Justice
20040525 N.Z. Child Support Debt Passes $795 Million
20040523 Let's bring suicide out of the
20040523 My post natal depression
20040521 Women don't throw rocks at men
20040520 MI5 in Commons security review
20040520 Two charged on Blair flour attack
20040521 Friendly' divorce
movement gains ground
20040521 'Friendly'
divorce movement gains ground -Christian Science Monitor
20040519 'Dads army' steps up fight for
rights Fathers-4-Justice (F4J) UK
20040514 Top court rejects Schneeberger's appeal
20040513 Teens not seduced by cash, says PM New Zealand
20040512 Mountie sues Ottawa police over arrest
in domestic dispute
20040508 Abuse Initiative
20040507 So, how’s Mom doing? -
(abusive mothers - depression)?
Heatherington found in Las Vegas
20040507 Heatherington
leaves Las Vegas
Heatherington known to Lethbridge police
Special Report Thelma
and Louise in Iraq
20040506 "Feds should enshrine
shared parenting"
20040506 Abu Ghraib Prisoner Abuse and American
20040504 Risk of divorce declines over time:
20040503 Confession from Mother Charged in Son's
20040503 A legal
boost for noncustodial parents
20040428 Judge's 'misuse'
of power pompts inquiry
200427 Profiles of candidates for
top court kept secret
20040423 Negative drug research
20040420 Dumping the rule of law
20040419 Birth rate falls to historic low
Globe and Mail
20040419 Judge heading inquiry will
resign from copyright post:
20040417 Dance school, center must co-exist: judge
Ontario Superior Court Justice Colin McKinnon
20040417 Five rules to get a
20040414 Top court open to
case-choice bias, study says
20040411 Avoid legal system
When possible
20040406 Timmins
Police Officer Faces Criminal Charges Constable Fortin
20040406 Outraged fathers
who made me think again - The Times - MARILYN STOWE
20040405 “Denying
father loses mother custody rights”
20040404 Judges form Canada's 'new
20040404 Judges say bigger role merits
big pay hike
20040402 Child access for Dads to be debated
20040402 'Law Fails love splits dads' The
Sun UK
20040402 Judge backs angry fathers over
contact with children The Guardian
20040402 Justice fails fathers, says judge
-Justice Munby - The Times
20040402 Legal system is failing fathers, says judge - Justice Munby U.K.
20040401 Courts 'fail fathers' says judge BBC UK
20040331 25 rules for ideal
20040330 Jailing
Fathers Who Can't Afford Braces
20040319 Former refugee board judge
charged in alleged fraud
20040308 International
Women's Day: Legally doomed
20040225 Police Search for Motive in Teen's Murder
- Donna Anderson killed son
20040207 Former prosecutor in Morin case
appointed to bench - The Dishonourable Susan MacLean
APPOINTMENTS New Judges To Preside In
20040206 Suddenly, boy-bashing is all the rage
for teenage girls
20040130 Do love and marriage
really go together anymore?
20040130 Spanking upheld by Supreme Court
20040130 Canadian Court: Spanking Kids OK
20040130 Steve Osborne says judges get
Secret Training
20040128 Fathers are not out of fashion
20040121 Suzi Leather: 'It's the relationship's quality
that counts, not people's sex'
20040104 Advocates
want rules to be clear
20040101 Barbie’s still not for boys
20040118 Accused claims judges
receive 'secret training'
20040317 "Political
patronage and bias need to be swept away..."
20040314 Stephen Harper re shared
parenting and Divorce
20040307 Fathers are 'ignored', says
study BBC
20040203 Fathers' group promises
further protests - Fathers 4 Justice bridge protest
200312 Fathers’ Day - Peter
Cornakovic citizen’s arrest of Justice Terrance O’Connor in Burlington
20031226 Charles backs fathers
20031218 Custody protest earns man libel charge
20031216 A penetrating criticism of unbridled
judicial activism
20031204 Equality before the law
There's no place for parallel legal systems in Canada
20031125 Doctor
convicted of sexual assault faces deportation
20031110 Women overlooking short men
20031103 How the internet is killing
real relationships
20031030 A woman's case for the transparent -
sperm donors
20031020 Female Viagra
found in woman's cleaning closet
20030925 Levelling with our daughters about 'billable' hours
2003 09 15 Identify judges in
complaints: watchdog
20030908 Heatherington
pleads not guilty to mischief
20030729 Inside A 'Batterers
Program' for 'Abused' Women - Women Violating Women
20030629 Police brutality comes full circle
20030616 Heatherington speaks
out on disappearance
20030611 Lethbridge
alderwoman faces new charges
20040529 Attacks On Father's Groups By Feminist Orgs
To Be Funded By Canadian Feds
20030520 Heatherington gets
deal from U.S. prosecutor
20030507 Adopting
the parent trap - Tasmania
20030507 Australia rated great for mothers - even
if their numbers are declinining
20030507 Advice for the marrying mother - ditch your
20030328 Estranged parents don't have rights
says Martin Cauchon
20030323 Justice isn't
just blind -The Suicide Factor
20030215 Father fights for
son’s health records
Non-custodial parents barred from CHR data
20031127 Martha Steward's Juiced-up
20031119 Canada's
ambitious court becoming too meddlesome: Judicial arrogance border on
REVIEW: jurist
20021224 Child support laws discriminate
against fathers, Montreal lawsuit claims
2002 12 15 Is the wrong man behind bars?
20021125 Violence prompts closer look at plight of divorced
20021125 Batterers by Charles
E. Corry, Ph.D.
20021118 Dads are 'dying' -Suicide note is a grim
reminder that our family laws are flawed
20020905 "Double standard in abuse
cases: Study"
20030903 Cases of wrongful conviction a Canada-wide phenomenon
20020827 Postnatal
depression 'missed by doctors'
20020826 Ottawa: Family Law Specialist
Speaks Out on Proposed Amendments to the Divorce Act
20040627 Clearing the fumes -Rosie
Rowbotham -National Post
20020627 Dont cross the cops
FREE SPEECH / Kyle Rae loses libel case, city pays up
20020626 Angry father tried to arrest
20020624 Test for post natal
20020212 Anti-depressant advice
20020415 Legal Bloodletting - Maintenance
Enforcement Programs are ruining too many lives
20020101 Contemporary Family
20021123 $70,000 paternity
fraud ruling sets precedent - Australia
Avoiding court is best defense Dave Brown Ottawa Citizen
Prison is Alive and Well
20001221We need protection from the
protectors Dave Brown
20000205 Another deadbeat slips the net -re Marvin
Davids -Toronto Star
20011205 Burying the ghosts of a violent past -
The Kevin Kinsella Story
20010818 Best Interests of the Child –
Reflections on Clayton
Schizophrenia 'linked to lack of sun'
20010716 Minister has let bureaucrats take over Justice, critics
20010630 Why mothers kill their babies
20010621 Why Dads
Matter - Glen Sheriton Ottawa
20000522 Most divorcees try again, study finds
20010217 End Gender Profiling in Family
20001104 No Man's Land -
by Mary Cleary of Amen Ireland
20010210 "She liked his nervousness" Dave Brown
20001018 Denis J. Power of Ottawa is appointed a judge of the Superior Court of Justice in Ottawa.
20001001 Reluctant father, now 85, wins damages - Judge orders housekeeper to pay $6,700 in profoundly unusual' case
20000409 The Hurricane Meets Mumia
20000401 Suicide may speed divorce reform
-Darrin White Story
20000320 Mothers
'suffer post-traumatic stress'
19991127 Sask. doctor sentenced for rape
2009 Experiments in
The Fatherless Family
200812 'It's so sad, it's so sad' Dr.
Suzanne Killinger-Johnson - mental illness
19990701 Madam Justice Southin not known to back
04 And justice for none Family court
in Ottawa is getting a face-lift but
the deep scars in the system may be too hard to erase By Lynne Cohen
19990312 Student wants to start Men's Centre
March Parental Alienation Syndrome:
How to Detect It and What to Do About It
19990213 Girls just wanna have fun
19990212 Schizophrenia linked to pregnancy problems
19981118 Schizophrenia link to Caesareans
Special Joint Committee on Access and Custody Ottawa hearing
Deadbeat judges worse than greedy lawyers Ottawa Citizen
19980202 Deadbeat judges worse than
greedy lawyers
19980128 Proceedings of the Standing Senate - Karen
Selick "Bias against fathers in local court"
1998 Women's shelters under veil of
secrecy Ottawa Citizen Dave Brown
19980100 RCMP Spousal Abuse training
19970928 Feminist
Legal Theory
19960807 New Times, New Fathers
19960410 Priest fights C.A.S.
over abuse of power that put him through hell